
 This Museum is About (day)Light   

North Carolina Museum of Art

Photo: Scott Frances


Thomas Phifer's North Carolina Museum of Art makes unprecedented use of daylight.  Starting from scratch, Phifer developed a system that gives even illumination, free of cast shadows, without excessive ultraviolet light.

Transformit  made and installed more than 400 fabric ellipses into the top of the fiberglass coffers in the ceiling. These ellipses are in five fabrics chosen for their varying transmissivity, and are mounted such that they are not seen as separate elements. The different fabrics allow the museum to subtly change the character of the light in each gallery, and can be interchanged to accommodate the needs of new installations.



Click here to see our full line of products, download a catalog, or access our 3D models. 

 Daylighting Past, Present, Future  

Gaudi Sagrada Familia

Photo: Poniol60


Daylighting, a new term for an old practice, simply means managing natural light in a building, both by bringing light into the building and by keeping it out when it is not wanted. It is associated with recent efforts to make efficient use of materials and energy.

This page shows some interesting and noteworthy examples from a vast pool of past, present and future ideas. Along with functionality, our focus is on beauty in the built environment. 




Transformit Daylighting Projects  

Kaleidoscope at Hasbro NYC Office Photo: Transformit


These projects address daylighting issues in the existing buildings. They also beautify the interior with imaginative use of form, light and color.However you look at them, we think you'll like the results!.



To Learn More, contact:
In the US, Jamie BasileBob CrosbyCarissa Parent
In the Germany and the US, Jamieson Brookes
In Spain, Portugal and Italy, Matias Gravenhorst, Magrada Proyectos
In Scandinavia, Jeanet Halse, Younique Vision
In Benelux, Roland deWit, BILI-NL
for press inquiries, marketing@transformit.com

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