Nov 2011

A Power Team, Making Power Supplies That Last


Texcel,Powerstax DSC_1015[1]small
Expertise combined, Powerstax & Texcel

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More about Texcel


Never a company to rest on its laurels, Texcel continues to expand its range of specialist power supply services.  These include form and fit replacements for  Kingshill Power units, as well as new designs for specific customer requirements.


We have a crack production team who work hard to ensure that every product supplied not only meets the highest standards, it also meets the exacting needs of our customers.  Show them some of the older Kingshill products and they rub their hands in glee.  But hey, our team love a challenge!


To achieve the required customer support levels Texcel work closely with their power partner Powerstax - the fastest growing specialist power supply company in the UK.


Together this dream team is able to evaluate what the customer requires and if a standard or special version power solution is needed. The Texcel/ Powerstax team is able to answer any of your questions relating to linear and switch-mode power solutions.


Contact me about Powerstax!


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