

June 2010
Meet the Texcel Team

Graham Tilsed
 Production Director

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Gold Route Card

Meet Graham Tisdell.  We call him our 'ideas man'.  


Graham introduced our unique Gold Route Card.   It's a clever little idea.


Texcel provides a New Product Introduction (NPIs) and Prototype electronic assembly service as part of our total service offering to customers. We also have some customers who up-issue and change their products on a regular basis.


For every order received we generate a works order.  This includes a route that shows how the batch will be processed through our production floor, including what process, tests and inspections take place.


That's where Graham comes in.  His idea was that for NPIs and prototypes we have a special route card printed on gold paper that has additional inspection test and reporting actions.   This would include a final review after manufacture by our engineering department and a manufacturing report on the board by our production engineering department. And so the Gold Route Card was born.


Our customers tell us they are delighted with the manufacturing reports and increased speed in delivery. 


Something we don't tell Graham too often or we would never be able to get him out of the building at the end of the day.