| Edgewood Campus 12421 Newport Ave. North Tustin, 92705
Preschool-8th Grade 714.832.4867
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Edgewood Campus Newsletter
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Fairmont Preparatory Academy's mascot rallies Edgewood students for the upcoming Fairmont Family Night at the homecoming game on Saturday, October 8.
News & Announcements
 Fairmont Family Night Saturday, October 8 The Fairmont Preparatory Academy will be playing their homecoming football game on Saturday, October 8th. We would love to have all Fairmont families attend the game to show our school spirit. There will also be activities such as a bounce house and face painting.
October ECPA Meeting Monday, October 10 at 8:30 am Please remember that our second ECPA meeting will be held on Monday, October 10th at 8:30 am in Allison Hall.
New Parent Welcome Coffee Thursday, October 13th from 8:30 - 9:00am We will be hosting a coffee social to welcome all new parents. Join us on campus to meet new parents and the ECPA board members, and enjoy some student entertainment.
Picture Day! Don't forget! Friday, October 14th is picture day! Please see the Wardrobe Guidelines that were went home to make sure your student wears the appropriate clothing to school on that day. Your student must wear his or her field trip wardrobe.
OCDE Spelling Bee 2012 We'd like to congratulate Lauren Lee, Noah Chang, and Brian Du on qualifying for the Orange County Department of Eduction Spelling Bee in Spring 2012!
October Lunch Menus |
Eagle Cheerleaders Soar High Again! 
 We'd love to congratulate the Edgewood Cheerleaders on winning first place in the Tustin Tiller Day Competition this past Saturday!
Our cheer team performed in both the Tustin Tiller Day Parade and Competition. This is the team's third consecutive year winning first place in the elementary cheer division. The girls impressed the judges with their synchronization and high energy.
Our cheer coaches, Blaire Bradley and Joanna del Carmen, are very proud of the girls' hard work and performance level. This is a great start to the year for the cheer team! Go Eagles!

Upcoming Games Monday, October 10 JH Football vs. Mable 3 pm JH Volleyball @ Mable 3 pm
Tuesday, October 11 JH FB & VB @ Pegasus 3 pm
Please check our Campus Calendar for all game dates, times, and locations.
This Week on Our Blog... 
Dates to Know
 Saturday, October 8 Fairmont Family Night @ Valley Christian 7 pm
Monday, October 10 ECPA Meeting at 8:30 am in Allison Hall
October 10-14 Book Fair
Thursday, October 13 New Parent Coffee Welcome 8:30 - 9:30 am
Friday, October 14 Picture Day
Friday, October 21 Parent/Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL