| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
March 12 - 16 |
ReEnrollment Hot Dog Celebration Lunch
News & Announcements

Bollywood Dancers
Maddie, Alyssa, and Ankita performed a bollywood dance on Thursday, March 15th for both second grade classes. Everyone enjoyed seeing this unique style of dance. The girls did a fantastic job!
Save Your BOX TOPS - Two More Dates!
How to earn cash for our school:
Clip Box Tops - Find Box Tops on hundreds of products. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to our school.
Send Box Tops to School - Turn in your Box Tops. Our school will collect the Box Tops and send them to the Box Tops for Education.
Our School Earns Cash - Twice a year, Box Tops will send our school a check worth 10 cents for each Box Top redeemed, up to $20,000.
Collections Dates:
Thursday, March 29th
Friday, May 25th
Parent Survey
Look out this week for an email about the annual Fairmont Parent Survey. Your feedback is valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to provide it to us. This year we are raffling off a $1,000.00 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year. One winner will be drawn from each campus and all survey participants will be eligible!
Chalk Talk: How to Parent Your Kids (Without Losing Your Mind)Tuesday April 3, 2012, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Fairmont Edgewood Campus If you've ever dreamed of being a better parent or educator, this is the event for you! Learn how to make the most of your parent/child/school relationship from acclaimed speaker, Scott Peebles, M.A., MFCC, H.B. Scott was one of the youngest licensed Marriage, Family & Child Counselors in California, and he has been deemed one of the most exciting and entertaining parenting speakers in the country. Scott calls his method "Slightly Off the Wall Parenting." We think you'll call it amazing! All Fairmont parents, faculty and friends are welcome! Click here to RSVPDid You Know Did You Know... Fairmont Preparatory Academy Concert Choir, Concert Band and Show Choir have been honored with an invitation to participate in the London Festival of Music? These 45 Fairmont Prep music students, grades 9-12 compete annually, nationally as well as locally. In April 2008 the groups attained national ranking, which earned them invitations to perform in such exotic locales as Germany, Austria, China, and a number of cities throughout the United States. Prior to London, the students have competed in San Francisco, New York, Hawaii. London is their first opportunity to compete internationally. Additionally, the Concert Choir has been invited to sing Eucharist mass at St Paul's Cathedral and Covenant Garden, and to perform at Regent Park. The Choirs and Band leave April 2 and return April 8. We're wishing them lots of luck! Contributed by Stacey Barta, Fairmont Prep Music Director Become a Homestay Family! Why Should you Host an International Student? Here is what some our Fairmont Families have to say about the Homestay Program. "Not only is it a rewarding experience for the student, it also is for the Host Family. My son now has two new playmates. They can get another brother or sister at home to teach them about their customs and even a few words of their language. My son is just attached to his host sister.Looking at it from your child's viewpoint, they become a part of the family. You're not just parenting a kid, its adding to the joy of your family."- Carisse Moriyasu, an Anaheim Hills Parent who has hosted for over 2 years and is currently hosting two Russian students "Homestay was an amazing experience for my family and I! We really enjoyed learning a lot about the Chinese culture and traditions as well as sharing ours with them. It was so much fun introducing them to things they had never experienced before, such as the beach and bowling. Overall it was a great experience and we definitely would do it again!"- Michelle Anderson, a Fairmont Anaheim Hills Teacher who hosted 2 Chinese students for 5 weeks The Fairmont Homestay Program is looking for Fairmont Families to host an international student for our short-term, long term, and summer programs at our Mable, Anaheim Hills, and Preparatory Campuses. Fairmont has a variety of student programs ranging from two weeks to an entire academic year allowing any family the opportunity to participate in this rewarding experience. Families will also receive financial compensation for their participation. Interested families are invited to attend our Homestay Program Information Meeting at the Anaheim Hills Campus on March 28, 2012 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Families can RSVP for the meeting by visiting our website at http://www.fairmontschools.com/homestay. For more information, please contact the Homestay Office at 714-999-5055 x 1689 or email jgubersky@fairmontschools.com. March Lunch Menus Preschool-Kindergarten 1st-8th Grade |
Preschool Visits With Mobile Tidepools
Mobile Tidepools visited Preschool on Wednesday, March 7th and Captain Carl brought all sorts of marine sea life for the students to touch. The students experienced picking up a star fish, a sea urchin, a clam, a sea anemone and even got to touch a horn shark that Captain Carl caught himself. Check out the pictures on Flickr.
JH Soccer Results
JH Soccer lost to Carden Hall
Upcoming Games:
Monday, March 19th
DSL Soccer @ McDowell 3:15 pm
Tuesday, March 20th
JH Soccer vs. Pegasus 2:30 pm
Wednesday, March 21st
DSL Soccer vs. Heritage Oak 3:15 pm
Thursday, March 22nd
JH Soccer vs. Heritage Oak 2:30 pm
Monday, March 26th
DSL Soccer vs. Anaheim Hills 3:15 pm
Tuesday, March 27th
JH Soccer vs. Mable (boys only) 3:30 pm
DSL Soccer vs. Mable (co-ed) 4:30 pm
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
Monday, March 19th
Junior Kindergarten to Pretend City
Tuesday, March 20th
3rd Grade Show 10:30 am & 12:00 pm
Wednesday, March 21st
7th Grade to the Museum of Tolerance
Friday, March 23rd
3rd Grade to Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center
Honor Roll & Pentathlon Kickoff Assembly at 2:30 pm
Sunday, March 25th
Debate Tournament at Serra Catholic
Wednesday, March 28th
1st Grade to the Ocean Institute
Writing Proficiency Testing Grades 1st-8th
Fairmont Homestay Program Info Session
Anaheim Hills Campus
Click Here to RSVP
Thursday, March 29th
Box Tops Due
Friday, March 30th
Teacher In-Service Day - No School for students
Tuesday, April 3rd
Parenting Seminar from 7-8:30 pm
Click Here to RSVP
Wednesday, April 4th
1st Grade Show 10:30 am & 12 pm
Friday, April 6th
Shortened Day - Early Dismissal
Character Day - Fairness - Wear Orange
80% Re-Enrollment Carnival Celebration
Monday-Friday, April 9th - 13th
Spring Break - No School
Monday, April 16th
Edgewood Campus Parent Association Meeting at 8:30 am