| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
January 23 - 27 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK All smiles in Junior Kindergarten |
News & Announcements
India Presentation in 6th Grade History
Mrs. Liess' 6th grade history class was honored to have Mrs. Chaturvedi give a presentation on India's culture. The students learned about traditional dress, food, holidays, religion and some interesting facts about India's climate and resources. The students got to try 3 Indian sweets, such as Jalebi, Kaju Burlee and Kaju Katli. They also wrote their names in Hindi and browsed through story books. We are very grateful to Mrs. Chaturvedi for taking her time to share with us.
Afterschool Supervision Improvements
Edgewood has made some improvements to the after school extended day schedule. Junior Kindergarten through 4th grade will have snack, organized play, table games and study hall every day after school. 5th through 8th grade will have snack, play time, and study hall after school. Please pack an after school snack for those who stay in extended day. With these new improvements, all students will be in a supervised, safe environment.
Winter Extracurricular Classes
The Winter Extracurricular session began on Tuesday, Jan. 17th. The brochures are located in the office and are online as well. Except for Piano, all classes are still available. Sign Up today!
Winter Session Extracurricular Form
Junior High Ski Trip
Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00 am at Mountain High Ski Resort for grades 6th-8th. Students must be at Edgewood at 6:15 am to depart for Mountain High at 6:30 am. Please dress warm and arrive on time. Pack a sack lunch or bring money to purchase lunch at the cafertia or grill. Bring a backpack to put all items you are taking off to ski or snowboard, like shoes, scarfs, hats. See you on the slopes!
Mountain High Rental Form
Fairmont Family Night 
Join us on Friday, April 20th at 7:05 pm at Angel Stadium, Angels vs. Baltimore Orioles. Tickets are on sale for $16 each with seating in the Left Field Pavilion. It's Big Bang Fireworks Friday! Print the Order Form and turn it in to the Activities Director, Mrs. Jonna Powell, Room 205. Ticket Order Deadline ends March 1st. Don't delay, order today!
January Lunch Menus
1st-8th Grade
Cheer For A Cure
To Edgewood Families,
We are writing to ask for your help. Very soon, we will be competing in a very special cheerleading competition called the Cheer For A Cure� Championship. The goal of this fun and inspiring competition is to raise money to impact the lives of those who have been touched by cancer. It is our goal to raise as much money as possible to help reach the team's goal.
Through Cheer For A Cure� events, our Edgewood Cheerleaders get to become leaders by being a part of the nation's largest grassroots network of cheerleaders, coaches, and supporting fans. Together, we are striving to prevent cancer, save lives, and increase quality of life by funding research, education, advocacy, and service.
Please spread the word about Cheer For A Cure� and our cause by emailing friends and family a link to the www.CheerForACure.org. It's very simple to donate! Just click on "Donate Today", "search for a team", and enter Fairmont Private School!
Thank you so much for helping us make a difference! Go Eagles!
The Edgewood Cheer Coaches

DSL Basketball Results
McDowell game rained out
Upcoming Games
Monday, January 30th
JH BB @ Carden Hall
DSL BB @ Oakridge (boys only)
Wednesday, February 1st
DSL BB @ Mable
Monday, February 6th
JH BB First Round Playoffs
Tuesday, February 7th
JH BB Semi-Finals
Wednesday, February 8th
DSL BB @ Heritage Oak (boys only)
Thursday, February 9th
JH BB Finals
Monday, February 13th
DSL BB vs. Mission Hills
Wednesday, February 15th
JH BB All Star Game
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
Friday, January 27th
6th Grade Show - The Best of Broadway @ 7 pm
Progress Reports
Saturday, January 28th
6th Grade Show - The Best of Broadway @ 7pm
Thursday, February 2nd
Junior High Ski Trip 7:00-4:00 pm
Friday, February 3rd
Teacher In-Service Day - No School
Saturday, February 4th
Debate Tournament @ Fairmont Prep 8:00-5:00 pm
Tuesday, February 7th
4th Grade to First Flight Field Trip at Honda Center
6th Grade to Bowers Museum in Santa Ana
8th Grade to Juvenile Justice Center in Orange
5th & 6th Grade Instrumental Concert at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, February 8th
5th & 6th Grade Instrumental Concert at 10:30 am (student concert)
Friday, February 10th
Character Day - Wear Purple
4th Grade to San Juan Capistrano Mission
Monday, February 13th
Edgewood Campus Parent Association Meeting at 8:30 am
Tuesday, February 14th
Valentine's Day - Free Dress with Pink, Red, or Purple
Junior High Science Fair in Allison Hall at 8:00-12:00 pm
Wednesday, February 15th
Junior High Science Fair Open House 8:00-3:00 pm