| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
December 5 - 9 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Vivian G. playing Connect 4 on the E-Beam in Kindergarten |
News & Announcements
Toy Drive for CHOC
The spirit of the holiday season is underway and it's time for our 12th Annual Toy Drive. With appreciation to all who participate, we are asking all our families to help us by donating a toy for a boy or girl who is in CHOC - Children's Hospital of Orange County. These children would truly benefit from receiving a special gift on Christmas morning and all year long. The toys will be picked up at school by the Orange Coast Harley Davidson's Chapter. They will come to Edgewood on Friday, December 9th from 11:30-12:00 pm via motorcylces to pick up the toys. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. Learn more about the history of this toy drive and see some gift suggestions on our blog.
Barnes & Noble Bookfair
Save the Date! Fairmont Private School, Edgewood Campus presents Barnes & Noble Bookfair at the Market Place (13712 Jamboree Road, Irvine 92602) on Wednesday, December 14th, all day, with performances between 6:15-7:15 pm. Mr. Smiens will read children's stories and Miss Harper's vocal ensemble will be performing holiday favorites. Barnes & Noble has expanded the specialty departments. You can find something for everyone!
Barnes & Noble Bookfair Info 2011
ECPA Holiday Party
The Edgewood Campus Parent Association is hosting a holiday party on Tuesday, December 13th, 8:00-9:00 am at the lunch table area. Refreshments and hot coffee will be served. Holiday caroling by the kindergarteners, second graders and fourth graders will be in Allison Hall. Come celebrate the holiday season!
Parking Lot Safety Rules
1) Parents need to enter the church parking lot from Vanderlip ONLY. We want to have one way traffic in that parking lot. If they ask another person (grandparent, friend etc) to pick/drop off their child, they need to inform that person of the procedure. 2) Parents need to slow down in all the parking lots.
3) No parking on the red curb.
4) No parking in the drive-thru lane directly in front of the church.
Extracurricular Classes
Create & Personalize Your Keepsakes and Basketball classes are over Friday, Dec. 16th. The winter session will begin in January.
December Lunch Menus
Nishant C. Wins Judges Award at FLL - LEGOLAND

Nishant's team, The Bionic Bots competed in the First Lego League 2011 Challenge - Food Factor at LEGOLAND and won 'Most Innovative Solution' award. This award recognizes a team's solution that is exceptionally well-considered and creative, with good potential to solve the problem researched.
The Challenge was to improve the quality of food by finding ways to prevent food contamination. Teams had to explore food safety in a team building environment, research and present their own creative solutions--choosing a food, understanding its journey from ground to table, researching all the possible points of contamination, and then developing an innovative solution to keep food safe. FOOD FACTOR presents a real-world challenge in a broad view, showing children how scientists, engineers, government agencies, and food producers work together to find solutions, and inspiring children to use their own imaginations and creativity in combination with science and technology to make food safer to eat. The team rose to the challenge and they conducted research on the food contamination in different countries. They came up with an innovative solution to create coursework for a 7th grade science class to make them aware of the potential food contamination in different countries in the world and to come up with solutions to prevent it. This was approved by The President and also the Department of Education. The Bionic Bots team coach Jon Friestedt helped tremendously to encourage the kids and guide them on their research with the help of mentor Aisha from Boeing. Nishant has been taking Robotics classes at Mathobotix in Irvine. The classes are designed to promote the support and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) using robotics through a grade level structured curriculum. First Lego League (FLL) introduces young people, ages 9 to 16* (grades 4-8), to the fun and excitement of science and technology while building self-confidence, knowledge, and valuable employment and life skills. FLL challenges kids to think like scientists and engineers. Alongside adult mentors, FLL teams solve problems using engineering concepts, presentation techniques, and robots. FLL teams develop amazing solutions every year to real-world problems for their FLL Project Nishant will be starting on his next challenge for FLL 2012 Challenge - Senior Solutions. Nishant is looking forward to another great year of having fun on the robot playfield with his teammates.
6th Grade Beach Cleanup by Matthew Cho 
It was a cold, windy morning at the Corona del Mar beach while the group of blue-gloved, shivering children stood waiting impatiently. These children were from Mr. Hughes's class and awaited a signal from him and Ms. Frazier to start the beach clean up. The beach was littered with trash and these children were going to clean it. Once the clean up started, the children were constantly plagued by sand in their eyes, the howling wind in their ears, and the thorny bushes that pricked them through clothes and prevented the children from getting to the trash. The children picked up a variety of matter that was unnatural to the ecosystem. They found cigarettes, wine bottles, soda cans, and a variety of jagged plastic material. One student even found sandals! Surprisingly, people found the most trash under the lifeguard towers and near building sites. After about 1 hour, give or take, to the relief of the exhausted 6th graders, it began to rain! People started to run for the shelter of the bathrooms. Everyone tied up their bags and went home with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Junior High Basketball Results
Boys defeated Anaheim Hills
Girls lost to Anaheim Hills
Upcoming Games
Monday, December 12th
JH BB @ Mable
Tuesday, December 13th
JH BB vs. Mission Hills
Wednesday, January 4th
JH BB @ Pegasus
Thursday, January 5th
JH BB @ Orangewood
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
Friday, December 9th
CHOC Toy Drive Pick-up
Honor Roll Assembly, 4th-8th Grade
Tuesday, December 13th
ECPA Holiday Party
Holiday Caroling by Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grade
Wednesday, December 14th
Barnes & Noble Bookfair (all day)
Vocal Ensemble Performance & Storytelling by Mr. Smiens
Thursday, December 15th
ECPA Hot Dog Lunch with Mr. Smiens
Monday - Monday, December 19th - January 2nd
Winter Break - No School - Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, January 3rd
School Reconvenes - Welcome Back!
Sunday, January 22nd
Fairmont Private Schools Expo
10am-2pm at Chapman University, Beckman Hall 404