Excellence for All: Excellent Schools
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School Reports, District Scorecard released; families, community invited to discuss reports and suggestions for improvements
Seattle Public Schools released individual School Reports and a District Scorecard on Nov. 9 that showed Districtwide data, such as test scores, absence rates and family satisfaction with school. One school in the District - Mercer Middle School - showed significant improvement in a school where 72 percent of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. Read more. Fifteen Seattle Public Schools named 2010 Schools of Distinction Fifteen public schools from Seattle have been recognized for outstanding academic improvements in math and reading that put them in the top 5 percent of the highest-improving schools in the state. Read more.
District News
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Information on snow make-up days, parent-teacher conferences Information on make-up days for the Nov. 23 and 24 cancellation of school is posted online and in a news release. Also, Seattle Public Schools plans to have all parent-teacher conferences for elementary and K-8 students completed before winter break. Read more.
NW student assignment plan meeting rescheduled to Dec. 13Families, staff and the community are invited to attend the rescheduled Northwest regional meeting on the Student Assignment Transition Plan on Dec. 13. Read more. Superintendent gives State of the District address; School Reports, District Scorecard released for discussion and suggestions
Superintendent Maria L. Goodloe-Johnson spoke about the state of Seattle Public Schools at a Nov. 9 meeting - highlighting the challenges, achievements and goals for the upcoming years. The Superintendent also talked about the release of the District Scorecard, as well as individual School Reports. Both are online and available at each school. Read more. School District integrating discussions for for 2011-12 school year
In a series of upcoming work sessions, the School Board will integrate discussions to include how to balance the budget for next year given the large estimated funding gap; examine what factors should be included in the second year of transition to the new student assignment plan; and review enrollment and school capacity. Read more.
Superintendent receives resolutions for Filipino American History Month
Student Celebrations
Four productions from Ballard students win awards at Portland film festival Ballard High School students won four awards at the 34th Annual Young People's Film & Video Festival. The films were screened earlier this month in Portland. Read more.
Staff Celebrations
Librarians recognized for demonstrating excellence in teaching Three Seattle Public Schools librarians received a recognition award this month from SynapticMash Innovation Foundation for demonstrating excellence in teaching: Carter Kemp of Kimball Elementary, Sherry Murray of Dearborn Park and Linda Nakagawa of Maple Elementary. Read more.
South Lake counselor receives Champion for Youth Award Carol Johnson, a counselor at South Lake High School, was honored in a surprise schoolwide rally this month with the "Champion for Youth Award." Read more.
 | Don Gilmore |
Construction Program Manager begins chairmanship of facility planners international council Don Gilmore, Construction Program Manager at Seattle Public Schools assumed the chairmanship of the Council of Educational Facility Planners International last month. Read more. Three SPS teachers honored as 'Heroes in the Classroom' Career and Technical educators honored for excellence
Around the Community
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City of Seattle to hold fairs for Families and Education Levy The City of Seattle is holding two community information fairs for the city's next Families and Education Levy. Read more.
School and District Events Calendar
If you would like to know about current special school activities, fund-raisers or other District events, visit the online District Events Calendar where you can see what's going on monthly at Seattle Public Schools. You can also search for specific events by date, school and type.
We need your ideas
The Communications Office is always looking for stories on interesting classroom projects, inspirational people or events in our schools to share with the greater Seattle community. We often highlight stories submitted by school staff for potential media coverage as well as District and community publications. For examples of stories we have published in the past, please visit this link. We would like to hear from you. If you have a unique story to share, please send your ideas directly to goodnews@seattleschools.org.