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February 2010

Greetings Satellite Imagery Archive Members,

We hope you are surviving the winter weather in good style regardless of your location. 

This issue of SIA News focuses on:
  • DATADOORS ARCHIVE TRAINING: Select from Available Dates Directly from Newsletter and Download Manuals
  • NEXT WebX SIA MEETING: Select your Favorite Date Directly from Newsletter
Our goal is to provide you with geospatial imagery and application information that you have discussed with us which may assist you in your individual professional roles. This issue provides information collected at a recent industry conference highlighting:
  • Overviews of Federal Geospatial Projects with agencies such as, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Army Corp of Engineers in the Pacific Rim
  • Overviews of other Federal GeoSpatial Projects such as the Federal Geospatial Data Committee, a National Land Parcel System and others
These overviews also provide a PowerPoint link (if available) of their presentation. In addition, the presenters contact information is provided if you would like to email or speak with any of them directly. If you would like us to schedule a conference call or collect additional information let us know and we will be happy to do so.
As always it is our pleasure to serve you, please let us know what your imagery and geospatial imagery service needs are that are currently not being met and we will assist you in any way we can.
Happy winter - wherever you are - this is the view outside our office windows as we write to you today.  Sometimes we think we are trapped in a Black and White Movie!!

Thank you again for your input and suggestions,

   Dr. Shawana Johnson              Sherry Loy

1.  National GeoSpatial Intelligence Agency (PowerPoint not Utilized)
NGA's New Programs:
EnhancedView, GeoINT Data Readiness and Commercial Airborne
Ray Lauer, Chief of Staff for Jeff Goebel

· Works in Source Directorate Program
· Works with commercial vendor community
  1. EnhancedView is the next program (after Nextview and what was originally Clearview) to purchase commercial satellite imagery and is currently in bidding phase.  This bid focuses on open competition using multiple commercial platforms using unclassified GeoINT and they are hoping for an  "end of summer" 2010 final award.
  2. GDR - GeoINT Data Ready (is what used to be call the GGI program)
    • This new program expires January 20, 2013; Jeff Goebel worked with Karen Thomas to focus on "Gold Copy" Database of product associations with that database.  They will utilize Subject Matter Experts (SME's) for areas of the world at NGA and those SME's will be specialists on commercial data available for what has changed - this will be a vendor team for source data.
    • Today "Gold" dataset is not in place.  The vendor teams will become the SME's.
    • Next contract will be in place 1/21/2013 and will be for data and FTE's.
    • All commercial airborne contracts at NGA are currently unfunded.
2.  NOAA - Federal Updates

Ocean Coastal Mapping and Integration Act
H.R. 146-Omnibus Public Land Management Act - Defines coastal mapping (very broad definition)
  1. Requires:
    • Interagency committees (coordinator USGS, FGDC, NGO's)
    • Develop National Plan
    • Develop NOAA plan which they don't understand why congress asked for this, but requires plan to work with commercial companies
    • January 14, 2010 report posted for coastal group
    • Main Point of act is to facilitate "cost effective mapping efforts with interagency cooperation"
NOAA Coastal Workshop, November 3-5, 2009
1. Data focused on (for report for Congress)
    • Geodetic Control
    • Elevation
    • Cadastre
    • Ortho Imagery
    • Habitat
2. Workshop Themes:

