T h e H a l o n H e r a l d

From the Editor's Desk |
We are proud to introduce our new and improved monthly email newsletter, The Halon Herald. We publish The Halon Herald every month, and send it out to our clients, customers, colleagues, and friends. It's packed full of important industry news, pictures, press releases, trivia, and some articles to relieve the monotony of a long workday. Enjoy.
Industry News:
Fire Protection Industry Consolidation and What it Means for Distributors |
What has changed in the fire protection industry over the last ten years and what should your company be doing about it? Read on to get the facts and gather tips on how to best position your business. Read more..
The Air Up There:
How to Kill the Market for Clean Agent Fire Suppression |
By John Demeter
Recently, Tyco Fire Suppression and Building Products gave wide distribution to a paper entitled, "HFC's in Fire Protection Systems: An Invisible and Unnecessary Climate Threat" by George Dyer. Even if you didn't read the paper (which you can by clicking here) the title gives you some hint of the author's predisposition. He doesn't like HFC's. Though he doesn't mention trade names, because he deals with fire protection, we suspect he means FM-200 and FE-25. And while he deals specifically with clean agents used in fire systems (total flood), we suspect that he would not like the streaming agents FE-36 and Halotron as well. Read more.. |
Association Highlights:
Record Breaking Attendance at FSSA & NAFED
The FSSA Annual Meeting in Camelback, AZ and NAFED's Sectional Conference in Las Vegas, NV appeared to be record breaking with attendance through the roof! Our very own John Demeter, was elected the Vice Chair of the Manufacturers Division on the FSSA Board of Directors. Entertaining, Funny, and Clever, The Suppressionettes made their debut appearance at FSSA singing their rendition of "Heat Wave." ( click here to see a video of the performance!) NAFED invited John Demeter to speak at all three of their conferences. His presentation, The Future of Clean Agent Fire Suppression, can be found here. If you missed it in Las Vegas, be sure to catch him present it again in Atlantic City, NJ (April 8th-9th) and in St.Louis, MO (May 6th-7th) for the remaining two NAFED shows. And last but not least, the winner of Wesco's ITouch raffle is (drum roll please) Michael Fease of Taylor Brothers Fire & Safety! |
FAA Meeting: 6th Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Conference
Online registration is now open for the Sixth Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Conference. There is no registration fee to attend this year's conference. The spring Systems WG meeting will be hosted by the U.K Civil Aviation Authority, May 18-19, 2010. Please note that May 18th, 2010 will be held at CAA House ion London. May 19th, 2010 will be held at CAA Aviation House in Gatwick, West Susex. For meeting details, maps, directions, and meeting registration, click here. |
Introducing the Deparment of Defense: ODS Reserve
The ODS Reserve provides the DoD the capability to recover and centrally receive, reclaim, store and issue ODS. To enhance the recycling effort and better facilitate the Services, the ODS Reserve has established overseas collection points at DLA distribution depots at Germeersheim, Germany, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and Yosuka, Japan. The recovery and reclamation process will continue for the life expectancy of the weapons systems being supported, which will be well into the 21st Century. To see the new ad click here. |
Wesco Revamps Website & Introduces Social Media |
Late last year, Wesco started technologically fresh, with a new, cleaner website that has simple navigation which will lead you to our products and services, industry guidelines, and constant refreshing news that is linked directly to our blog. Speaking of blogs, that is brand new also, with an accompanying Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, Wesco is settling in nicely with constant updates to the Industry through the Internet and Social Media. To see what all the buzz is about, please feel free to click on all of the below links for direct access and let us know what you think!
Did You Know?
Badger Fire Protection:A Terrific Organization |
Did you know that Badger Fire Protection, a UTC Fire and Security company, was once owned by Figgie International, a publicly traded company owned in part by Harry E. Figgie, Jr? Then it was called Figgie Fire Protection Systems. Prior to renaming the company after himself, the company was called ATO, also a name given by Mr. Figgie. When asked by financial reporters what ATO stood for, Harry responded, "A Terrific Organization." | |
If you have any questions, comments, or would like to be featured in a future Halon Herald, please contact Lyndsey Hayes at lhayes@ushalonbank.com. WESCO 1.800.433.1751 www.ushalonbank.com |
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