
Sept 2012

Texcel Olympic Challenge Results  



Katlin, Olympic Challenge Winner
Katlin Orvuali receives her Olympic prize from
Andy McLeod 


Texcel Olympic goodies
The Olympic Prize




Jemma Grimes, Customer Service, Texcel Technology
Jemma Grimes, Customer Service


We are delighted to announce that the winners of our recent Olympic Challenge are Katlin Orvuali and Gary Spencer. 

They both win a set of Olympic goodies - bound to become collector's pieces in the years to come!   

Getting To Know You
You may have recently been speaking to Jemma,
(pictured below) part of our Customer Service Team.

As part of our continued investment in facilities, equipment and staff, Jemma is producing at-a-glance information packs on all of our customers.


This came about during our last general meeting where everyone in the company takes an hour or so out to discuss how things are going and what we need to focus on for the coming 3 months.  


Our staff wanted to know about our customers - their products, what they do, where they are used and how Texcel's work fits into our customers overall schemes.   That's where Jemma comes in.  She's taken this valuable task on, which is why she may have contacted you.  


Better informed staff makes for a better service to our customers.        



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