[WORD CHURCH Ministries - monthly newsletter]


... where the eagles gather!

 Our ministry staff

Pastors Rich in prayer
There are times when I just have to have the presence of my Heavenly Father, so when I found this roadside stop and viewpoint, I figured it was a perfect time to ...
Dear partners, intercessors, and especially my affiliate pastors in places of the world I have not even been yet, I write to you and I ask your forgiveness ... in all of my writing and in preparations for our church, there has been something holding me back, and I have been fighting it, longing to be before the people of God, teaching and preaching and helping them to grow in the Word. 

But "Daddy" had different plans.  Many of you probably know that my family and I are now attending a church where my 89yr old mother-in-law loves to go.  It's her whole world!  But she can no longer attend on her own, so my wife has been taking her there.

I learned a long time ago that if you get too busy in ministry and don't attend church together, you leave "open doors" for the devil to come in and plunder.  We now go as a family, and are becoming a part of that wonderful fellowship of Believers.  The pastors there are wonderful, and the opportunities to be "of service" are well worth my attention ...   I now believe that God has placed us there, for a time, to be of service. 

I still want to hold meetings, and have a place in mind that is available, but I've done enough of things 'on my own', so I will wait on the Father for this.  When the time is right, He will open up the hearts of those in this area, and things will just fall into place.  In the meantime, I will be devoting myself to prayer and to service in this fellowship of Saints. 

Timing is a big deal to God.  If not, then in the Garden of Eden He would have immediately introduced Jesus Who would have said, in true Texas fashion, "Satan, bite the dust!"  But God had timing, and certain things to come to play, that had to take place.  It was an elaborate plan destined for victory!  And ... "it worked!"  You and I are here to prove it!  So, I don't mind waiting ... praying and hoping, that some day soon the time will come to again have the privilege of teaching and ministering before my brothers and sisters, the Saints of God, in my own church. 

Please, then, forgive my impatience ... as a man of God, I have had to accept the fact that I make mistakes, that I fail, and that I sometimes just need to repent, and get "straight" with God, and His plan for me.   I'm in Good Hands, I assure you! 

With that being said, I want to say "thank you" for your many prayers, and especially for the many churches abroad in areas of the Phillipines, in Kenya and other parts of Africa, in India, and in the other parts of the world - you pastors have been so wonderful to me!  Your prayers are a sweet aroma to the Father, and have gone to Him on my behalf, and I thank you!  We will continue to be a pastor to those in these countries, with the hope of in the next few years of being able to begin making trips to these areas to "see" with our own eyes what God is doing there! 

And, what about Word Church?  Well, for those of you interested in following us and in what God is doing with that, please email the address below and we will place you on a special list set aside for those who want to be "members" when we begin our meetings. 
EMail this address:

Thank you all for your support, for your gifts, and for your prayers! 
... in His service! 



-pastors rich & jane allcorn-
email us for more info at: 

Worldwide Ministries
Affiliate Ministries around the world
pastor Buta Gulshan in Punjabi, Pakistan
Here in Kathmandu (Nepal): spending time encouraging his disciples, and praying with his pastors, pastor Buta Gulshan!
Look for reports from our various affiliate ministries around the world, with pictures, devotionals and links, to keep you updated on what God is doing in their part of the world. 

These folks need your regular prayer support, and an occasional word of encouragement.  We will be planning to visit some of these areas from time-to-time, and you can play a vital role in those trips, in your giving, or in joining us, as we travel to minister and encourage our fellow partners in ministry around the world! 


Look for the links throughout our  newsletters to read more ... 

Fun and Fellowship! 

My wife and I love to fellowship!  You see, your church is "family", and we should be that close.  We are living in a time when things are challenging our faith!  Finances, jobs, gas prices ... there are people trying to just hang on to their homes!  It is important during these times to fellowship and encourage one another.  God created us for this! 
We are planning for various special interest groups to help in putting together folks ... Weight Watcher's group, Healthy Heart group, our Camping group, Family 4WD Adventures group, and more! 

We can always use helpers ... folks gifted in the ministry of Helps & Services.  These functions always require planning and staffing ... it's just part of the process.  And when God has given you the "grace" to serve, you just do wonderfully in these positions.  So if you are one of those special folks who are gifted in "service", one of the 12 giftings for the body of Christ, we could sure use your help.  Contact pastor Jane for details! 

