| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
November 7 - November 11 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Mr. Terry gets drenched in the dunk tank by William L. on the annual ECPA Dunk Day.
News & Announcements
 Correction for last week's Photo of the Week The caption for last week's Photo of the Week should have identified our two All-Star football players as Alex C. and Caden S.
Guys and Dolls - 7th Grade Show Our 7th grade performance of Guys and Dolls is coming up next week on Friday, November 18 at 7:00 pm and Saturday, November 19 at 3:00 pm.
Thanksgiving Feast Our Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Tuesday, November 22. If you have not submitted a payment and form for your student's Thanksgiving meal, please do so as soon as possible.
No eNewsletter Next Week Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will not be an e-newsletter next Friday. Please check the Dates to Know section for the calendar for the next two weeks.
November Lunch MenusDecember Lunch Menus |
Congratulations Pelin, Priya, Sahar, and Florencia! 
 We would like to congratulate sixth grade students Pelin E., Priya K., Sahar K., and Florencia P. for their participation in the 2011 Robotics Qualifying Tournament.
The tournament was organized by the First Lego League. In this year's international competition over 200,000 students, between 9 and 16, explored the topic of food safety and examined the possible points of contamination our food encounters. They then found ways to prevent or combat these contaminates.
Teams competing at this event built, tested, and programmed an autonomous robot using LEGO� MINDSTORMS� NXT to solve a set of Food Safety missions as well as research, develop, and share their innovative food safety solutions.
Our team had been meeting on weekends and worked hard for months under the guidance of Sahar's and Florencia's parents. On November 13 they won the Best Programming Award and were qualified to move on to the Championship at Lego Land, San Diego on December 3rd.

Upcoming Games Junior High Basketball begins November 29th.
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
 Friday, November 18 7th Grade Show - Guys & Dolls, 7 pm
Friday, November 18 Box Tops Due
Friday, November 18 8th Grade Trip to Knott's Berry Farm
Saturday, November 19 7th Grade Show - Guys & Dolls, 3 pm
Tuesday, November 22 Thanksgiving Feast
November 23 - 25 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 2 Minimum Day - All grades released on early dismissal schedule