News & Announcements
 ECPA Fall Fundraiser Donations - Date Changes! The ECPA has extended the deadline for the Fall Fundraiser to November 14th! This means that our Dunk Day has also been rescheduled to November 17th. Please mark these changes on your calendar!
Parking Lot Reminder We would like to remind all parents to please drive slowly and carefully in our campus parking lot and the church parking lot when it is time to drop off or pick up your student. Additionally, we would like to remind all parents that there is no parking at any time in the red zone in the school parking lot. It is necessary that we keep this area clear in case of any emergency. These areas are very busy during those times and we would like to keep our campus safe for everyone.
6th Grade Field Trip to Tessman Planetarium The 6th grade class will be visiting the Tessman Planetarium on Monday, November 7th. Students should be dressed in appropriate field trip uniform. The class will be returning before lunch, so please plan for lunch as usual. Field Trip Uniform Update: Please be aware that the dress code on the flyer sent home is incorrect. Students are NOT to wear jeans, but instead should follow the uniform guidelines for picture day.
Make Up & Panoramic Picture Day Please mark on your calendars that Make Up and Panoramic Picture day is coming up on November 16th. Please make sure that your student wears the appropriate uniform to school.
Peer-to-Peer Day at Fairmont Prep 8th graders, mark your calendars for November 8th for Peer-to-Peer Day at Fairmont Prep! The entire 8th grade class will spend this day at Fairmont's high school campus to get a taste of high school life. Fairmont Prep ambassadors will tour the students around and accompany them to classes and Spirit Week activities. Be sure to submit your permission slip to your homeroom teacher. To learn more about Fairmont Preparatory Academy, click here.
November Lunch Menus |
Fresh Off The Press! 
 Our first student newspaper, The Eagle's Eye, has just been released! Read a sample of what the students have to offer below! To read the entire newspaper, please check your student's homeroom Blackboard.
Edgewood Girl's Volleyball Shows Dedication
by Poppy P. The Edgewood volleyball team played against many schools this year including: Anaheim Hills, Mable, and Carden Hall. Coached by Mrs. Letson, the JV team consisted of 6th-8th graders who practiced hard and made it through an intense game schedule.
The DSL team had a new coach, Mrs. Letson's daughter, Ms. Kelly. The DSL team consisted of about 17 girls, a mixture of 5th and 6th graders. The DSL team acquired many new skills, while building lasting friendships with their teammates.
Whether DSL or JV, the volleyball teams demonstrated much growth this year. All of the games the volleyball teams played were highly competitive, and the scores were very close. Everyone tried their best and definitely improved their volleyball skills.

Upcoming Games Monday, November 7th All-Star Football Game
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
Dates to Know
 Monday, November 7 6th Grade - Field Trip to Tessman Planetarium
Tuesday, November 8 8th Grade - Peer to Peer Day at Fairmont Preparatory Academy
Wednesday, November 9 ASB Harvest Corn Sale - $1 per bag
Friday, November 11 No School - Veterans Day
Monday, November 14 ECPA Fall Fundraiser Donations Due
Monday, November 14 5th Grade - Field Trip to California Science Center
Wednesday, November 16 Make Up & Panoramic Picture Day
Thursday, November 17 Dunk Day
Friday, November 18 7th Grade Show - Guys & Dolls, 7 pm
Friday, November 18 Box Tops Due
Friday, November 18 8th Grade Trip to Knott's Berry Farm
Saturday, November 19 7th Grade Show - Guys & Dolls, 3 pm |