News You Can Use

What's Mine is Yours, What's Yours is Mine

METNY Synagogue Mergers Program


Everything you need to know about synagogue mergers, collaborations and joint programming. Sunday morning, June 12, at Plainview Jewish Center.   


When is the right time to collaborate or merge with a neighboring congregation? How do we begin? We will talk about combining programs and starting buying groups. We will share detailed information regarding planning a merger or consolidation. We will look at the pros and cons, how to overcome obstacles and resistance and advise you of the legal and financial implications.  


And introducting a brand new 36 point Merger Check List is available exclusively to USCJ-affiliated congregations. Contact METNY USCJ at or 212-533-0800 to get this useful new tool.



  • Harvey M. Brenner, FTA, Executive Director, Cong. Or Zarua, NYC
  • Keith Archer, Attorney and founding partner of Harras Bloom & Archer, LLP, Melville, Long Island 

TIME: 9:30-noon. Congregational minyan available at 9 am. Check in and light breakfast from 9-9:30 am. The workshop will begin promptly at 9:30.


While there is no charge to attend, please RSVP by June 6 (also the day of the METNY Annual Dinner) to Sloane Rosenberg, METNY Executive Assistant, at or 212-533-0800. 


Brought to you by the Merger Advisory Committee of the METNY District, chaired by Beth Berman and Joel Cutler.

METNY Annual Dinner 2011

Monday Night, June 6 @ Park Avenue Synagogue

Congratulations to the Honorees:

Rabbi Moshe Edelman

Steven Katz

Sharon Steinberg

We have over 180 people signed up for the Annual Dinner!


It's not too late to make a donation in their honor.  

All proceeds go to scholarships for METNY USY -- the future of our movement and Conservative Judaism.


Thanks to Deanna Miller, Dinner Chair, and her committee - Robyn Cimbol, Joel Cutler, Jeffry Horowitz, Marc Katz, Alan Reid, Naomi Snider and Carol  Turoff - for their hard work and dedication in helping to make this event a success. 

March at the Celebrate Israel Parade

This Sunday! 


March with METNY USY at the Celebrate Israel Parade

All METNY congregations are invited to march with METNY USY at the "Celebrate Israel" parade in honor of the 63rd anniversary of the state of Israel on Sunday, June 5th, 2011.  


Meeting spot: 54th Street, Between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue


Meeting Time: 1:45 pm. Estimated Step-off time: 2:30pm-3:00pm.


Yasher Koach again to Stan Hochauser, who is a special guest of the parade. Stan will have the honor of blowing the shofar at the Celebrate Israel Parade for the 14th consecutive year!


While you can watch a live broadcast of the parade on Sunday,

we hope to see you there.

United Synagogue Youth 

Latest News 




USY Reunion Picnic for USY Alumni


This fantastic reunion event will take place on Sunday, July 10, 10am to 5pm, at Eisenhower Park, in East Meadow, Long Island. Come reconnect with all your past USY friends! Come see old friends and make new ones too!  Looking ahead, save the date - Sunday, Nov. 20 - for METNY's USY 60th gala event. More details coming soon! [more info]   




The Impact of USY

by Arielle Mendelson, Plainview JC USYer  


"I feel like I started a journey that I never want to stop. I've met so many sincere people on my journey that have really impacted me and left me thinking, 'Wow I'm so lucky to be Jewish!' " [read more

Big Apple Maven Training

From Storahtelling   


For the first time Maven training is available to NY-area rabbis, cantors and educators! Led by Storahtelling senior trainers Amichai Lau-Lavie, Isaac Shalev, and Naomi Less, participants will learn to apply Storahtelling's transformational educational methodology, the Maven Method™ to reinvigorate their programs and teaching over the course of a year-long training.

The year-long Maven training includes:

Initial Training Seminar -- August 28-31, 2011 in NYC

On-Site Practice and Continued Training -- September 2011- July 2012

Final Training Seminar -- August 2012 in NYC


$2500* per participant; synagogues may apply for a 2nd participant for $1950


These low costs are made possible through generous funding from UJA-Federation of New York.

*Subsidized rates apply to New York City, Westchester and Long Island only

Applications are now available! Applications are due on June 6. Audition/Interviews will be scheduled for the month of June. 

For more information contact: - 646-395-4350

Things That Work

Resources from USCJ


Click here to download resources and materials frequently called "Best Practices" from United Synagogue, including resources on board and clergy installations.


We've all been to the summer street fairs, but have you considered tabling at one? Yasher Koach to Congregation HaBonim on doing something that works


Synagogue Leadership Transitions


Brukha HaBa'ah to Debbie Jagota, the new president of Greenburgh Hebrew Center. Thank you to outgoing president, Hal Greenwald.

Barukh HaBa to Gregg Lerner, the new president of Temple Israel Center, White Plains. Thank you to outgoing president, David Gilberg


Do We Know Who's Who in Your Congregation?


METNY USCJ would like to keep all of your synagogue board members up to date on the METNY programs and information. When your synagogue elects new board members, please fill out the Synagogue Leadership form and send back to the METNY office so we can include your leadership on our lists.  

Click here to download the form for 2011-12 

Please email it to or fax it to 212-533-0400. The form can also be mailed to 820 Second Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017.

