[WORD CHURCH Ministries - monthly newsletter]


... where the eagles gather!

 Our ministry staff

Pastors Rich in prayer
Tackle this year with "zeal" & "faith"!

HAPPY NEW YEAR oh Saints of God!! 

Greetings and blessings in the name of Jesus! 
This new year is going to be a fantastic year, like none other before!  Are you finding yourself in a rut?  Are you thinking, "Aw, it's just another year pastor Rich"? 

"NO!"  STOP IT!  "YOU" have authority ... in your life, and in this world we live in!  And your words determine your future and your well-being!  If you think you are in a "rut", then you will be in a rut again this year!  BUT, you do not have to be that way!  Choose!  Make a choice for "change" this year!!

This year is full of promise, and we are excited about what GOD is doing!! 
Remember to keep us in your prayers, and write us!  That's right, "write us"!  We'd love to hear from you, and how God is working in your life!  

Write us at:             Pastors Rich & Jane Allcorn
                               15612 Poynette Place
                               Austin, Texas 78717-5351 

or email us:   

You are important to us!  If not, we would not continue writing these, and spending the money necessary to send out these messages.  YOU make a major impact on where you are, in your environment!  GOD has placed YOU there for a reason!  Find out what it is.  Pray! 

Remember, YOU are the best Christian that somebody knows ...

For those of you interested in following us and in what God is doing with that, please email the address below and we will place you on a special list set aside for those who want to be "members" when we begin our meetings. 
EMail this address:

Thank you all for your support, for your gifts, and for your prayers! 
... in His service! 



-pastors rich & jane allcorn-
email us for more info at: 

A Word From Pastor Richpastor Rich Allcorn

I am a product of "my mouth"!
by Rich Allcorn

One of my favorite ministers is ...   Charles Capps!  Charles is a teacher of the word, a prophet, and a country boy!  I just love his down-to-earth, practical faith statements!
My favorite teaching topic of his, though, is "your words".  He always says, "there is a miracle in your mouth"!  Believe it!  I've seen it work for him, and it works for us too! 

Jesus said that we will be held accountable for each and every idle word that we speak!  He went on to say, "By your own words will you be justified, and by your own words shall you be condemned."  Do YOU want to be condemned?  By your own words, no less  I think not!! 

Jesus also said that "if we believe", all things are possible!  He even said that if a man would believe and not doubt in his heart (not necessarily the mind) that what he says would come to pass, that man could have whatever he asks for!   Hallelujah!  That means that if you and I choose to believe (notice it's your choice) that our words have power, and will bring about results, then we can have whatever we ask of God!!  Notice that it's God's power that makes your words come to pass!  But this will not happen if you do not believe. 

If you run along, just shooting your mouth off, having no regard for what you say, you will NOT be able to walk in the power of God, where your words are concerned.  BUT, if you will place a guard over your mouth, and consider your words before you speak them, giving thought that you expect them to come to pass, YOU WILL HAVE what you say!!

So, set the pace for this year in your life!  SPEAK IT!!  SAY IT!!  Put a sheet of daily confessions on your mirror and "say them out loud" ... daily as you ready for the day.  I encourage you, "MASTER" your day!!  DEMAND that things fall into place ... for YOU, in Jesus name!  YOU have authority!  Stop using it against yourself, and start sowing "good things" for you and your future!!

Make me proud! 
-pastor rich-




WORD CHURCH  ... where the eagles gather!
Are you looking for a church where the Word of God is preached, and where you are not just a dollar sign on a pew?  Are you tire of feel good, user-friendly churches and ready for a church that is serious about helping you to get aligned with your calling in life? 

If so, then don't wait!  Contact us today! 


   mailing:   15612 Poynette PlaceAustin, Texas 78717-5351
        voice:   (512) 782-9878



Our Pastors & Staff
Rich Allcorn, sr. pastor

Jane Allcorn, co-pastor


Margarett Parker, associate pastor

          and director of field missions



Ministry Groups in planning
Prayer Warriors   [forming now] 
Praise & Worship group

Faith Camp
Family 4WD Adventures group 

Healthy Heart Group
Weight Watchers Group
Computer/Technologies Group 
Ministry Training & Instruction

Worldwide Affiliate Ministries
Isaac Mwagi, pastor  (Kenya
Julius Nyandieka, pastor (Kenya)

Reuben Raj, pastor  (Nepal
Buta Gulshan, pastor (Pakistan

Corey Ross, pastor  (Liberty Hill, TX
   of Williamson Cty Cowboy Church  
Tory Gant, pastor  (Round Rock, TX
Dr. Michael Brown, apostle/prophet, Paul & Linda Prestridge, apostles

Affiliate Ministries
Rich and Jane - cowboy style pic
We're not the only rodeo in town ... at least that's the way cowboys would put it!  There are other churches, and other ministries, and we like to get  "Connected" with ministries that follow the Spirit of God.  We pray for them, believe God for them, and support their calling.   

Check out our Affiliate Ministries in the left sidebar of our web page at the church site: 

Word Church 


or on the right sidebar of our site at: 
Spirit of Truth Ministries, Int'l

Just a few of our Affiliate Ministries:
Paul Prestridge Ministries, Tory Gant, pastor of House of Power Outreach, Williamson County Cowboy Church with pastor Corey Ross, and apostle and prophet, pastor Michael Brown


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