T h e H a l o n H e r a l d

From the Editor's Desk | Hi readers! Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend, we sure did with heat wave temperatures that still haven't dropped off! Much more importantly than the weather, I would like to announce that the first International Halon Herald, was released this week! It includes all types of information that we thought would appeal to our customers all over the world! Please let us know if you would be interested in receiving the IHH as well as this one.
We managed to pack a lot of articles into the 5th edition of our new and improved Halon Herald (can you believe this is already the fifth?) They range from our ever so popular article series by John (a throwback this month) to a guest article by Ed Hugill, the NAFED Director-At-Large. Plus a lot of informative literature. Enjoy.
The Future of the Independently Owned Fire Equipment Distributor
| By: Ed Hugill
This article is targeted toward owners (entrepreneurs) of independently owned fire equipment companies all across the country. I write this article drawing on thirty-one total years of experience in this distribution industry. The breakdown of this service includes ten years in the automotive aftermarket, eight years in the heavy duty truck parts aftermarket, and the last thirteen years in the fire protection industry. Read More...
The Air Up There:
In Search of Balance
Everyone, it seems, is looking for balance in life. A Google search of the phrase "Balance Life" turned up 18,500,000 hits, about half as much as "Sex Life", a clear indication of how important this subject is to all of us. So we weren't surprised when we learned that the Halon Technical Options Committee has take up the problem of "Regional Imbalances" of halons in the world. In fact, we were downright giddy since this is exactly what we recommended HTOC do in a prior column.
We'd like to help HTOC cut to the chase. Regional imbalances are caused by regional regulations. Nothing more! There is a shortage of Halon 1211 in the United States and in Europe. Why? U.S tax code places an import tax on halon 1211 of nearly $45 per pound. We doubt that the IRS has ever collected a penny of tax for imported halon 1211 since the tax alone is almost four times higher than the current market price! Read more...
Dupont Launches FM-200 Customer Protection Program in the Middle East
DuPont announced the launch of FM-200 Falcon Customer Protection Program designed to help protect FM-200 customers in the Middle East region. The Falcon Customer Protection Program is a 20 years warranty program for DuPont customers and it is currently available in Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
"We are very delighted to announce the Falcon Customer program as it solidifies the position of FM-200 as the agent of choice in the region." said Mohammed Shehabi, the Regional Manager-Middle East. Read More...
E.U. Begins to Revise Halon Critical Users List
| In
May the EC. issued a draft regulation covering the critical uses of Halons
within the E.U.
of the revisions included states "The Review has also shown that, with few
exceptions, halons are no longer necessary to meet fire protection needs
in new designs of equipment and new facilities and that alternatives are now
routinely being installed. However, halon extinguishers and fire protection
systems continue to be necessary in some equipment that is, or will be,
produced to existing designs."
To view the entire document, please click here.
Fike Releases New Literature on Clean Agent with Impulse Technology
| Fike is proud to announce the release of their latest fire suppression literature piece, Clean Agent with Impulse Valve Technology. This brochure describes all the benefits of our ECARO-25 and DuPont FM-200 fire suppression systems, in one convenient piece. In addition, this brochure highlights Fike's newest innovation in fire suppression technology, the Impulse Valve.
To view the new literature, click here.
Positive Outcome from the Halon Awareness Raising Project-Sierra Leone
| UNDP supports the Government of Sierra Leone to ensure continued zero consumption of Halon through nation-wide sensitization and awareness campaigns. The Montreal Protocol of 1987 identified Halon as one of many compounds requiring limitations of use and production (as it is an ozone depleting substance) and an amendment to the original Protocol resulted in the halting of Halon production on January 1, 1994. There is strong evidence to suggest that sensitization and public awareness campaigns undertaken by both the Ozone Unit and the National Fire Force have immense impact on the reduction of halon consumption in Sierra Leone. To read more about project objectives and outcomes please, click here. |
And We're Supposed to be Modest? Wesco-Disaster Recovery
| Regular readers of the Halon Herald know that it is our
policy not to identify customers for whom we've done work, unless of course we
ask and they grant permission. This is a matter of privacy and courtesy which
we will always adhere. Nevertheless, we are proud of our work and our employees
who make it happen. Maybe that's why our customer list, from all different
parts of the country, keeps growing.
The last two weeks saw 4 emergency refills performed
involving three different agents (Halon 1301, HFC227 and Novec 1230) with the
average distance of 250 miles from our facility. Each case was "mission
critical" and each case was successfully completed and returned to our
distributor within 24 hours (one was done in 4).
One of our customers from the emergency refills complimented
again Wesco comes through for us, Please thank everyone involved." Just
another reason why more fire equipment distributors are coming to Wesco for
their Clean Agent Service needs.
To view Wesco's services, please click here.
Getting to Know Mark
| As Operations Supervisor, my responsibilities include but are not
limited to rebuilding and troubleshooting of fire suppression cylinders
and production equipment. I also help assist with general warehouse
duties and technical support within the day to day operations. I am
coming up on my 3rd year at Wesco and am looking forward to many more. I
came to here with 12 years experience in the H.V.A.C field where I was a
mechanic and lead technician which consisted of; installation,
fabrication, service and maintenance of heating ventilation and air
conditioning equipment.
Read more about Mark...
Did You Know? 3M's Novec 1230 Q&A
People who are new to the story of 3M Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid understandably have questions about the product's outstanding environmental, safety and performance characteristics. Here 3M has compiled a list of answers to their most frequently asked questions. Click Here to view the Q&A |

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