From the Editor's Desk
Welcome to the June issue of The Halon Herald!
In this issue, we have exciting news from DuPont about the FM200 allocation. We also have quite a bit of news from NAFED, including a message from their new president.
Check out the profile on Vince DePalma and the Best of the Web piece as well!
As always, please feel free to direct to me any questions, comments or suggestions as they are always welcome!
- Kari
DuPont Lifts FM200 Allocation
From: Al Thorton, Global Market Manager, Fire Extinguishants
June 1, 2012 DuPont is very excited to announce that they are officially lifting the product allocation for FM-200. Due to strong global demand, FM-200 has been on allocation since late 2010 and they want to thank all of their customers, distributors and end users for their continued support through last year's FM-200 supply situation.
The amount of FM-200 they expect to provide to the market in 2012 is great than historical levels as global market demand continues to grow.
Click here to read more about it.
State Department Hosts Montreal Protocol Stakeholders Meeting
June 22, 2012 HALON ALTERNATIVES RESEARCH CORPORATION TO: MEMBERS FROM: TOM CORTINA SUBJECT: MONTREAL PROTOCOL STAKEHOLDERS MEETING On June 20, the State Department and EPA held a Montreal Protocol stakeholders meeting to discuss with industry key issues for the Open-end Working Group (OEWG) meeting that will be held in Bangkok from July 23-27. All of the details can be read about here.
Keeping Up With: Vince DePalma |
Jerry Goforth, Vince DePalma, Sandy Korkuch, Tom McLean
Name: Vince DePalma
DePalma at Lake Chelan
Position: Profit Center Manager, Westfire
Years in Fire Suppression Business: 10
Location: Seattle, Washington
College Attended: Bucknell
Family Status: Married with three children
Most Memorable Moment in Fire Protection: Installing a large (32 Bottle) FM200 system at Enron and getting paid just before they filed for bankruptcy.
To read the entire article, click here.
NAFED Corner
June 2012
Ken May
Message from President Ken May
Transitions and Strategic Alliances
By Ken May
It is my privilege and honor to introduce myself as president of the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors for the next two-year term. Over the past ten years, I have served NAFED as a regional director, treasurer, executive committee member, and conference chair. I have been a fire equipment distributor for over thirty years and am currently general manager of the Cleveland/Akron, Ohio, operation of the Silco Fire Protection Company.
During my prior service I had the privilege to work with past presidents Rick Malady, John Gioseffi, Larry Angle, Darrell Hefley, and most recently the immediate past president, Clayton Norred. These gentlemen have set the bar quite high, but it is my endeavor to meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of the presidency.
To read the message in its entirety, click here.
Board of Directors Election
By Norb Makowka
On Wednesday, May 9, our board of directors met for the association's annual meeting. The annual meeting of the board also marks the end of term for a portion of the board members. In accordance with our bylaws, regional directors and directors-at-large serve a three-year term. Immediately following the annual conference, the newly elected board members and officers start their three-year term. Unfortunately this means that those board members whose term has expired will be leaving the board. This year the terms expired for Diane Pein, region one director; Larry Angle, region five director; Robin Ruch, region seven director; and Ed Hugill, director-at-large. I wish to personally thank these individuals for all of their hard work and dedication to NAFED and the industry. They all gave freely of their time and knowledge to keep NAFED the premier association that it is.
Remember that every year we are looking for candidates to run for election to the board of directors. If you are interested, please let a board member or staff member know so we can tell you which positions will be available next year and what procedures are required to run.
News from the States: Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Virginia and Washington
In the fall of 2012, Florida's state fire marshal promulgated new rules for fire equipment dealers and permittees to clarify the 2010 statutory changes for continuing education. The new requirement is for sixteen hours of continuing education every two years, coinciding with the license and permit renewal period, for all license and permit holders. Of the sixteen total hours, a minimum of fourteen must be technical content. For license holders the other two hours must be a minimum of one hour business practices and one hour workers compensation. For permit holders the other two hours must be a minimum of one hour business practices and one hour workplace safety. The Florida Fire Equipment Dealers Association (FFEDA) developed training seminars to fulfill these new requirements and provided training for over one hundred license and permit holders in the last quarter of 2011.
Read the rest of the Florida news, as well as the news from other states, here.
©2012 National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, Firewatch! magazine June 2012. Reprinted with permission.
FSSA Corner | 
FSSA, Orr Mourns passing of Randy Lee Hardman (1955-2012)
FSSA regrets to inform you of the passing of Randall (Randy) Lee Hardman on June 18, 2012 after a long and courageous battle with Leukemia. He is survived by his loving wife, Eileen; his sons, Kyle and Clark and his wife, Valerie; his daughter Kelli, her husband, Paul, and their son and Randy's only grandson, Cameron. He also leaves behind his mother, Judy; his siblings, Robert, Rhonda, Roxanne and Ric and their spouses and children. Randy was preceded in death by his father, Leonard Verl. Randall, known to his family and friends as Randy, was born in Whittier, CA, September 6, 1955, to Leonard Verl and Judith Lee Hardman. He was the eldest son of five children and grew up with a love for wrestling and scouting. He loved watching his children play sports and could always be found sitting in the bleachers or volunteering at their numerous games and activities. He was an avid golfer, fanatic football fan and NASCAR enthusiast. He loved music and enjoyed staying up to speed with the latest in technology and electronics. Randy made friends easily and valued his relationships. Randy enjoyed a career in the fire protection industry that spanned 36 years. In 1979, Randy joined California Suppression Systems where he worked first as a sales person and then as Vice President of Sales and Marketing. He became a vital part of the ORR Protection Systems leadership team and was promoted to Vice President, Western Region in 2011. Throughout his battle with cancer, he was always so hopeful. At a time he could have been down, he uplifted those around him; that was Randy. His courage and positive outlook reminded his loved ones and those lucky enough to know him about the preciousness of life. He was, and is, an inspiration. The family sends a special thanks to the City of Hope. A memorial service took place on Wednesday, June 27, at 10:00am in the Chapel at the Pacific View Memorial Park in Corona Del Mar. Link to the obituary
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the City of Hope or to Give Hope; Give Blood.
Pictures From the 2012 FFEDA and NFPA Conferences |
NFPA Conference
FFEDA Conference
The 2012 Florida Fire Equipment Distributors Association (FFEDA) Conference was held at the beautiful Doral Golf Resort in Doral, FL. The NFPA 2012 was held at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV. Wesco exhibited at both conferences. There were good turnouts and Wesco enjoyed attending. We look forward to next year's annual conferences! Click here to see more exclusive photos from the conferences.
Did You Know? |
- There are over 1 million Halotron hand portable fire extinguishers in service. Click here to see more information on Halotron from the June 2012 HARC meeting.
Best of the Web |
June 15, 2012 FM-200 Discharge Saves Comms Room
Fire was prevented at a Scottish Borders company by a suppression system which put it out automatically when smoke detectors were activated.
The manager of the call centre in question thanked installers Automatic Protection Limited (APL), wondering "who knows what the damage would have been" otherwise.
The FM200 fire suppression system discharged into the company's main communication room and APL said that without it, the fire could have been "disastrous".
To read the whole article, click here. |
Most Popular Stories from May 2012 |
These are the stories in our last issue that got the most clicks. If you haven't already, check them out!
If you have any questions, comments, would like to be featured in a future Halon Herald, or would like to be added to our mailing list for this newsletter, please contact Kari Buser at kbuser@ushalonbank.com. WESCO HMB 1.800.433.1751 www.ushalonbank.com OUR BLOG