From the Editor's Desk
Welcome to the November issue of The Halon Herald!
This issue is chock full of industry news, state association news and also news from Wesco.
We are also including the results from the poll that we had in September's issue so be sure to check that out too.
Be sure to read our special feature where we highlight two well informed views about the impact and use of HFCs.
We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I know that we are thankful to have each of you as a regular reader of the Halon Herald.
As always, please feel free to direct to me any questions, comments or suggestions as they are always welcome!
- Kari
Special Feature: DuPont and 3M on Clean Agents and the Environment
|  Recently on a Linkedn site, Mark Robin, a well respected chemist for Dupont, replied to an article that ran in Asia Pacific Fire Magazine, 25 October 2011, entitled "Skipping to Second Generation of Fire Suppression Agents" This article was written by Kurt Werner, a respected environmental manager with 3M. You can read the full version of the article as well as Mark's rebuttal here.
Industry News: UTC to Acquire Goodrich, Boeing Delivers First 787 Dreamliner, European F-Gas Regulation |
United Technologies Corp. agreed to buy aircraft-components maker Goodrich Corp. for $16.4 billion in cash, the company's biggest-ever acquisition and a signature deal for Chief Executive Louis Chênevert.
The acquisition will strengthen United Technologies' exposure to the commercial aviation business at a time when the industry's order books are full, and it fulfills Mr. Chênevert's desire to find a deal big enough to add measurably to a company that expects $58 billion in revenue this year.
Click here to read the full article.
Boeing's much-anticipated 787 carried its first passengers Wednesday on a four-hour-plus flight filled with cheers, picture-taking and swapping of aviation stories.
Click here to read the full article. Also be sure to check out the video showing the inside of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
EU Regulators Leave FM200/227 Alone - For Now The European Commission issued the attached report that reviews of the application, effects and adequacy of the F-Gas Regulation. \The report draws from the results of an analytical study.
The report concludes that the EU should take further action to reduce emissions of F-gases beyond the existing regulation and presents the following options: - gradually declining limits on the quantity of F-gases placed on the EU market
- use and marketing prohibitions for new equipment and products (bans)
- voluntary environmental agreements
The report does not present specific options for the fire protection sector. As previously reported, the analytical study proposes a voluntary agreement leading to a ban on the use of HFC-23 in fire protection.
Click here to read the whole story.
State Association News: NJAFED Holds Successful Golf Tournament, GASFED Holds Annual Meeting, CALSAFE Holds Annual Meeting |
NJAFED Holds 6th Annual Golf Tournament - Supports Troops with $10,000 Donation!
The NJAFED 6th Annual Golf Outing was a huge success as 108 golfers hit the links on September 12th at Beacon Hill Country Club. Surprisingly, even with the economy in the shape that it is in, this was the association's most successful golf outing since its inception 6 years ago. With help from our sponsors and supporters, NJAFED raised just under $17,000.00. Of that, $10,000.00 was donated to Home for Our Troops. The balance of the proceeds will be used to disseminate information, education, training and knowledge to the public, as well as to improve the overall technical competency of our members.
You can see a few more photos from the event here.
WESCO Attends GASFSED and CALSAFE Annual Meetings
Wesco was in attendance at the GASFSED and CALSAFE annual meetings recently. Here is one of the pictures taken at the CALSAFE meeting. You can view the rest of the photos on our blog!

The Coalition for Responsible Fire Protection - Its Second Year
 As the Coalition for Responsible Fire Protection enters its second official year, new questions, issues, and trends continue to arise. The Coalition was formed out of a long process of open forum and debate; the underlying goal is to apply models of environmental responsibility to the field of fire protection. While this remains a noble cause, our members also consider this issue to be a strategic business decision as we consider the vast emerging green construction markets and how we can best meet the needs of green companies. Click here to read the whole article.
Halon Extinguisher Saves 393 aboard Air Berlin Flight |  An Air Berlin Airbus A330-300, registration D-AERQ performing flight AB-2050 from Dusseldorf (Germany) to Tenerife Sur Reina Sofia,CI (Spain) with 383 passengers and 11 crew, was in the initial climb out of Dusseldorf when a flight attendant noticed open flames at a lamp near the door 2R. Cabin crew discharged a fire extinguisher and managed to put the fire out. The flight crew levelled off at 6000 feet and returned to Dusseldorf for a safe landing about 13 minutes after departure.
Click here to read the full article. |
Poll results! |
Here are the results from the poll that was featured in September's issue: 
News from Wesco |
Another Proud (New) American Wesco's Staff Accountant, Gabby Corrochano, had a special event in her life last month. Her grandmother, Leonor Rivera, at 77 years of age, became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Born in Peru on July 1, 1934 in a small city that is 2 hours away from Lima, and the youngest of eight children, she married at age fifteen and relocated to the capital. She had three children: Enrique, Luis and Martha. At age 37, she developed a condition that left her permanently disabled. Her sons moved to the United States seeking a better future. Martha followed her brothers after the death of her father, leaving Leonor and Gabriela behind. Three years went by before Leonor could join her children but she finally did, looking forward to a new beginning. She has adapted to most American traditions and enjoys celebrating Easter and Thanksgiving. She is proud to have grandchildren who are first generation college graduates and American soldiers. Having lived in America for over a decade and having enjoyed all that this country has offered her and her family, she wanted to take on another venture. Leonor became a citizen of the United States of America on October 11, 2011, proving that is never too late to live the American Dream. Wesco's Diego Amador marries Nancy Catherine Sullivan
Diego Amador, one of Wesco's halon recovery technicians was married on October 1, 2011 to Nancy Catherine Sullivan at The Rosewood in Edison, NJ. He and his new wife then celebrated their honeymoon at Sandals Whitehouse in Jamaica. Nancy works in the editing claims department of PHX, a medical insurance coverage company. Congratulations to you both!
Most Popular Stories from September 2011 |
These are the stories in our last issue that got the most clicks. If you haven't already, check them out!
If you have any questions, comments, would like to be featured in a future Halon Herald, or would like to be added to our mailing list for this newsletter, please contact Kari Buser at kbuser@ushalonbank.com. WESCO HMB 1.800.433.1751 www.ushalonbank.com OUR BLOG  