'Creating Action'
...From Your Database
eXtra Contact's
 Email Marketing Tips

March 2011
In this issue
CAN-SPAM Compliance
Success Stories:
"...has been invaluable..."
The Value of Your Prospect List
eXtra Contact Spotlight
Power of Email & Social Media Seminars
Contact Us
Upcoming Events

Power of Email and Social Media Marketing

Live Seminars

March 22nd: Burnaby
March 16th 30th:
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Women of Worth (WOW)


May 7th: Vancouver
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Vancouver Board of Trade


NVCC Business Award Finalist North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce
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I get asked about how to keep your emails from being considered spam. The first place to start is being aware & understanding the CAN-SPAM Act. 

Each month we share with you powerful Email Marketing Tips to help you GROW your business! This month we focus on 'CAN-SPAM Compliance' with email marketing.
Business/Marketing Tips, provided by Gail Watson, focuses in on 'The Value of your Prospect List'

Looking to get started with email marketing or wanting to add Social Media to your plan?...  Attend a free Power of Email & Social Media Marketing... more info.

"What do you need to sell more?..."
Please contact us today to review your complimentary 'Sales Action Work Sheet'... and help you sell more!
I'd love to stay connected with you through your Social Media sites as well... send me an invitation!

               Find me on Facebook      View my profile on LinkedIn     Follow me on Twitter
Looking forward to hearing from you, Dave

CAN-SPAM Compliance
The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes requirements for those who send commercial email, spells out penalties for spammers and companies whose products are advertised in spam if they violate the law, and gives consumers the right to ask emailers to stop spamming them.

The 2 basic types of compliance defined in the CAN-SPAM Act refer to unsubscribe and content:

Unsubscribe Compliance
- A visible and operable unsubscribe mechanism is present in all emails.
- Consumer opt-out requests are honored within 10 days.
- Opt-out lists also known as suppression lists are only used for compliance purposes.

Content Compliance
- Accurate from lines
- Relevant subject lines (to offer in body content and not deceptive)
- A legitimate physical address of the publisher or advertiser is present.
- A label is present if the content is adult.

Read more: CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers.

Keep your email campaign compliant by using a Email Marketing Provider such as Constant Contact who enforce the CAN_SPAM Act. eXtra Contact is a Platinum Business Partner with Constant Contact.
Success Stories
"eXtra Contact has been invaluable in the introduction and instruction in the use of Constant Contact's system for maintaining contact with our hundreds of new and existing clientele. In each of our email campaigns we were able to see results immediately...  if you want to maintain contact with hundreds of people, this is it. Period"  
David O'Brien,
W.I.T. Marketing Communications 
International Mining Research CENTRE
Marketing Tip: The Value of Your Prospect List
Visit eWomen Network website
A client of mine told me that a customer opted for an additional $3,000 in services on top of a $5,000 order simply because of a follow-up message that was sent.

That same message that prompted this customer to purchase another service is one that goes out to his entire prospect list (the prospect list is the customers that may need your services but have not gone forward) on a regular basis.

Every prospect should be put into a database to be contacted forever unless they "buy, die, move, or scream get me off your mailing list." This should be considered a "holding tank" for future return on marketing expenditures.

Why should we "feed" and maintain our holding tank of prospects?... Read the full article for the answer.
eXtra Contact Spotlight: Ownermatch International 
Each month we introduce you to an eXtra Contact client: Meet...

Wayne Wilkins, Founder of Ownermatch International
Meet Wayne Wilkins - Ownermatch International
"Exclusive Co-ownership" is based on the principle that two (well-matched) families, sharing ownership and enjoyment of one luxury resort property, will experience financial and lifestyle benefits that neither could achieve acting on their own.
Exclusive Co-Ownership 
The key to making these financial and lifestyle benefits possible is our ability to profile, match and bring together the right people so that co-owners can enjoy all the lifestyle benefits of owning 100% of a property for 50% of the cost!
Power of Email & Social Media Seminars 

EventInfoFree Live Seminar:   

The Power of E-Mail & Social Media Marketing

 You are invited to attend an exciting seminar  to learn about the latest Email & Social Media Marketing best practices to grow your business.
More info on event
Wednesday, March 16th (BCIT Downtown)  

Tuesday, March 22nd (Burnaby)  

Wednesday, March 30th (BCIT Downtown)   

  10am - 12 noon

More Info and to RSVP!
** Plus, a Getting Started with Constant Contact - Email Marketing Best Practices workshop 1:30 - 3pm. Learn about Social Media / Email integration and more...   

eXtra Contact, our success is your success! We look forward to helping you grow your business by keeping you 'top of mind' with your clients & prospects to build relationships & trust through professional email marketing.

Please contact us today for more details and for your complimentary 'Sales Action Work Sheet' ... that will help you sell more!
David Watson, P.Eng.
eXtra Contact
PS Comments or question? I would love to hear from you!
phone: 604-985-3283