Issue 1.7      Did you miss our last email? Stripe Actuators and Piezoelectric Element Behavior

                    38mm and 50mm Rings - Common Piezo Shapes

Various common ring sizes are available for fast delivery from APCI. 38mm and 50mm rings are among the most frequently used sizes. Ultrasonic cleaning is a typical application for such rings.

  • Made of 851,842, 844 or 881STANDARD RINGS PICTURE
  • Typically ready for shipping within 6 weeks
  • Small quantities accepted (under 1000 pieces)
  • Standard ID's on 38mm rings include: 12.7mm, 13mm, 14mm, 15mm, and 19mm
  • Standard ID's on 50mm rings include: 16mmm,17mm, 20mm, and 22mm
  • Custom rings available upon request

Discuss your custom ring design with an APCI representative

              Please provide a drawing or sketch including, tolerances, material requirements and
              electrode patern

Review standard tolerances or Learn more about common shapes

Request a quote

            Upcoming Events, News or Research

Do you know of an upcoming event that would interest our readers? Do you have helpful piezo-related information, research or an article that you would like an issue of Electrifying News to highlight? APCI is accepting submissions for consideration.

  • TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH IMAGEProvide a link to your article for inclusion in the  newsletter, or another form of electronic copy
  • Offer a picture or corresponding graphic
  • Supply event details such as name, date and location
  • List primary points of interest
  • Send proposed material to feedback@americanpiezo.com

APC International News

Recommend a topic for future inclusion in the newsletter

Piezoelectric Reference book - Piezoelectric Ceramics: Principles and Applications

Webpage: www.americanpiezo.com

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