Drews Sign It Pty Ltd
Food For Thought...
Compiled by Shane Drew
July 2010
In this issue
Our Services
A Quote to Remember
TV causes childbirth?
You're kidding, right?
Top Tips for Life
Sobbering News on Scams
Why Me?
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We do have a policy of keeping you informed of anything that may either improve or hinder our business relationship. 

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Travel by Tracey

Travel by Tracey is independently owned and operated, offering a full range of travel products, with exceptional levels of personalised service.

With no affiliation with any airlines or travel suppliers, clients can be assured they will receive unbiased advice and information and all arrangements made will be the most suitable for their needs, not what the company is obliged to sell from preferred suppliers.

Tracey Schwass has had many years experience in the travel industry working in a variety of roles and has a special interest in group travel.

Rachael Chartres has recently completed her final Travel & Tourism examinations, passing with distinction.

Both continue to attend regular seminars and product training sessions to ensure their knowledge is up to date and accurate.
Our Services Include: 
Pull-up Displays  
Gecko Promotional Film
'A' Frames & 'T' Frames
Full Colour PVC Banners
Banner Lamination
Artist Canvas
Photo Prints 
Full Colour Fabric Banners
Banner Mesh/Fence Wraps
Trade Show Signage
Corflute Temporary Signs
ePVC Internal Signs
Composite Alluminium Signs
Colorbond Signs
Vista Wayfinding Directories
Fabricated Custom Signs
Lightbox Signs
Contract Custom Installation
Contract Electrical Installations
Contract Maintenance 
All Sign Installations
Sail Track Banners
VGrip Banners Tracks
Car Magnetic Signs
Fridge Magnets
Business Cards
Artwork & Design
Wholesale Production
Commercial Sign Installation
Contract Supply
Vehicle Wraps
One Way Vision
Interstate Installations
3M Sign Products
Oracal Sign Products
Avery Sign Products
and more....
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About the writer
Shane Drew 
Shane Drew has been involved in the sign industry since 1992. 
Before that he had a very successful career in sales, winning several Sales Awards before deciding on a career change in his early 30's.
Shane has been writing freelance articles since 2002 and is a sign industry mentor for sign shops both in Australia and Europe, is a regular contributor to Europe's biggest sign industry forum, and is well known in local circles for his passion about the Australian Sign Industry.
Shane is Managing Director of Drews Sign It Pty Ltd, a family business who are supporters of several major charities and not-for-profit organisations.
A recent highlight is his appointment as a Green Guardian for his support of Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, on Queensland's Southern Gold Coast
Green Guardian
A Quote to remember 
Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.
Mark Twain

Queensland Police Media
Covert speed
camera vehicles will be deployed in the Northern and Far Northern police regions
for the first time from 29 June 2010 as part of Operation Cold Snap, 2010


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We take most major Credit Cards. 2% fee on Amex and Diners Club
Welcome to our July edition of Food For Thought.
I seriously owe some apologies to a lot of people this month. We have been very busy with work, and it appears my mobile phone may not be working as it should.
On several occasions my messages have not come through for several days, and I've had some complaints that I've not returned calls, when in truth, they have not come through to my phone and I've not known calls are waiting to be returned..
So, if this is you, I am sorry.
I have rung my service provider, 3, and they sympathize but need me to record the incidents when they happen so they can follow it through. Question is, how do I know when it is happening if the message doesn't register in the first place? Sheesh!
Also, I'd like to advise that I am rarely taking calls that come up on my phone as a 'private number'. I will let it go to message bank in just about every instance. Recently, some overseas hawkers have got access to my mobile number and have been ringing me constantly trying to sell me everything from Gold to cheap holidays. I've given up trying to be polite, and rather than be rude and hang-up on them, I'd prefer to not take the call at all.
I had registered all my numbers with the 'Do not call register' (DNR) but was threatened with legal action as my phone is listed as a business number. Did you know it was illegal to register a number with the DNR if it is not private?
I argued that I still should have the right to reject hawkers, but apparently as a business, that right has been forfeited. I was stunned.   
I'd also like to remind you again that we now take account payments online via Paypals dedicated and secure site. You can check it out here  
A reminder too that you can also hook up with me via Linkedin
Finally, I'd like to advise that we'll be closing for our yearly holidays on the 10th of September, for two weeks. Can you please make a note of that in your diary?
TV can lead to childbirth?
or.... is that what I think it is ....?
According to a recent survey, it appears that shows on television like Californication, Gossip Girl and Sex and the City can end up getting you pregnant.
The study found that girls who watch racy shows have a much higher chance of getting "in the mood" than those who settle for less sexually charged TV.
Behavioral scientist Anita Chandra found teens who watched the sexiest shows were twice as likely to become pregnant over the next three years as those who watched few such programs.
Shows that highlight only the positive aspects of sexual behaviour and not the risks can lead teens to have unprotected sex before they're ready to make responsible and informed decisions, Chandra said.
The study in the magazine 'Pediatrics', involved 2,003 boys and girls nationwide between the ages 12 and 17 who were questioned about their viewing habits.
Pregnancies were twice as common among those who said they watched such shows regularly compared with teens who said they hardly ever watched them.

