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In This Issue
Junior Athlete Profile: Bob Thompson - ON
CCC Online Store Product of the Month
CCC Extends Best Wishes to Dave Wood
Olympic and Paralympic Memories
Club Profile: Rocky Mountain Racers
2010 CCC AGM
Junior Athlete Profile: Bob Thompson -Team Hardwood - ON 


Bob Thompson 

Career Goals:

Win a medal at a World Cup and the Olympics


Career ambitions outside of cross-country skiing? 

Get into some sort of Kinesiology field, hoping I'll figure it out along the way.


Favourite Course in School? Why? 

Physics, partially because my teacher was hilarious but also makes sense of the physics of skiing like drafting and drag.


When not training/competing I am likely? Working, eating or relaxing at home.


When finished with my cross-country skiing career, I want to? Finish up school and get started in a sports related career.


Favourite Vacation Sport? Canoeing in Northern Ontario    


Favourite Book? 

Enders Saga by Orson Scott Card 


Favourite Movie? 

The Shawshank Redemption


Favourite Olympic/Paralympic Moment? Devon Kershaw's 5th place in the Mens 50km at the 2010 Olympics


Before a race, I will listen to what song?

Lose Yourself by Eminem


My Olympic hero is?

Usain Bolt, watching him break multiple world records with out looking like he was trying was just amazing.


If I could rule the world for a day I would? Make skiing the official sport of the world.

One thing people people don't know about You? I make a mean pumpkin pie


CCC Online Store Products of the Month
Spring into summer training with Endurance and Recovery sport drink powder formulas custom created for the National Ski Team.
Click here to check
out the CCC Online Store
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Cross Country Canada is using Twitter. Stay tuned for more updates this summer! Click here to access Cross Country Canada's Twitter account. 
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Valued Partners and Sponsors

Funding Partners: 
  • Sport Canada
  • Own the Podium
  • Jemini Foundation
  • National Cross Country
    Development Association

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Cross Connections
May 2010 
Co-editors: Chris Dornan, Cathy Sturgeon and Ashley Wright 
Dear Cross Connections Subscriber, 
Another successful cross-country skiing season has come to a close. Thank you for tuning into Cross Connections newsletter. We look forward to keeping you up to date on all the latest news throughout the summer. 
Thank you and happy reading!
Ashley Wright
Assistant Administrator
CCC Extends Best Wishes to Dave Wood while Embarking on New Career Opportunity
(by Davin MacIntosh)
Dave Wood
It is with mixed emotions that I inform members of Cross Country Canada, and the Nordic ski community, that our World Cup team leader, Dave Wood, will be leaving the organization on May 27, 2010 to return to his hometown of Rossland, B.C. where he accepted a head coaching position with the Black Jack Ski Club.


Dave brought a wealth of experience into our program that will be sorely missed, but will now be invested in the grassroots of our sport in British Columbia.


Since joining Cross Country Canada as a National Ski Team Technician in 1991, Dave quickly began working his way through the Canadian coaching ranks at the provincial and national junior level prior to becoming head coach of the National Ski Team in 1998, where his accomplishments are most recognized.


As head coach, Dave played a critical role in developing Canadian cross-country skiers into World Cup, World Championship and Olympic medallists.


Through many creative innovations established during his tenure, Dave orchestrated a Canadian approach to guide our nation's best skiers from participants on the start line into Olympic and World Champions. Under his leadership, Canada 's Nordic skiers made a breakthrough in 2002 when Beckie Scott began finishing in the top-10 on the World Cup and became the first North American skier to win an Olympic medal.


Dave developed comprehensive athlete monitoring systems and long-term altitude training programs for the national team. He also led the coordination of strong sport science, medicine and technical support teams, and developed several Canadian technicians which gave our athletes the opportunity to excel.


And excel they did!


Click here for full article
Olympic and Paralympic Memories                (by Tammy Niemi)
Tammy Niemi
It may take several entries to fully explain the impact of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, just as it took several years of planning and building for them. These games were INCLUSIVE and perhaps for the first time in the history of the Games.