If your congregation is looking for professional and spiritual leadership, METNY is here to help. Please contact any of our staff with questions. We wish our congregations success in this sacred enterprise.

METNY on the Road

On Wednesday, June 1, Rabbi Edelman met with the leadership of Jericho Jewish Center to develop their HAZAK program.


Also on Wednesday, June 1, Rabbi Savenor participated and presented at a Think-Tank on Leadership Development focusing Lay-Staff Teamwork at UJA Federation NY



On Wednesday night, June 1, Tamar Schwartz presented at a meeting of the Kiryah Division youth directors (see photo, above). 


Today, June 2, Rabbi Savenor met with the leadership of Forest Hills West Middle Village.


Today, June 2, Rabbi Savenor met with the new executive director of Storahtelling, Isaac Shalev. 


This evening, June 2, Rabbi Edelman will attend the Long Island Principals Dinner at Shelter Rock Jewish Center


On Monday, June 6th, our staff and lay leaders will be at the METNY Annual Dinner. We hope you will join us there!!


On Friday, June 10, Rabbi Savenor will meet with the leadership of Little Neck Jewish Center.


Yasher Koach Corner

The Keter Torah Awards were held at the Midway Jewish Center, on Long Island 

Students from Merrick Jewish Centre pose as they receive their awards 


Yasher Koach to all the inductees into the Keter Torah Honor Society, and to all of the recipients of the Akiba Award at the May 25th Ceremony! Thank you to host congregation Midway Jewish Center, and to the METNY volunteers for their assistance: Robyn Cimbol, Joel Cutler, Alan Reid, William Friedlieb, Maxine Peresechensky, Carol Turoff, Abe Eisenberg, Jerry Klibanoff, and Barbara Klibanoff


Yasher Koach to Amy Skopp Cooper, director of Camp Ramah in Nyack and Assistant Director of the National Ramah Commission; and Rabbi Shai Held, co-founder, dean and chair in Jewish Thought at Mechon Hadar; on receiving the Covenant Award for excellence in Jewish Education. 


Yasher Koach to Tamar Schwartz, METNY Director of Youth Activities, on her earning MPA.

Responding to the Recent Natural Disasters


Emergency Planning from USCJ 

Hurricane season is underway, and we want you to be as prepared as possible. NOAA is expecting a busy season based on many reports. Please reach out to FEMA, the local American Red Cross and other groups in your area to get to know the contacts today BEFORE you need them.


Download THE BOOK on emergency planning 





Disaster in Kansas 

All of the recent natural disasters are mind numbing. It is difficult to fathom the destruction caused by the Japanese earthquake and the wave of super tornadoes striking our country. We have to work hard to remember that each disaster affects 1000's of individual lives. On Sunday afternoon there was a town in Joplin, Missouri. On Monday morning there was the devastation pictured on the left. Everything literally wiped out. 

We are asked to give money to many worthy causes. Perhaps we should use some of what we donate for natural disasters. If we give some (even if it is just a little) after each disaster, it may help us with the disaster fatigue.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City has also set up a fund to help with relief in Joplin:

May God be there for all those experiencing lost and may God strengthen the hands of all of the people helping with rescue and relief. 


We thank Rabbi Daniel Schweber of Shaarei Tikvah of Scardsale, for sharing the information above with his kehillah and METNY. 



Chag Sameach from METNY United Synagogue!

Our office will be closed next Wednesday and Thursday for the holiday


Look for your next "News You Can Use" on June 16th!

Shabbat/Holiday Times  
Candle lighting:  

This week: 8:04pm 

This week's Torah portion is
Parashat Nasso

Israel & the Middle East 



USCJ Resolution on Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation 

Read the resolution, which was approved by the USCJ General Assembly on May 22, 2011.

Read the letter sent to President Obama from Rabbi Steven Wernick, CEO, USCJ; and Richard Skolnik, President, USCJ. 


Programs and Resources



USCJ Luah Redesigned  

User-friendly and easy to read, Luah 5772 will guide you effortlessly through the year. Pre-orders being accepted now! [view sample pages




Jewish Multiracial Network 

Annual Retreat! 

June 17-19, 2011 at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat

Center in the Connecticut Berkshires. Earlybird registration extended to May 31, 2011. [more info


Upcoming Programs
From USCJ & its Affiliates


Conservative Yeshiva 

Summer Sessions 

Join the Conservative Yeshiva for a memorable summer experience in Israel with students from all over the world! Session I: July 3-July 21, 2011, Session II: July 24-August 11, 2011 (Sessions will not be repetitive). Beginning and advanced students are welcome. For more information or to apply, see the summer webpage or email


Our Better Angels:  

New York Religious Leaders Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of 9/11
JTS and UTS co-sponsor three evenings of learning and music at St. Paul's Chapel.  Tickets are limited. For info write: or call (917) 310-4923. 




Last week's News listed the new youth director at Forest Hills Jewish Center as Mara Silver; her name is Mara Silver-Smith. METNY regrets the error. 




820 Second Ave., 10th Floor 

New York, NY 10017 


Phone: (212) 533-0800

Fax: (212) 533-0400 





Twitter: @CharlieSavenor 




Find a METNY Synagogue 

USCJ Movement Affiliates 

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