3-23-11 school beat masthead


March 23, 2011

School Beat
Welcome to School Beat, an e-newsletter from Seattle Public Schools that features District information, student and staff celebrations, school news and upcoming District-related events. Please share School Beat with others and send comments to publicaffairs@seattleschools.org.
Table of Contents
District News
Staff Celebrations
Around the Schools
Around the Community
Upcoming Events
School and District Events Calendar
We Need Your Ideas
In the News
Quick Links
District News


Susan EnfieldDr. Susan Enfield appointed interim Superintendent

The Seattle School Board voted at its March 2 meeting to appoint Dr. Susan Enfield as interim Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools.


Seattle Public Schools to partner with City Ethics Commission

Seattle Public Schools will enter into an agreement to receive contracted services from the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission. The commission will provide independent investigations, policy reviews and training, and manage complaints of retaliation against whistleblowers.


Updated college readiness measurements released

Seattle Public Schools on March 18 announced updated measurements for how many students are graduating ready for college. It was determined that 63 percent of Seattle Public School graduates have completed courses and requirements that are considered by the Higher Education Coordinating Board to represent college readiness.


Seattle Public Schools was honored with a place in the College Board's Advanced Placement Achievement List for opening AP classroom doors to a significantly broader pool of students. 
Robert Boesche
Robert Boesche has been appointed the interim Chief Financial Officer of Seattle Public Schools while the District conducts a national search for an individual to fill the permanent role. Health and Safety Director Pegi McEvoy was appointed interim Chief Operating Officer while the District also conducts a search to fill that position.

Principals appointed for 2011-12 school year
Student Celebrations

Franklin, Garfield advance to state in mock trial competition

Franklin High School's mock trial team finished undefeated at the 2011 YMCA High School Mock Trial Competition, placing third and - along with Garfield High School mock trial team - will now head to the state competition in Olympia scheduled for March 25-27.

Neighborhood art contest posterDunlap, Hamilton students winners
of Neighborhood art contest
Angel Corpuz, a student at Dunlap Elementary School, and Grace Corsi, a student at Hamilton International  Middle Schools, were winners of the 2011 Neighbor Appreciation Day student art contest.

West Seattle automotive student wins medal, qualifies for state

Dunlap students runners-up in Poison Prevention Week Art Contest

Staff Celebrations

Jeff Clark

Denny International Middle School principal receives award for outstanding leadership

Jeff Clark, principal of Denny International Middle School, received the Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence for his outstanding leadership at the school. Chanda E. Oatis, Denny assistant principal, received the Principals Association of Seattle Schools Middle School/K-8 Assistant Principal of the Year Award.


MLK teacher to be inducted in Indiana basketball hall of fame

Nutrition director featured in Seattle's Child magazine

Around the Schools

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Cleveland students part of campaign to fight hate, discrimination

Ten Cleveland High School students took the stage at a school assembly last month to share their sometimes heartbreaking stories of bullying and bigotry and how they dealt with it. The students were part of the USA Network TV's Characters Unite Tour, an ongoing campaign to fight hate and discrimination by promoting tolerance and acceptance.


Ergomania indoor rowing contest

Aki Kurose rowers pull together together
in 'Ergomania' indoor rowing contest

Fourteen students from Aki Kurose Middle School competed in Ergomania, an indoor rowing contest, with several of the students winning medals and ribbons for their efforts.



Garfield photography students document Central Area

Nathan Hale radio station celebrates 40 years 

STEM@Cleveland students to deliver footwear to Guatemala 

Denny International music video stresses importance of studying 

YMCA, PTSA help equip student lounge for West Seattle High

Whittier Elementary Choir performs before School Board meeting
Beacon Hill third-graders hear first-hand account of historic march
MSNBC program features STEM program at Cleveland

Orca K-8 students deliver donations to Rainier Valley Food Bank

Denny students relive slave history in 'Stolen Ones' play

Grant helps Beacon Hill support Nicaragua sister school

Ballard High students get first-hand medical experience

Blaine student cuts hair, raises funds for cancer research
Aki Kurose holds 'Neighborhood Walk' to build relationships



Around the Community

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Board of Education welcomes entries to Student Video Contest

Upcoming Events

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 PNB teaching artist Suzanne Singla with 3rd grade students from Graham Hill Elementary (Photo by Bill Mohn)
Three schools to perform March 26 with
Pacific Northwest Ballet at McCaw Hall

More than 250 Seattle Public Schools students will perform on stage at the Marion Oliver McCaw Hall on Saturday, March 26 as part of the Discover Dance program led by Pacific Northwest BalletPhoto by Bill Mohn


School and District Events Calendar
If you would like to know about current special school activities, fund-raisers or other District events, visit the online District Events Calendar where you can see what's going on monthly at Seattle Public Schools. You can also search for specific events by date, school and type. 
We need your ideas
The Communications Office is always looking for stories on interesting classroom projects, inspirational people or events in our schools to share with the greater Seattle community. We often highlight stories submitted by school staff for potential media coverage as well as District and community publications. For examples of stories we have published in the past, please visit this link. We would like to hear from you. If you have a unique story to share, please send your ideas directly to goodnews@seattleschools.org.
In the News
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For a sampling of this week's local news stories on Seattle Public Schools, please click