| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
November 7 - November 11 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Junior High students Alex C. and Alex J. played in the Junior High Football all-star game this week. Great job guys!
News & Announcements
 ECPA Fall Fundraiser Donations - Date Changes! The ECPA has extended the deadline for the Fall Fundraiser to November 14th! This means that our Dunk Day has also been rescheduled to November 17th. Please mark these changes on your calendar!
5th Grade Field Trip to California Science Center Monday Mr. Williamson's and Mrs. White's classes will be going to the California Science Center. Please be sure your student wears the proper uniform (picture day wardrobe) and tennis shoes to school that day. Students should pack a paper bag lunch with a drink, but please do not bring any glass containers.
Make Up & Panoramic Picture Day Please mark on your calendars that Make Up and Panoramic Picture day is coming up on November 16th. Please make sure that your student wears the appropriate uniform to school.
Juliana Russell Many of you have asked about the whereabouts of Mrs. Juliana Russell (Campus Assistant). She has been out of the office for the past couple of weeks due to her having been involved in a car accident. She will be back with us within the next week or two. Thank you for your care and concern in asking after her. We wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to having her return very soon. Please welcome Nina Than who is at the front desk until Mrs. Russell returns.
Box Tops Due Our second Box Tops for Education collection date is coming up on Friday, November 18. Please bring in any Box Tops that you have to your student's homeroom teacher.
Guys and Dolls - 7th Grade Show Our 7th grade performance of Guys and Dolls is coming up next week on Friday, November 18 at 7:00 pm and Saturday, November 19 at 3:00 pm.
November Lunch Menus |
Competitiongitis by Huda K. 
 5th grade student Huda K. is a very creative writer and we'd like to share one of her pieces!
Competitiongitis Oh nooo! The worst sickness in the world is flourishing in schools! This sickness only happens in children who go to school so adults are immune to it. A young scientist named Huda Khan and her two assistants Amber R. and Halah B. discovered this sickness and named it "Competetiongitis". Huda is 100% sure that every child will get it. There is no vaccine and no cure for this sickness. The sickness comes from studying too much or from doing too many tests and wanting to get a 100% on every single one.
There are only few symptoms of this sickness and they are:
1. The child wants to compete really badly in studies and activities
2. The child wants to get first prize in every activity
3. The child has study fever and is losing hair or pulling it out.
Huda and her two assistants are trying to find the germ that causes the sickness and try to slow it down or even kill it. The only thing the parents can do is just to watch and wait. If the child stays up very late at night studying in his or her room, then the parents must take them to the hospital. Once in the hospital, Huda will come and try to see what subject the child wants to compete in. She wants to see if there is a certain subject that all students want to compete in to look at the pattern of how the sickness starts. Once the students are at the hospital Huda will advise the students to take it easy. No pressure! When Huda says no pressure she means that the teachers should give less homework and make tests easier. The sickness seems to have slowed down these days, but be on the lookout for an epidemic.

Upcoming Games Junior High Basketball begins November 29th.
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
 Monday, November 14 ECPA Fall Fundraiser Donations Due
Monday, November 14 5th Grade - Field Trip to California Science Center
Wednesday, November 16 Make Up & Panoramic Picture Day
Thursday, November 17 Dunk Day
Friday, November 18 7th Grade Show - Guys & Dolls, 7 pm
Friday, November 18 Box Tops Due
Friday, November 18 8th Grade Trip to Knott's Berry Farm
Saturday, November 19 7th Grade Show - Guys & Dolls, 3 pm |