T h e H a l o n H e r a l d

From the Editor's Desk | Hello again, hope you enjoyed July's issue! This month, our newsletter is filled with great articles and information including an important Wesco announcement (the introduction to our Quality W-227) as well as John's popular column.
It is also a very special treat to read about our Vice President Dan Dempsey, who likes to play it low around here, but it is vital to the success of our company. So don't forget to read his long awaited biography!
Lastly, we have included all local state association conference dates (that we know of). Will you be attending any?
Until next time, -L.Hayes
The Air Up There: HTOC Speaks! Will the MOP Listen?
| We've written on more than once occasion of the international regulatory impediments of trading in recycled halons. Last month we re-ran a column originally published last year titled "In Search of Balance" in which we explained why halon cylinders will sit rusting in junkyards while in other parts o the world companies cannot find enough halon to meet their needs.
Our contention is that with the worlds halon factories effectively shut down, and with strong international regulations prohibiting the use of newly produced halons, the remaining world stocks (90,000 metric tons of halon 1211 and 50,000 metric tons of halon 1301) should be relatively free to move from those who no longer need it to those who do.
ODS Projects Enter the Carbon Market: A Near-Term Solution to Climate Change |
By Jill Abelson & Joe Madden
Last October, on the eve of the Copenhagen talks, Richard Levangie pointed out that climate change isn't only about carbon dioxide. Doing more to reduce non-CO2 climate change contributors, Levangie reported, "might head global warming off at the pass," citing Nobel Laureate Dr.Mario Molina and co-authors of a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PNAS). Calls for near-term action on non-CO2 greenhouse pollutants as a way to slow down climate change have steadily increased since then. Read more...
Pakistan Committed to Laying Off Ozone Depleting Substances
Pakistan is fully committed to its international obligations towards protecting the earth and its fragile atmosphere, said Federal Minister for Environment Hameed Ullah Jan Afridi on Friday.
He expressed these views while addressing an international seminar "Phase out and Impact of Ozone Depleting Substances and Energy efficiency in Defense Applications" at a hotel in Bhurban. Ministry of Environment Ozone Cell with the active support of United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).
Afridi said after adopting appropriate policy measures Pakistan was making all out efforts to achieve its target for phasing out the use of Ozone Depleting Substances and conversion of concerned industries into Ozone friendly technology. Read More...
Detecting and Suppressing Vehicle Fires
| Passenger-carrying vehicle fires can put lives at risk, cost the vehicle owner a great deal of money, and jeopardize the company's ability to continue to provide the service to which it may be contractually committed. Nick Grant of Firetrace International, examines the contribution that targeted, risk-specific fire detection and suppression can play in improving vehicle fire safety.
According to the US Department of Homeland Security NFIRS and NFPA, mechanical and electrical failures or malfunctions account for around 75 percent of on-highway vehicle fires. In something like 60 percent of the cares, the most common suite for an outbreak is in or around the engine compartment, the running gear or wheel areas. These are, therefore, the areas most in need of detection and suppression. Read more...
FAA Meeting: 6th Triennial international Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference!
| The Sixth Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference will be held at the Tropicana Hotel-Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, US, October 25-28,2010.
The conference was established to inform the international aviation community about recent, ongoing, and planned research in transport category airplane fire and cabin safety. This year's conference theme is "Learn from the past, research for the future" with an opening session featuring presentations from several of the sponsoring aviation authorities. To learn more about sponsors, what session topics will be covered as well as free registration information, please click here.
Fall/Winter 2010 Local State Association Meeting and Conference Dates
(California Association of Life Safety and Fire Equipment) Annual Meeting October 1st-2nd PAFED (Pennsylvania Association of Fiore Equipment
Distributors) Fall Conference October 21st-22nd FFEDA (Florida Fire Equipment Dealers Association) Board Meeting and Educational Seminar November 5th - 7th NJAFED (New Jersey Association of Fire Equipment
Distributors) 5th Annual
Golf Outing September 13th GAFSED (Georgia Association of Fire Safety Equipment
Dealers) Annual Conference,
Training Seminars & Trade Show October 7th - 9th |
Getting to Know Dan!
| Hi, I am Daniel Dempsey. As Vice President, Operations, I have been
with Wesco for over 18 years and am responsible for financial and operational
areas of the company. I was previously
employed for 10 years with fire extinguisher manufacturer RC industries; initially
as a traffic manager, then Production Planning Manager and finally the
Operations Manager. Prior to, I worked for General Foods for 10 years at their NY
region distribution center. There I started
as Warehouseman and moved up to Production Scheduler, to Foreman, to Warehouse
Supervisor and finally Traffic Manager.
I went to school for Engineering at Lafayette
College and my start began at General Motors on the assembly line as a Welder
in the auto body assembly area. In my spare time I enjoy being involved with
youth sports programs in town, coaching recreational and travel teams in
softball, soccer and basketball. But most importantly, I enjoy just spending
quality time with my family.
Wesco Announces their trusted W-227 (HFC-227ea)
| Quality tested, not once, not twice, but three times!
Introducing W-227 (HFC-227ea), a proven, accepted and reliable fire suppression chemical from a fire suppression chemical supplier with over 25 years of experience - Wesco!
Before it leaves Wesco's factory, each batch of W-227 is tested three times to ensure that when it reaches you and your customer, it exceeds both NFPA 2001 and ASTM standards. Wesco understands how important quality is in the special hazard fire protection business. Can you afford to do b usiness with a supplier who doesn't?
Did You Know? Halon 1301 & Halon 1211
Did you know that there is enough Halon 1301 and Halon 1211 left in the world to fulfill the needs of the commercial aviation industry for 275 years?

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