(source: news.com.au)
You're Kidding, right?
For those that have it all..... almost. 
Listed as a "monument to unparalleled success," the largest home for sale in the United States comes with plenty of space but no carpet, tiles or interior walls.
It's up to the future buyer to finish it.
The mansion started by timeshare tycoon David Siegel boasts plenty of big numbers:  
  • 90,000 square feet.
  • Twenty-three bathrooms.
  • Thirteen bedrooms.
  • Ten kitchens.
  • A 20-car garage, with additional space for two limos.
  • Three pools.
  • A bowling alley.
  • Indoor roller rink.
  • Two-story movie theater.
  • Video arcade.
  • Fitness center.
  • Baseball field 
  • Two tennis courts.
All that and more for $75 million "as is."
There's an option to buy it completed for $100 million.
Nicknamed "Versailles" for the French royal palace that inspired it, the edifice hit the market recently. Construction was halted last year to save money in a recession that proved particularly hard on Siegel's once-booming industry.
The Versailles mansion, inspired by a visit to the real palace near Paris on the Siegel's honeymoon in 2000, is currently tied for fifth by price with several others.
But it has, by all accounts, the most square footage under one roof in America for a home after the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, N.C.
"This mansion is a great anecdote of the overconsumption that led to the housing bust, and it might be the poster child of such overindulgence," said Jack McCabe, a Florida-based real estate analyst.
The unfinished palace at 6121 Kirkstone Lane makes Tiger Woods' place just down the street in this gated Orlando suburb look more like a guest house.

For Sale: $US75mil 'as is'
For Sale
(source: AP)
Top tips for life
 or... It can't be that easy.. can it?
Researchers from some of the top universities -- MIT, Harvard and Yale -- have published a study that looked at tactile sensations, basically examining how changing what people physically feel can change how they emotionally feel.
People think of stability or strictness when touching something hard, the authors figured. Roughness makes people think of difficulties, while holding something heavy can actually make a situation feel weightier.
In one portion of the study, researchers instructed participants to sit on either a hard chair or a soft chair while they negotiated the price of a new car; the car's sticker price was $16,500, and the faux-negotiators could place two bids.
It appears that a hard chair may make you a hard headed: Those sitting in the unyielding chairs were rather unyielding in their negotiations, only changing their offers from the first bid to the second by an average of $896.50. But those who sat in the soft chairs were big softies, changing their bids by an average of $1,243.60.
It's kind of like the study from a couple years ago that found that people have warmer feelings when they are handling a hot drink. But these touchy researchers wanted to find out more about how tactile sense, and how it can affect our thoughts and decisions.
Here are a few more lessons learned from the study, if you're brave enough to try them out in real life. (Let us know how that goes, will ya?)
  • If you want to be taken seriously while interviewing for a new job, give your interviewer a heavy clipboard. Heavy-clipboard holders in this study rated job candidates as seeming more serious.
  •  If you're looking to smooth things over with a friend, give your friend a smooth puzzle piece to hold while you talk it out. People who handled smooth puzzle pieces rated social interactions as less difficult or harsh than people who handled rough pieces.
  • But if you want something from someone, hand them a rough puzzle piece. In the study, those who handled rough puzzle pieces were more generous than those who handled smooth ones, perhaps because they perceived the other person as being tougher or more difficult.
(Source: MSN) 
Sobbering News on Scams
If it seems too good to be true, is probably is...
Australians reported losses of more than $70 million to fraud and swindling to the consumer watchdog last year, but real losses could be much higher.
The deputy chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Peter Kell, says the loss estimate is based on the 20,000 people who contacted the commission in 2009.
"We think actually there are many more victims out there," he said.
"When complaints to other agencies are taken into account, the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that annual losses to fraud and scams could be up to $1 billion annually."
Mr Kell says successful frauds, particularly online, are continuing to increase.

