News & Announcements
Inspiring minds, Empowering dreams!
Re-Enroll Today!!
Most of our families have already re-enrolled and we thank you so much for turning in your contacts. In order to reach our next goal of 85%, we are asking that those who have not re-enrolled do so right away. If we reach this goal we will have our re-enrollment carnival celebration on Thursday, April 19th. We will celebrate with bounce houses, music, popcorn, and jumbo slides for students to enjoy!
Black Belt 
Meghana & Sanjana K. have earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Congratulations Girls!
Save Your BOX TOPS - One More Date!
How to earn cash for our school:
Clip Box Tops - Find Box Tops on hundreds of products. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to our school.
Send Box Tops to School - Turn in your Box Tops. Our school will collect the Box Tops and send them to the Box Tops for Education.
Our School Earns Cash - Twice a year, Box Tops will send our school a check worth 10 cents for each Box Top redeemed, up to $20,000.
Collections Date:
Friday, May 25th
Edgewood Parent Association News
Next Meeting: Monday, April 16th at 8:30 am
Special Guest: Jonathan Dunn, Fairmont Prep College Counselor
Mr. Jonathan Dunn will share his expertise and answer your questions about high school and college.
Highlights Include:
* What you may not realize about junior high * What every parent should know about high school * What your high school counselor should do for your student * What is important when choosing a college * How to prepare for college
NOTE: Mr. Dunn will also give this presentation on April 24 at 6:30pm
Parent Association Nomination Worksheet is due back today, April 6th.
Please return it to the front office drop box.
Fun Run: Friday, May 11th
Fun Run Pledge Sheet
Parent Survey
You should have received an email with the annual Fairmont Parent Survey. Your feedback is valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to provide it to us. This year we are raffling off a $1,000.00 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year. One winner will be drawn from each campus and all survey participants will be eligible!
1st-8th Grade