a. Global Climate Change
b. Energy and Resource Strategies
c. Navigation
d. Ecosystem Management
NOAA Key Challenges:
  1. No new funding for mapping
  2. Agency's Driven by mandates
  3. Incentives for increased coordination
NOAA needs from Mapping Community:
  1. Identify opportunities for increased opportunities when we see agencies competing for same mapping area
  2. Provide education on requirements for new data collections need for additional resources
  3. Provide economic impacts for a successful and an unsuccessful passage of the Coastal Act H.R. 146
NOAA Coastal Zone Services
  1. Interested in discussing with SIA Manager Data Sharing Opportunities
3.  US Army Corps of Engineers
USACE, Pacific Rim District:
Benton Ching, P.E., Hydraulic Engineering
Click Here to Access Presentation
Email:  [email protected]
- Region includes:  Pacific Ocean, Alaska, Hawaii, Japan and Indonesia
- Support Hawaii Military, Civil Works Navigation for flood control, shore protection and ocean/coastal erosion, ecosystem protection, emergency management
- LiDAR Uses - Numerical modeling for physical wave action modeling
· Dam Break - caused major review of 120 dams
- Need elevation data with LiDAR of:
· Interior Islands
· Samoa
4.  National Parcel System
David Cowen, Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina
[email protected]
Susan Marlow, Smart Data Strategies
Click Here to Access Presentation
[email protected]
  • 1980 and 2007 NRC documented need for national parcel data, but no progress over 27-years - must have Federal Government support
  • Last 6 months - Parcel Data has been a component in RFP's from HUD, DHS, NOAA, BLM so at least there is some movement in requesting Parcels
  • Belief is HUD has most influence and mission for Parcel Data. National property layer may come from here with block grant and TARP money
  • Others are USDA, US Forest Service (needs for wildfire management)
  • USDA FSA common land units (CLU) program
  • USDA APHIS - Tracking disease such as citrus blight in Florida
  • Parcel Data growing in mobile Applications
    • 4 million current Mobile Map Users growing to 43 million users by 2015
  • Communities
    • Want a simple product but to get the product behind it is difficult to use and develop IT
  • Current standing in the US for a National Parcel System
    • There is still no bill passed on making a National Parcel System done through a "Federal Land Inventory Bill"
    • Google Maps has parcel information for most of US
    • First American Flood Insurance has Parcel Data for most of the US
    • N.Y. manages 3 states on foreclosure rates on Parcel Data - Add Parcel I.D. to home mortgage disclosure act
    • Parcels are there - there is just no national coordinator and watcher
    • Congressional Research Service Report came out in 2009 and outlines legislation actions on National Parcel Database
    • HUD has said they want to provide oversight and management of mortgage and financial services - they are currently looking at 130 parcels in an outdated system

5.  NOAA Pacific Rim Services Center
Honolulu, HI
Adam Stein
Click Here to Access Presentation
Email:  [email protected]
Pacific Region Projects Provide:
  • Topo Inventory in Hawaiian arch (since 1900 -2008)
  • Tsunami Inundation Modeling
6.  NOAA University of Hawaii
Lisa Wedding
Click Here to Access Presentation
Email: [email protected]
  • Uses LiDAR technology to characterize and map 3D structure on the coral reef
  • Study sites - Hanauma Bay (and 4 other sites) Marine Life Conservation District
  • Uses stratified random sampling design, habitat data, abiotic , abiotic resources (habitat complexity) and depth
  • Using LiDAR from USACE (flown 1999-2000) and they derived DEM's to measure coral reef merged with air-photo data
  • They have Bathymetry Percent Slope and Rugosity of all their study sites of bays
  • Studied LiDAR Rugosity as it related to Fish Biomass there was a strong relationship showing fish diversity, abundance, complexity in order to better manage marine habitat protection
7.  University of Hawaii Coastal Geology
Mathew Barbee, Geology
Click Here to Access Presentation
Email: [email protected]
Ben Brooks, Volcanology
Email: [email protected]
  • Integrated coastal DEM building is their main focus in order to develop wave prediction models.
  • Main study is inundation of sea level rises causing back-ups of fresh water in high population areas.
  • Wave modeling studies shows insurance companies areas where lands changes are significant and where endangered areas are located.
  • Volcanology studies demonstrate shore line and reef changes and impacts to fresh water sources also.
8.  Maui High Performance Computing Center Computing Center
Kevin Roe, Boeing Corp.
(PowerPoint Not Available)
  • Managed by Air Force Research Labs - University of Hawaii and SAIC (current software development is still 10-years behind what is commercially available)
  • Facility is 32,000sq ft. by 5,100ft computer room, 1,600sq. ft. SCIF
  • Machine called JAWS is a 20 Terra Flop system and ranks as the 25th largest in the world in terms of storage
  • Support of the Pacific Rim Region is only 20% of their work and the rest is DOD network support as well as providing back-up to the internet for Hawaii.  There are currently 740 user accounts on the system and of those 469 are DOD.
9.  The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) 2.0 and Federal GeoSpatial Data Committee (FGDC)
Ivan B. DeLoatch, Executive Director, NDSI 2.0
Click Here to Access Presentation
[email protected]
· The advent of new resources in the current administration will not happen
  1. OMB, Circular A-16, Executive Order 1290 revised in 2003 established NSDI which established FGDC in 1990.  (20-years and FGDC has accomplished very little.) Executive orders to establish geographic map coordination has been going on since 1906.
  2. Executive orders focus on:
    • Avoid duplication in government orders from vendors
    • Establish the CIO
    • Engage commercial community
      3. Evolution
    • New leadership in Administration want everything to be "Google" and "Microsoft" easy - they ask why don't we just use them instead of all these expensive data, hardware, software, tools, etc.
    • NSDI works with the big cloud computing government applications
    • NSDI Weaknesses:
      • Accountability not in place
      • No incentives
      • No substantial funding models (yearly)
      • Data themes are in OMB circular A-16

      4. New Administration has told FGDC they need to be    relevant - they are now the geospatial point of contact for new administration.  All agencies will have single point of data access
    • The central point of "data" for each agency is very important which for FGDC also includes IT
    • Even the "President" uses the CIO IT Dashboard (much of which has no geospatial piece)
      5. FGDC Recent Activities:
    • Recovery.gov website built to track to a recovery receiver right down to the participant level
    • Looking at smart buys for software and services
    • National Geospatial Advisory Committee providing a white paper to administration.  Same people on that committee as usual, Big Aerospace Companies, MAPPS Executive Director and ASPRS Executive Director
    • Developed a good geo-enabled recovery.gov website and now the Administration wants more added to it but has no money to provide to develop it
    • FGDC requested from OMB and received proposals from agencies to define the geographic's of interest - reports have been submitted and FGDC is waiting to see what OMB does
    • FGDC is still trying to get Census Bureau to give up data, Title 13

Dear Satellite Imagery Archive User,

As you know the USDA has recently contracted with i-cubed located in Fort Collins, CO to use their DataDoors program to host a redundant copy of the USDA Satellite Imagery Archive to simplify the online data search, access and download process.
To date, there are over 70 registered users who are actively accessing this online tool to retrieve satellite data.  If you do not have an account, please go to http://usda-sia.datadoors.net/DataDoorsWeb/Signup.aspx and register so that you will be able to start accessing and ordering data online in the future.
To get the most value out of this program and maximize your efficiency, several online tools are available to use within this program. To ensure that you have a positive experience accessing this online tool, i-cubed hosted 2 user webex training classes and was well attended with over 60 participants.
If you were not able to participate in these classes future training dates will be available and announcements will be emailed out to the registered users.
If you have any questions or would like a copy of the user manuals emailed to you please contact Sherry Loy via email at [email protected]

About i-Cubed
DataDoors™ is a flexible framework that integrates distributed geographic data management - discovery, acquisition, processing, analysis & modeling, delivery. DataDoors™ seamlessly provides decision makers and analysts (not necessarily geospatial experts) with the geographic data and derivative information they require accomplish their missions. It typically takes less than 2 minutes for a user to discover and initiate acquisition of the data they need.

To access the USDA SIA DataDoorsWeb™, click here.

Compass Data
CompassData, Inc. was founded to focus solely on providing content to the Geospatial industry. For the past 13 years. CompassData has been the market leader in the collection of accurate and affordable geodetic control for geo-rectified satellite and aerial imagery. As a woman-owned small business, CompassData specializes in collecting and distributing high-quality, spatially accurate data for the Geospatial industry leaders. The organizations that CompassData has served include: environmental firms; public safety and law enforcement agencies; public utility (gas & electric) companies; local, state, and federal government agencies; imagery providers, telecommunication companies, transportation organizations, natural resource firms, and the Department of Defense.

For information about CompassData, click here.


2009 National Cropland Data Layer Product Release

By Rick Mueller

The USDA/National Agricultural Statistics Service provides meaningful, accurate, and objective geospatial information and services utilizing satellite imagery and ground truth data to produce a supervised land use classification called the Cropland Data Layer (CDL).  More specifically, this NASS remote sensing area program produces a public domain crop specific geospatial land cover product over the major crop producing states in the continental US.  Indications of major cropland planted and harvested acres are provided from the CDL for internal NASS use.   On January 28, 2010 NASS issued an official press release and Tweet announcing the release of the National 2009 CDL.  This was the first time that NASS completed a national geospatial data product and released the CDL within just a few months after the growing season concluded.  Currently all continental U.S. States with the exception of Florida are complete, as Florida will be released sometime in March.  The '09 data are freely available for download from the NASS website or the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway.

The '09 National CDL is the result of multiple long term synergistic partnerships with multiple federal agencies that have expanded NASS' geospatial efficiencies and capacity to produce this end-of-season land cover product.  The CDL method leverages the Satellite Image Archive from the USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service that provides satellite data collected from the Indian Resourcesat-1 AWiFS sensor, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides the Landsat V Thematic Mapper [TM] and Landsat VII Enhanced Thematic Mapper [ETM]).  The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides confidential ground truth data called the Common Land Unit (CLU) and associated Administrative data to build a supervised land cover classification with major emphasis on crop identification.  The NASS June Agricultural Survey (JAS) also confidential, is leveraged to build a regression model of crop area during the growing season, and provides NASS with indications of crop area at the state, district and county levels.  Additionally, ancillary inputs include;  the USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED), the USGS National Land Cover Dataset 2001 (NLCD 2001), the USGS Percent Imperviousness 2001 and USGS Percent Forest Canopy 2001 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 meter 16 day Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composites.

