GW Head Shot April07 Gail Watson's...  
'Staying Connected'
Handling Customer Complaints                                                      July 2008
In This Issue
Handling Customer Complaints
Meet July Ono

eWN 'Accelerating Network Luncheon': More BANG for YOUR buck!
Special Offer: Do you need a Follow Up Strategy?
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'The Road to Self-Awareness'

Most organizations, big or small, must have complaints 'escalation' procedures, whereby very dissatisfied customers can be handled.

This principle needs extending as far as possible, especially to ensure that constructive feedback (immensely useful) is handled by someone in the organization who has suitable strategic appreciation and authority to recognize and act appropriately. Read this month feature article on 'Handling Customer Complaints'.
I'm happy to connect you to July Ono, an expert in Real Estate Investing and sharing the importance of having it your diverse portfolio! You can meet July Thursday, July 17th at the Vancouver
eWomen Network Luncheon.
Helping you Stay Connected! 
Handling Customer Complaints
Customer complaints handling is a key element in any marketing plan.
Measuring customer complaints is crucial because they are a service provider's barometer. You need to have a scheme which encourages, not discourages, customers to complain.
Some surveys have found that nine out of ten people do not complain to the provider when they feel dissatisfied. But every one of them will tell at least a couple of their friends or relations.
It is imperative that you capture these complaints in order to: 
  • Put at ease and give explanation or reassurance to the person complaining.
  • Reduce the chances of them complaining to someone else.
  • Monitor exactly how many dissatisfied customers you have and what the causes are, and that's even more important if you're failing to deliver your mission statement or service offer!
  • Take appropriate corrective action to prevent a recurrence.
Many organizations waste their most useful complaints and feedback by killing it dead at the initial customer service outer wall. Complaints and feedback are gold-dust. Encourage it and use it wisely.
More BANG for YOUR buck!
Mett July at eWN - click for detailsMeet July Ono...
July Ono went from $40,000 in debt to millionaire in less than 2 years buying real estate with other people's money and none of her own. Over the next 3 years, she became an expert in acquiring apartment buildings and became a multi-multi-millionaire. She is the President of On The Beach Education Corporation and the Founder of the Real Estate Network Group, an ongoing education and mentoring program.  Creating Multi-Millionaires is what she does!
More BANG for YOUR buck!  July shares with you practical and proven strategies and takes the fear out of real estate investing to help you leverage proven systems to achieve your financial freedom.  Since 2006 and backed by over a decade of practical experience she has successfully mentored and taught people to acquire properties easily and safely. Her members have acquired over thirty-four million dollars!
See July live
at eWomen Network's Accelerated Luncheon. At this powerful event you'll learn:
  • What are the Seven Profits Centers of Real Estate
  • Recession in certain areas of Canada & the US means opportunity for Canadian Entrepreneurs
  • Why the Seven Profit Centers in real estate support The Contrarian Investor
  • Building Net worth is a key ingredient to financial freedom
Thursday, July 17th, 2008
Register Now! 
or contact Gail directly

Special Offer: Do you need a Follow Up Strategy?

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Contact Gail
Gail Watson
"Gail... Thanks so much for the talk today, you are such an inspiration.  You are the type of person that you can tell your craziest dreams and all of a sudden they aren't so crazy..."   - Lisa Larter, Parlez Wireless