The Olympic Torch Relay was the longest in history covering the most densely populated regions of Canada to the most remote and harsh. The Torch was within a one hour drive of Canadians at all times, and had the most Torch Bearers in the history of the Games.

Attending a Torch Relay celebration was incredibly emotional for me, and such a celebration of not only the Torch and the Games, but also a celebration of community, environmental causes, and peoples desires to change Canada for the better. Throughout the celebration we were urged to make Canada a large scale community and sustainable, to volunteer and make a difference.

The Torch Bearers were generous with their treasure by allowing everyone who wished a moment with the Torch to be photographed and to share their stories. Class, income, race, and ethnic origin were obliterated by the joy of the moment and a sense that we were indeed a part of our world's history even if the history books never carry our names.

Running the blocks with my kids following the Torch after the Canmore Celebrations was an exhausting thrill but it gives them the memories of being a part of Olympic and sport history, as well as being a moment where mom was cool and we had so much fun on the run! It was also another powerful memory and moment for me...Our family now has Olympic history that spans 22 years.
Click here for full article 

Club Profile: Rocky Mountain Racers (RMR) - A Canmore/Calgary Club (by Lori Wakley) 
Are you looking for intelligent coaching; waxed skis that speed by everyone else's; programs that challenge yet enthuse the mind, body and heart; and the chance to fulfill your aspirations?  Then you belong with Rocky Mountain Racers. 


Led by Dr John Jaques (DVM and world class Level 4 coach), RMR athletes and biathletes have gone on to World Cups, the Olympics and have medaled at World Junior Biathlon Championships.  John's philosophy of coaching is what makes RMR unique.  It developed over many years as coach of the Athabasca Ski club and raising four successful children - all competitive skiers - while running two large vet clinics and a farm.  John's extensive education, business acumen, belief in the importance of family and understanding of the athlete psyche makes for a very intelligent approach to training.


We have fun.  We're friends.  We're family.  We canoe, hike, kayak, speed skate, backpack, mountain bike, and oh yes - ski!  We also go to school, or have jobs, and volunteer.  And all of it makes us wicked fast skiers and exceptional citizens. 


Interested? Females and males over 12 and under 20 give us a call.  Go to www.rmracers.ca for contacts.

2010 Cross Country Canada Annual General Meeting
 CCC Logo
The 2010 CCC AGM will be hosted by Blow Me Down Cross Country Ski Club in conjunction with Cross Country Newfoundland and Labrador in Corner Brook, NL from June 10th to June 13th, 2010. Click here for more information. 
Cross Country Canada's Living History Project! (by Jean Bristow)
 CCC logo colour
We want to reconnect with as many people as possible who have been involved at one time or another with Cross Country Canada, going back as many years as possible.  
  • Have you ever been a member of the National Ski Team?
  • Were you on the CCC Board of Directors at any time?
  • Were you the chair or a member of a national committee? 
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, or if you know someone who could answer yes to those questions and would like to register, please go to: CCC Living History Project in order to register in our database.    
CCC wants to forge a stronger link to its past, so that we can build a strong bridge to the future. 
Cross Country Canada's Student Athlete Leadership Grant Program
George Grey & Alex Harvey-Whistler World Cup 
Cross Country Canada is committed to helping university aged skiers to enhance their involvement in their sport by providing financial assistance for coaching and officiating courses. With this type of training, former athletes will be well-positioned to join a local ski club and become a knowledgeable volunteer and leader. Those who are not currently active racers also have a vehicle to become more involved in the sport. For more information and to download the application form, go to:
Student Athlete Leadership Grant Program
Coach and Athlete Development Programs and Resources 
George Grey & Alex Harvey-Whistler World Cup 
-CP Ski Tournaments
-Double Cross
-Team Sprints
-Midget Championships
George Grey & Alex Harvey-Whistler World Cup

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