A variety of commercial software applications are utilized to build this data product.  ESRI's ArcGIS is used to edit ground truth from the CLU and JAS datasets.  ERDAS Imagine is used in conjunction with the public domain NLCD Toolkit and See5 for image preparation, processing, sampling, and decision tree classification functions.  SAS is utilized for regression based area estimation. 

Each state's classification is evaluated using a rigorous formal accuracy assessment; the accuracy assessment is published in the metadata with each CDL.  The accuracy of the land cover classifications are evaluated using independent validation data sets generated from the FSA CLU data (agricultural categories) and the NLCD 2001 (non-agricultural categories).  The Producer's Accuracy is generally 85% to 95% correct for the major crop-specific land cover categories.  The official DVD contains additional accuracy assessment information that is not available through the Geospatial Data Gateway in the form of an associated confidence layer.  It is important to note that the internal acreage estimates produced using the CDL are not simple pixel counting as it is more of an 'Adjusted Census by Satellite'.

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts hundreds of surveys every year and prepares reports covering virtually every aspect of U.S. agriculture. Production and supplies of food and fiber, prices paid and received by farmers, farm labor and wages, farm finances, chemical use, and changes in the demographics of U.S. producers are only a few examples. NASS is committed to providing timely, accurate, and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture.

To download this spotlight article, click here.

Q: When was the Satellite Imagery Archive Created?
A: The Archive was developed and launched in 2000.

Q: What is the purpose of the Satellite Imagery Archive and what role does FAS serve?
A: The purpose of the Library is to support remote sensing activities of the USDA, including providing liaison with the U.S. space programs, providing administrative management of the USDA Remote Sensing Archive and the transfer of satellite imagery to all USDA agencies, coordinating all agency satellite imagery data needs and arranging for acquisition, and preparation of imagery for use of existing capabilities.
The USDA Imagery Archive is the repository for all acquired USDA satellite imagery. The Archive was established as a cost-sharing agreement among the various agencies.
FAS serves as the repository and manager of the USDA Satellite Imagery Archive. Access is available to USDA subscribers only.

Q: How many member agencies belong and can other agencies become members outside of the current membership?
A: Currently there are 8 agencies that are members.

Yes, other agencies are welcomed and encouraged to join.  Increased membership would generate additional funds for data and related products and service purchases to populate the library.  With increased membership members would have greater access to data and types in a broader more diverse geographical area.
Additional services could be offered just like the recently introduced and added i-cubed DataDoors.

Q: What role does Global Marketing Insights, Inc., a commercial company, have with the Satellite Imagery Archive?
A: Global Marketing Insights, Inc. works as an unbiased vendor liaison that supports the USDA mission needs as it relates to geospatial products and services by negotiating prices, delivery times and licenses which operationally support each USDA Agency requirements.   They interface with over 200 vendors per year and answer questions about the USDA and reviewing there products for technical fit within the SIA.

Global Marketing Insights, Inc. will coordinate and host the Satellite Imagery Archive Webex meetings on a quarterly basis. 
To better support our goal of improved customer service and support for you, the Satellite Imagery Archive Members, we would like to ask you to take a few minutes of your time to complete a short online survey pertaining to your schedules.
The information you provide will allow us to take into consideration any potential scheduling conflicts that could reduce future meeting attendance.  Selecting a date for these meetings that best coincides with your schedules will ultimately generate increased knowledge of current vendor and products available and increase inter-agency and industry awareness amongst you as members.

To select a date and time for the second quarterly WebEx meeting and complete the short schedule survey please click here.

For more information about Global Marketing Insights, Inc. click here.

International Production and Assessment Division (IPAD), Office of Global Analysis (OGA), Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has the primary responsibility for USDA's international activities-market development, trade agreements and negotiations, and the collection and analysis of statistics and market information. As such a primary mission of IPAD/Office of Global Analysis/FAS/USDA is to target, collect, analyze, and disseminate timely, objective, useful, and cost-effective global crop condition and agricultural production information. The purpose is to provide unbiased commodity estimates and forecasts to create a marketing edge for U.S. producers in world markets. For more information contact Robert Tetrault, Satellite Imagery Archive Manager at [email protected] or call 202-720-1071.