News & Announcements
The spirit of the holiday season is underway and it's time for our 12th Annual Toy Drive. With appreciation to all who participate, we are asking all our families to help us by donating a toy for a boy or girl who is in CHOC - Children's Hospital of Orange County. These children would truly benefit from receiving a special gift on Christmas morning and all year long. The toys will be picked up at school by the Orange Coast Harley Davidson's Chapter. They will come to Edgewood on Friday, December 9th from 11:30-12:00 pm via motorcylces to pick up the toys. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity. Learn more about the history of this toy drive and see some gift suggestions on our blog.
Barnes & Noble Bookfair
Save the Date! Fairmont Private School, Edgewood Campus presents Barnes & Noble Bookfair at the Market Place (13712 Jamboree Road, Irvine 92602) on Wednesday, December 14th, all day, with performances between 6:15-7:15 pm. Mr. Smiens will read children's stories and Miss Harper's vocal ensemble will be performing holiday favorites. Barnes & Noble has expanded the specialty departments. You can find something for everyone!
Barnes & Noble Bookfair Info 2011
Upcoming Field Trips
-Junior Kindergarten is going to Centennial Farms on Tuesday, December 6th from 8:30 - 2:30 pm. They will be touring the farm and having lunch on site.
-First Grade is going to the California Science Center on Wednesday, December 7th from 8:30-2:30 pm. They will be touring the museum, participating in a Ladybug science lab and having a picnic lunch outside. -Third Grade is going to Knott's Berry Farm on Thursday, December 8th from 8:30-2:30 pm. They will be exploring the Indian Trails tour and having lunch with a little bit of shopping!
Please pack a sack lunch and return the permission slip below to your homeroom teachers.
JK Centennial Farms Field Trip Info 2011
1st Grade Calfornia Science Center Field Trip Info 2011
3rd Grade Knott's Berry Farm Field Trip Info 2011
FPS Field Trip Permission Slip 2011
December Lunch Menus
Junior High Boys Basketball Off To 2-0 Start 
The Junior High boys' basketball team is off to a great start this season with wins over Carden Academy and Heritage Christian. The featured photo shows some of the players sporting their new uniforms. Next Thursday, the Eagles take on sister school rival Anaheim Hills. This year's roster includes 13 players: Ohmer K., Varun V, Zayn B, Caden S., Alex T., Scott L., Stephen H., Noah C., Aaron C., Alex J., Nishant C., Cameron H., & Eric F.

Junior High Basketball Results
Boys defeated Carden Academy
Girls defeated Heritage Christian
Boys defeated Heritage Christian
Upcoming Games
Thursday, December 8th
JH BB @ Anaheim Hills
Monday, December 12th
JH BB @ Mable
Tuesday, December 13th
JH BB vs. Mission Hills
Wednesday, January 4th
JH BB @ Pegasus
Thursday, January 5th
JH BB @ Orangewood
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
Dates to Know
 Friday, December 2th Shortened Day - All grades released on early dismissal schedule
Used Uniform Sale 12-1 pm, Room 111
Tuesday, December 6th
Junior Kindergarten to Centennial Farms
Wednesday, December 7th
First Grade to California Science Center
Thursday, December 8th
Third Grade to Knott's Berry Farm
Friday, December 9th
CHOC Toy Drive Pick-up
Tuesday, December 13th
Holiday Caroling by Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grade
Wednesday, December 14th
Barnes & Noble Bookfair (all day)
Vocal Ensemble Performance & Storytelling by Mr. Smiens
Thursday, December 15th
ECPA Hot Dog Lunch with Mr. Smiens
Monday - Monday, December 19th - January 2nd
Winter Break - No School - Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, January 3rd
School Reconvenes - Welcome Back!
Sunday, January 22nd
Fairmont Private Schools Expo
10am-2pm at Chapman University, Beckman Hall 404