"We've seen it now over several years," he said.
"Realistically this figure is likely to be the tip of the iceberg, because many people are embarrassed about reporting they've been victims of scams."
Complaints to the commission were 16 per cent higher than the previous year.
Advance payment schemes dominate the 20,000 complaints, followed by online auctions, shopping and lotteries. Banking and online fraud was up by 38 per cent. Mr Kell says that reflects increased uptake of online banking services.
Fifty-four per cent of fraud involved mass online marketed, advance fee deals.
He says such scams often do not ask for large deposits, and hence go unreported, but they deliver big returns to the fraudsters.
Scams linked to dating sites were up by 30 per cent.
"People are typically more vulnerable when they are in that emotional decision-making mode," he said.
"Whether it's around dating sites or health scams, they're not necessarily thinking rationally about what's actually behind the offer."
Across the board, more than 12,000 people lost between $1 and $10,000.
Two Australians lost more than $10 million.
Mr Kell says the people who lost the large amounts usually had been tricked into forming a trust relationship with the fraudsters, and believed they were contributing to helping or assisting others in illness or poverty.
"Some people have lost entire inheritances," he said.
There is some bright news for those over 65. Apart from young non-wage earners, they are the least like to fall victim to fraud.
However, the deputy commissioner has put a dampener on that.
"We expect that as older people increasingly take up use of the internet, that figure will rise," he said.
(Source: ABC News)
and finally, Flight Centre announced recently that over 25 million items of luggage go missing at major airports every year. Their advice? Make sure you have the right travel insurance.
After analysing the latest figures in the 2010 Air Transport Industry Baggage Report, it shows a staggering one in 100 passengers globally at a major airport will experience the realisation that their luggage hasn't made it to their destination.
Flight Centre found that of 25 million mishandled bags, more than half went missing between transfers, around 16 per cent weren't loaded onto flights and 13 per cent went astray as a result of passenger bag switching, poor ticketing and failed security.
Colin Bowman from Flight Centre reminds us that most people don't factor in the cost of replacing all their clothes in their travel budget.
He says "Most assume it won't happen to them, but these figures give a strong indication people should ensure they're covered, for example a traveller may fly with two airlines on one trip, so it's really not worth taking the risk"
Mr Bowman said some airlines don't offer compensation for lost, stolen or damaged luggage, and even if they do it could take weeks for a reimbursement to come through.
When do bags go missing? The report states;
  • Transfer baggage mishandling (52%)
  • Failure to load (16%)
  • Passenger bag switch/security/ticketing error (13%)
  • Loading/offloading (7%)
  • Airport/customs/weather/space-weight restriction (6%)
  • Arrival station mishandling (3%)
  • Tagging errors (3%)
One per 100 passengers is equivilent to several per plane load.
The best advice I ever received from a seasoned traveller many years ago was this: Always carry clean underwear in your carry-on luggage

Seems they may actually be on to something.
I hope this edition gave you more food for thought anyway.
Until next month, keep smiling and take care,
Shane Drew