news from T purple

Dallas Cowboys Stadium 

Husson University

Two IFAI Awards

Underwood, Under Water

European Projects:  
PP Convention   Adam & Eva  
BEA Awards

Who to Contact?
anchor1Behind the Scenes at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium
The VIP lounge, from a New York Times article about the stadium

Dallas Cowboys
  Architect: HKS   Contractor: Manhattan Construction   Photo: Brandon Thibodeaux/ The New York Times/ Redux   

Transformit was a subcontractor on the project.

See the New York Times article.    Visit HKS.    Visit Manhattan Construction

anchor2Free-Range Design, with Attention to Community
Husson University commissions an art installation for the Gracie Theater's lobby

Husson U
Building Architect: WBRC    Design: Mackenzie Case, Cindy Thompson   Installation: Transformit  

When WBRC Architects of Bangor, Maine designed the new performing arts center at Husson University, they knew the lobby/ atrium of the Gracie Theater would want something more. John Rohman, principal at WBRC, called on Transformit's Cindy Thompson. John is a former mayor of Bangor, chair of the Maine Arts Commission, and a well-known creative economy ativist. He and Cindy had worked together on the governor's Creative Economy Conference.

Several meetings were held at Husson with the architect, the president of the university, and the executive director of the Gracie Theater. Ideas and themes were shared, and colors were chosen, but no specific artistic instructions were given. Cindy and Mackenzie made a real model (not in a computer) to test various designs, and samples were made to test and communicate various construction ideas. Only when the design was finally worked out was it modeled in the computer. The computer allowed the design team to share the idea with people far away, and for all to see it from several viewpoints.

Husson University

The final installation takes color inspiration from the woods of Maine in autumn. The shapes are inspired by a sweeping view of the forest canopy, as it meets the forest floor. The four "wings" of the installation contain no frame at all: they are stretched tautly across the room, with nary a wrinkle. As they interweave in a complex dance, they pass close to each other, but never touch.

The project was on time, on budget, and visually striking.

anchor.3 IFAI Awards for Designs by Clients
Rented projects stand out

Each year, IFAI (Industrial Fabrics Association International) presents International Achievement Awards for the best use of fabric, in projects ranging from sports stadiums to awnings to interior display. Transformit has won a total of thirty-five IFAI awards in previous years. In 2009, Transformit received an Award of Excellence for Wilbert, an exhibit designed by Bruce Hunter of Triad Creative Group, Brookfield, Wisconsin. We also received an Outstanding Achievement Award for Andalucia at Fitur 2009, a pavilion designed by Isabel Sanchez Hidalgo of Decoestudio, Madrid. Both projects relied heavily on rental products from Transformit, but credit goes to the designers and their clients, who, like us, believe sustainability and beauty are inseparable.

anchor4Hold Your Breath
A deep (underwater) story

Stephen Underwood has written an underwater screenplay that is huge in scope. An avid free-diver, he is experimenting with Transformit's unique structures, using them as backdrops for breath-hold swimmers to perform in front of, around, and sometimes within.  Stephen and photographer/ videographer Heather Perry meet weekly to film at the Bowdoin College pool, which at sixteen feet is the deepest in Maine. He can be reached through his theatrical production company at

Stephen Underwood
Photo: Heather Perry  Model: Stephen Underwood    

Heather Perry is a professional underwater photographer based in Bath, Maine. Her work has appeared in magazines and books around the world, and she is currently represented by National Geographic Image Collection. In these creative collaborations with Steve Underwood, Heather is exploring light and form in a controlled aquatic environment. She has plans for several themed underwater studio shoots which will combine dry-land, real life artifacts and models who are comfortable in the water. She is also very interested in creating ethereal and thought-provoking imagery (sometimes abstract) immersed in water, where she is most comfortable. "I am driven to capture images which convey what immersion gives to me." You can see more of Heather's work at

Transformit is owned and led by an artist; we welcome and support artists and designers who push boundaries. Keep reading our newsletters for more interesting people and projects. Please click Feedback to tell us what you are thinking about, what you are working on. Thanks for reading!

anchor5Two Weeks, Three Cities, Four Events
All rented and installed by our European crew

Partido Popular convention 2009
photo courtesy Partido Popular Espa�a   

Barcelona, November 13, 2009 - Attendees of the annual convention of the Partido Popular (People's Party) of Spain, on a stage decorated with Tremolos, Riffs and Staccatos from Transformit's European rental inventory.

Famab 2009

Bochum, November 20, 2009 - The entry hall of the annual meeting of Germany's FAMAB is decorated with Morning Glories, Star Drops and FireFlys in white and blue. FAMAB is the association for Direct Business Communications, which encompasses both exhibitons and events. The award ceremony, named Adam & Eva, targets exhibitions (Adam - note the blue color) and events (Eva - white, of course!)

BEA Awards, Milan, 2009

Milan, November 27, 2009 - The stage of the fourth annual Best Event Awards (BEA) Expo Festival is enhanced by four Transformit Grace Notes used as projection screens. These are suspended upside-down to either side of the more traditional projection screens flanking the speaker's podium. The projectors used have the ability to crop the projected image to match the shape of the Grace Note, a nice touch! The center stage is backed by two white Crescendos. Special thanks go to Matias Gravenhorst and the team at Magrada Proyectos for their tireless efforts.

in the US:
Christine Gabrielle, Senior Account Executive

    Richard Cohen, Creative Director

    Bob Crosby, Creative Director

in California:
    Matt Stephens, Triton Building Products

in Nevada:
    Rich Gesteland, Gesteland International

in Spain, Portugal and Italy:  (Espa�ol, Italiano)
    Matias Gravenhorst, Magrada Proyectos

in Germany:  (Deutsch)
    Jamieson Brookes, European Account Manager

in Scandinavia:
    Jeanet Halse, Concept Design

    Evan Mills, International Director