| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Ian Magedman from Mrs. Escutia's class helps Bradford Bridenbecker from Mrs. Kliss' class during Little Buddies on Character Counts - Respect day.
News & Announcements
 Accelerated Math Information Night On Wednesday, October 19 at 6 pm, we will be holding an informational meeting for parents about the Accelerated Math program, led by Miss del Carmen. Parents from all grades are invited to attend. Refreshments will be provided.
ECPA Halloween Candy Fundraiser The ECPA will be holding an online fundraiser where parents and teachers can purchase Halloween candy at a discounted price and the school gets a percentage off the sales. Information about how to buy candy from the fundraiser is on Black Board and a flyer has gone home with your child this weekend.
Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Friday, October 21, on campus. Elementary students will have a specific assigned time for conferences, while the junior high students will have assigned time "ranges" when they can meet with teachers. You should have this information early next week.
Be aware that some junior high teachers teach a larger number of junior high students than other teachers. Also, some classes may hold more importance with parents. This means that those teachers are in high demand on conference day and your wait time may be longer. Please do not feel obligated to attend the conferences if your child is doing well in all classes at this point.
We understand that your lives are busy and it may not be possible to come to the conference on the assigned time and day. Our teachers are available to meet with you at other times over the next couple of weeks, please contact your child's teacher to arrange for another conference time if you are not able to attend during your assigned time. Your child's education is a partnership, between your family, and Fairmont Edgewood. Conferences are a wonderful time to strengthen that partnership and so we encourage to take advantage of this opportunity. Halloween Parade On Monday, October 31 at 1:15pm, we will be holding our annual Halloween costume parade! Students should wear their uniforms to school and will be able to change into their costumes just before the parade.
October Lunch Menus |
Jewels of Respect 
 Fifth grader Huda Khan, from Mrs. White's class, wrote a poem about this month's Character Counts pillar of Respect.
Ruby a symbol of devotion, desire and love
Emerald means insight into your inner self
Sapphire is faith, hope and destiny
Pearl is for purity, harmony and humility
Euclase means peaceful, healing, and cooling
Calcite is who is social, smart and simple
Topaz represents balancing of emotions, friendship, and loyalty
- Huda Khan

Game Results Monday, October 10 Junior High Football defeated Mable Junior High Volleyball lost to Mable
Tuesday, October 11 Junior High Football lost to Pegasus Junior High Volleyball lost to Pegasus
Upcoming Games Monday, October 17 JH VB & FB @ TVT 3:00 pm DSL Volleyball @ TVT 4:00 pm
Tuesday, October 18 JH FB vs. Calvary @ 3:15pm
Wednesday, October 19 JH FB & VB vs. Oakridge 3:00 pm DSL FB & VB vs. Oakridge 4:00pm
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
 Wednesday, October 19 Accelerated Math Info Night Allison Hall
Friday, October 21 Parent/Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL
Monday, October 31 Halloween Parade at 1:15 pm