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Play Nice Newsletter

Recess Blog

Frequent blog on topics of childhood obesity, physical education, recess, nutrition, playgrounds, grants and more.
Issue: #2 February 2009

This month's newsletter provides research on how recess impacts classroom behavior and a new study on bullying. 

You may also want to check out our grant writing materials for those of you submitting a PEP grant.

Why not set aside 45 minutes to attend one of our free webinars on timely topics including: Recess Before Lunch, Peaceful Playgrounds, Beginning Grant Writing  and  PEP Grant Writing.

Research on Recess and Classroom Behavior

Researchers reported on Monday that a growing trend of curbing free time at school may lead to unruly classrooms and rob youngsters of needed exercise and an important chance to socialize. The study published in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics said, "The available research suggests that recess may play an important role in the learning, social development, and health of children in elementary school."

School officials have acknowledged that since No Child Left Behind legislation was initiated in 2001 physical education and recess have suffered severe cutbacks in many places while schools focus on academic achievement. The research also found that the children who experience little or no recess and PE were likely to be poor, or black and from large urban cities.

The study results indicated that, among 8- to 9-year-old children, having 1 daily recess period of 15 minutes in length or longer was associated with better class behavior scores. This study suggests that schoolchildren in this age group should be provided with daily recess.

Read more on School Recess and Classroom Behavior.
Study Findings:
Bystander Focus on Bullying Yields Results

 A new study in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry indicates that an easily implemented school-wide intervention can have a significant impact on the incidence of bullying, Science Daily reports. The intervention, which focuses on empathy and power dynamics, can reduce children's experiences of aggression in school and improve classroom behavior.

The findings revealed, "A teacher-implemented school-wide intervention that does not focus on the bully but rather bystanders substantially reduced aggression and improved classroom behavior."

Read more on the study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
ONLINE LEARNING  : Playground Supervisor Training
Online Courses
   Online Playground Supervisor Training

is now up and running.  Trained Playground Supervisors limit your liability and keep children safe.

The course highlights legal supervision responsibilities and "how to keep kids safe".

Individual online courses are $29 per participant and may be paid online using Pay Pal.  Schools and districts may use purchase orders and you will receive passcodes for assigning to your staff for entry into the courses.

ASCD Whole Child Petition

Sign On Today
Current educational practice and policy focus overwhelmingly on academic achievement, but this is only one element of student learning and development. A child is more than a grade on a test. Given what we now know about learning and development, we can do better and we can do more.

Sign the ASCD Whole Child petition to tell your state  board of education that they must do more to educate the whole child. Because when we can do more, then we should do more. When your state has reached its goal, ASCD will deliver the petition to your state board of education. Help your state reach the goal by forwarding the petition on to stakeholders you know.
We hope you enjoyed this month's Play Nice Newsletter. Why not forward Play Nice to a friend?

Melinda Bossenmeyer
Peaceful Playgrounds�, Inc.
PO Box 45586
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Copyright Peaceful Playgrounds�, Inc.  January 2009  All Rights Reserved
Now Available!!

Play Nice Newsletter
Online Playground Supervisor Training Course

Introductory Offer $199 per school site 
Call 877-444-9888 to enroll your staff.  

 Peaceful Playgrounds� Site License Holders can enroll in the online course for 1/2 price.  Course includes quiz and completion certificate. 
Offer Expires: March 1, 2009.    Peaceful Playgrounds�, Inc.  PO Box 45586 Los Angeles, CA 90045