Just a note:  the Fall will be upon us before you know it!.  We will have get-togethers where we meet at Mesa Rosa (outside patio dining & Mexican food), or in some similar place, to have time to just fellowship and get to know one another better.  If you know of a fun place where we can meet, for barbeque, Mexican food, burgers, or something "fun", please let pastor Jane know and let's get something on-the-books for the Fall planning!  It's like Corey Ross says, "If you're not having fun serving God, you're not doing it right!" 

Currently our hot project is our Intercessory Prayer group ...
<click here>  if interested in finding out more!  


Check us out on Facebook:
       Prayer Warriors Group:


WORD CHURCH  ... where the eagles gather!
Are you looking for a church where the Word of God is preached, and where you are not just a dollar sign on a pew?  Are you tire of feel good, user-friendly churches and ready for a church that is serious about helping you to get aligned with your calling in life? 

If so, then don't wait!  Contact us today! 


   mailing:   15612 Poynette PlaceAustin, Texas 78717-5351
        voice:   (512) 782-9878



A Word From Pastor Richpastor Rich Allcorn
Cancer, "not" the name above all names!   
"Cancer, an enemy I'd like to see vanquished, defeated, finished - once and for all!  I hate the fact that when someone even mentions the word "cancer", that more reverence is given for it than when you mention the name, "Jesus".  

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, these things should not be this way.  The Bible says that "all things" were put in subjection under His (Jesus) feet!  That includes "cancer" too!  

As far as the Bible is concerned, "cancer" is a name of a sickness, an illness, and the Bible tells us that Jesus' name is ABOVE "every name that is named", and that includes "cancer".  It also says that "every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, that 'Jesus' is Lord!"  

Folks, cancer can only be beaten if you and I begin to make it a practice to get into that Bible "daily", and meditate the Word of God.  Therein lies the "power" to heal.  If we spend time in the presence of God, then we take His presence with us when we pray for the sick, and the "sick" recover and become "the healed" instead.  But this is not going to happen until "we" (those with the "keys of Life") get before God, and put HIM "first place" in our lives, in our thoughts, and in our meditation ... and we begin to "LIVE" that faith and that walk before our fellow man.

You see, Jesus didn't just come to die for our sins, but He came to "show us" how WE are to live, here, in the Earth!  And that my brothers and sisters, is why the church of Corinth started calling the Disciples of Christ "Christians" ... because they were walking around and acting just like Jesus did!  

So, you've got your marching orders ...  It's time to "act like Jesus"! 
If you wanna do something about cancer, seriously, then turn to THE SOURCE ...
Jesus, the "Healer", the source of Healing, Health, and Deliverance!  Without Him, we're just wasting our time.  (1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:4-5)

*Note:  apparently this week is "Cancer Week" ...  remember, when you are approached to give money to some cancer research, that "you" have "the cure" in your possession! 
Use it!  Point them in the direction of "the Gospel of Jesus Christ", and put your funds into the spreading of that gospel that saved, delivers, and heals!   

Make me proud! 
-pastor rich-





Our Pastors & Staff
Rich Allcorn, sr. pastor

Jane Allcorn, co-pastor


Margarett Parker, associate pastor

          and director of field missions



Ministry Groups in planning
Prayer Warriors   [forming now] 
Praise & Worship group

Faith Camp
Family 4WD Adventures group 

Healthy Heart Group
Weight Watchers Group
Computer/Technologies Group 
Ministry Training & Instruction

Worldwide Affiliate Ministries
Isaac Mwagi, pastor  (Kenya
Julius Nyandieka, pastor (Kenya)

Reuben Raj, pastor  (Nepal
Buta Gulshan, pastor (Pakistan

Corey Ross, pastor  (Liberty Hill, TX
   of Williamson Cty Cowboy Church  
Tory Gant, pastor  (Round Rock, TX
Dr. Michael Brown, apostle/prophet, Paul & Linda Prestridge, apostles

Affiliate Ministries
Rich and Jane - cowboy style pic
We're not the only rodeo in town ... at least that's the way cowboys would put it!  There are other churches, and other ministries, and we like to get  "Connected" with ministries that follow the Spirit of God.  We pray for them, believe God for them, and support their calling.   

Check out our Affiliate Ministries in the left sidebar of our web page at the church site: 

Word Church 


or on the right sidebar of our site at: 
Spirit of Truth Ministries, Int'l

Just a few of our Affiliate Ministries:
Paul Prestridge Ministries, Tory Gant, pastor of House of Power Outreach, Williamson County Cowboy Church with pastor Corey Ross, and apostle and prophet, pastor Michael Brown


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Word Church