'Creating Action'
...From Your Database
eXtra Contact's
 Email Marketing Tips
August 2008
In this issue
Why Publish an
Pro-Active Sales Action with Your Customers
Success Stories:
"...I should have started years aog..."
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Summer once again is flying by... but taking a look back at all the social events we have attended, whether they have been business or pleasure, we have met many interesting people.
From a business perspective, it has been a great time to plant seeds and build relationships.
Each month we share with you powerful Email Marketing Tips to help you GROW your business! This month is focused on how to 'Why Publish an eNewsletter?'
Networking/Marketing Tips, provided by Gail Watson, of eWomen Network focuses in on the art of obtaining testimonials from you clients.  
As a member of the Vancouver Board of Trade, I would like to invite you to a 'Member's Only' reception. Please contact me if you are interested.
"What do you need to sell more?..." Please contact us today for your complimentary 'Sales Action Work Sheet'... to help you sell more!
 Looking forward to hearing from you, Dave
Why Publish an E-Newsletter?
"Permission e-mail campaigns are ten times more effective than direct mail campaigns."(source: IMT Strategies)  
If you've got a "house list" of business relationships, you've got an extremely valuable asset.
An asset that a quality E-Newsletter is perfectly suited to take advantage of. Specifically...
  • An E-Newsletter Increases Lead Generation and Cross Selling.
  • An E-Newsletter Provides A Low Cost, Instantaneous Channel For Sending Messages. 
  • An E-Newsletter Opens Up A Two-Way Dialogue With Customers And Prospects.
    An E-Newsletter Hypercharges Your Existing Marketing Efforts.
  • An E-Newsletter Provides Instant, Measurable Results.

With a variable cost per newsletter of nearly zero, you will never again have to weigh the benefits of printing more materials or agonize over whether or not person X is "worthy" of the cost of sending information.
Read full article including 'What exactly is an E-Newsletter?' 

Let eXtra Contact help you create professional email marketing campaigns!
Marketing Tip: Pro-Active Sales Action with Your Customers - Testimonials
by Gail Watson, Regional Director, eWomen Network
Visit eWomen Network websiteAs testimonials are key for your website and newsletter, keeping them fresh is an important process. 
Its always a compliment to be featured on another's website. Think about how you feature your clients today... is there a way to link directly to them?  How can you partner with them to leverage one another's connections?  Would you be comfortable using each of your customers as a reference?
In efforts to keep your newsletters and web fresh and exciting, send out an email to all your clients and customers requesting a testimony from them. If appropriate request a j.peg of their logo and/or picture.

Keep your testimonials quantitative. For example: 
�  "As a result of working with YOUR NAME/BUSINESS NAME, my revenue has increased by X% over last year."
� "With the help of NAME/BUSINESS NAME I have improved my (weight/web/sales/team/ your service..) results by X%"
� "My experience with NAME/BUSINESS NAME this past year has resulted in xxxxx"
Testimonials are the PROOF in your sales cycle and are very important to have. 
Send an email out to all your customers on Monday, and have your testimonials all in by Friday.  DONE!!
Success Stories
"My client's have commented on how professional my Newsletters look. I picked up three new clients after my first newsletter from subscribers calling me. I should have started years ago."
... JR Watson, CPGA Golf Professional, KingGolf.ca
More Testimonials
Start Your Own Newsletter Today!
View Service PackagesStart Your Own 'Do-It-Yourself' Newsletter Today!
Constant Contact is the Number 1 Email Marketing Service Provider. eXtra Contact is a Business Partner of Constant Contact, providing 'Value Added Services'.
Let us make it easy for you to sign up and get going in the right direction. We will:
  • get you signed up for a Constant Contact account over the phone
  • upload your database
  • Upload your logo & headshot
  • Provide you with a 'website sign up box'; provided in 'HTML format' - to be inserted by your webmaster
  • Prepare your Welcome Letter & Registration Form
Regularly $129.00 - Special Offer: $99.00
You work hard to meet new contacts & prospects, don't lose touch with them. When they are ready for your business, make sure that you are 'Top of Mind'. Remember your most valuable asset ...your Database.
eXtra Contact, our success is your success! We look forward to helping you grow your business by keeping you 'top of mind' with your clients & prospects to build relationships & trust through professional email marketing.
Please contact us today for more details and for your complimentary 'Sales Action Work Sheet' ... that will help you sell more!
David Watson, P.Eng.
eXtra Contact
PS Comments or question? I would love to hear from you!
phone: 604-985-3283