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June 28th, 2010tle
         Our Weekly Devotional
Campfire TALK
from Rich Allcorn Ministries
preparing a feast of a meal for a large family gathering
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Chef Roy

Here chef Roy is busy  preparing a very large feast for a big family gathering and party! 

Cooking is his dream!  He has always wanted to be a cook, a chef, professionally!  It is a dream that has come true, but not without a cost, and a price. 

Following Your Dreams!
by pastor Rich Allcorn

"Everyone has a dream, a goal in life, in which we work towards.  We strive to achieve this dream, this goal, and if we are lucky, we make it." 

That is the way the world sees success.  Luck, and a routine.  But does it really work that way?  Sometimes maybe, but not or most.  Most of us spend our lives punching a clock for somebody else ... working a "job".  We don't really strike it rich, but we "make ends meet".  In otherwords, popular to hear this or not, we "survive".  We "make a living"! 

Do these phrases sound familiar?  I hope so!  Most folks use these phrases heartily to include themselves in the rest of the crowd that is "working" ... to make a living.  "Back to the ole grindstone", they always say! 

Is this what God intended for man?  Certainly not! 
GOD created man ... for fun!  He was created to be a creature, not of habit, but one of change, of variety ... alive and growing, ever changing, and having 'fun' along the way!  You see "life" itself indicates "change".  The daily routines that we teach our kids that are "good for us" are not at all the way we are designed.  God has created man to be "ready to believe" in Him and His promises "daily".  That indicates that things are anything BUT routine! 

Do you need faith and trust in God to draw a weekly paycheck?  If your salary is regular, with vacations and health plans, and such, is that truly reality?  Ask any businessman who owns or operates his own business and he will quickly tell you, "No way!  It's a dream ..."  Oh you get your paycheck and your regular vacation time, but only because somebody else has taken up the slack and pulled it together for you ... so that there was enough money to "regularly" pay you your salary, and to "routinely" pay the expenses of having you come to work.  But I assure you, the money does not come in that way!  In no uncertain terms, the money comes in sporadic, in bunches, and groups, at random times, and with big deals closed, and sudden payments from clients.  It comes in at various rates, each and every day.  Some days, or even weeks, there is no income! 

Have I got your attention? 
Check out our series for the month of July where we consider the "working man" ... and we find whether the "Ward Cleaver" work routine works, or is it just a fantasy that we've been sold that keeps us in bondage. 

See ya' next week!!
Make me proud! 
- rich -

NOTE:  If you are a musician, and want to sing or play in a band, we need you!  If you've got any experience running a sound board, we need you!  If you can usher, or set up and take down P.A. equipment, please ... we need you! 

Contact me at: [email protected]
or call the church office at: (512) 782-9775 
Weekly Devotions from Pastor Rich
pastor Rich Allcorn
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Romans 1:17
  "... the just shall live by faith" 

Galations 3:7
"Know and understand that it is [really] the people [who live] by faith who are [the true] sons of Abraham."

The Just Shall Live by Faith
All of us have heard the scripture that goes something like this:  "the just shall live by faith".  But how many of us really DO live by faith? 

In the month of July, we are going to look at the issues relating to "living by faith".  I want to warn you though, this is NOT for the weak.  You are either truly committed to following and to walking in the Word of God - to it's fullest - or you are not! 

Make me proud!
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NOTE: The teaching series during the month of July covers the life of "Living By Faith" ... don't miss the series, staring with the July 5th issue!
Quick Links


Rich & Jane Allcorn, sr. pastors 
their sons:  Joshua & John

Associate Pastors: 
Margarett Parker, field ministries 

Worldwide Outreach: 
Spirit of Truth Ministries, Int'l 

Affiliate Ministries: 
Williamson County Cowboy Church
     and  Corey Ross Ministries
House of Power Outreach 
     and Tory Gant Ministries


About the Pastors

About me:
I'm a hopeless romantic! I write poetry, short stories, and songs. I love rainy and foggy days. (sorry, that's me) I like to take walks with my wife through nature, go camping with her in the outdoors, and take my Jeep and go places we really can't go in a normal car. I can't wait for us to get a motorcycle! We both love to ride!

I love to sit in the woods and listen to the raindrops after a rain as they slowly drip from the leaves, in the quiet of the woods.

My feelings run deep - really deep. My values are true, solid, black-and-white. My commitments are true, as well. I am a believer in "absolutes"! When I am your friend, there are no "grey areas" with me - you're my friend - period. That survives all attacks, all obstacles, and all that we may go through.

I'm not perfect, but my beliefs are solid, deep-rooted, and of honor and character. These are what keep me grounded, as a friend, and as a person ... and they're what bring me back when I stray or fall short. My wife is that way too. I guess that's why we are such a perfect match!

About her:
She's that sparkle in my eye, the twinkle in my smile, the dance in my step, the hop in my walk, and the object of my affections!

We go camping together, Jeeping together, traveling together, and we even work out together! When we go out in public together, I climb over 2 notches on the social scale just because I'm seen in public with her!

We like much of the same foods, so we cook together and compare recipes. We learn from one another. She's my pal, my friend, my lover, and my partner in life.  We even do Weight Watchers together!   We've been called that "Mad About You" couple you've seen on TV! When we minister together, it's obvious that we "belong"!

I believed God for Jane. She was a "special order", I assure you! He put things in her personality, her physique, and her walk ... all the things about her are things God knew that I wanted and needed!  She is His expression of love, to me!

If you are interested in following our ministry, and in being a partner with us, in your prayers and maybe even in your financial support, please consider signing up for our mailing list.   We're good soil! you f
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Some of my buddies I served with in the U.S. Air Force, forwarded this video to me. It shows men coming home from the war ... and the response their families (especially the kids!) have to seeing them suddenly there! You have "got" to watch this!

Click here to watch the video

NOTE:  the link will open an additional page to the "blog" version of this newsletter, which goes out at the same time each week.  You can 'follow' this blog if you'd like.   The "blog" version has the video imbedded where you can watch it there.  
Here at Rich Allcorn Ministries, we are committed to the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ, in teaching, preaching, and in sharing the Word of God ... to the World!  This is not an option, for us, but a "command".  Jesus told us to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel ..." so that is just what we do!  And it is with your prayers and your continued support that we are able to do this! 

Thank you for your help in carrying out the vision of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world!

Rich & Jane Allcorn