Why Choose Metaphysical Art
More than just a pretty picture.
By Spencer Kluesner

Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon - Abundance Blessing By Energy Artist Julia - Click To Enlarge
Imagine art that does more than brighten a wall or match a couch. What if art could change you ? Heal you? Bring to you that spark of higher understanding all our religions, philosophies and rituals have strived to explain and propagate? Metaphysical art, especially that created within the Energism Art Movement brings spiritual purpose to art, an often neglected component of modern art. 

At the forefront of this movement is an individual known as "Energy Artist Julia" (Julia Watkins), whose art I will use as examples in this article. 
Firefly Tree
Firefly Tree by Julia Watkins - The Energy Of Eternal Life Cycles. Click to enlarge
Quote:  "Absolutely gorgeous painting (Firefly Tree pictured right) with so much spiritual energy. I felt immediately at peace when I hung it up. It brought me back to my childhood and there really is an energy that emanates from it." UN ~ Mooresville, NC.
A Deeper Connection
Energism/metaphysical art goes beyond creating a simple
The Creation Tree - Divine Source by Energy Artist Julia. Click to enlarge.
representation of a thing, instead bringing to  the viewer the specific energy and essence of the thing, allowing for deeper connection and understanding of self and universe. 
Unlike religious art, it does not rely on the depiction of holy scenes and images to emit spiritual energy. Instead it often finds the spiritual in the natural world all around us whether it be an object or just a shape or pattern.While we can find the divine in the divine,  we can also find it in the ordinary.
Buddhist Monks Energy Clearing
Buddhist Monks - Energy Clearing by Julia Watkins. Click to enlarge.
Quote: "I love the print and having it in our home increases a positive spiritual vibration that I find uplifting. I can relax my mind and heart with the vision of transformation that the monks represent."  SC ~ Coram, 
A Lifestyle Choice

So the choice comes down to what do you actually want? Do you want a piece of art that simply is  pretty above your couch, or do you want something that is what we in the business call "energy  enhanced." Do you just want decorations or are you trying to create positive energy and light within  the space you live? Considering the growing popularity of practices such as Feng Shui, it is apparent  that more and more people consider positive energy a critical component of their abodes. Many believe  this affects every aspect of their happiness and success.
Sacred Morning
Sacred Morning - The Bodhi Tree Under Which Buddha Achieved Enlightenment by Energy Artist Julia. Click to learn more.
Quote: "The image (Sacred Morning) is breathtaking. Julia is truly gifted. I find that it lifts me up when I look at it."  JW ~ Bellevue, 
Knowing What Is Real

But how do you know that an energy enhanced painting is actually what the artist says it is? I get that  question a lot. My answer is always the same. Turn off the words and artist claims and just feel the  piece. Let your gut tell you what is right for you. Energy art is such a personal thing that often times what the artist intended is not what a specific viewer feels. There is an element of destiny to energy 
enhanced art, as if the piece chooses you and after that you two form a bond, a relationship and world separate from that of the art's creator. Energy Artist Julia likens creating an art piece to conceiving a child then sending him or her off into the world to form their own bonds.
Click Path To The Light
"Path To The Light - A Meeting With A Higher Power" by Energy Artist Julia. Click to enlarge.
Quote: "I got one of these prints and placed it next to the bed of my terminally ill father. Although he couldn't  talk, I saw in his eyes the connection he felt, and I knew this image had helped him."  LK ~ Denver, CO 
 Getting The Most Out Of It
So you've chosen a piece. Now you need to decide where to hang it to get the greatest effect. Once  
again, I recommend going with your gut. If you don't over think it, you will put it in the right spot.  While energism art is designed to emit energy without effort of the viewer, it can only help to meditate 
on it occasionally. 



Moon Daner
Moon Dancer - Divine Feminine Spirit by Energy Artist Julia. Click to learn more.
The Real Question


I started out writing about why one should have metaphysical art, but during the process I realized the  true question is "why in the world not?" Why not have something that is both beautiful and lifts you 
spiritually sitting within your home, living among your family? And I do believe that art does grow to  become a part of your family. The thing I remember most about my mother's home, besides her is the 
art she had. It told me both about her and the things she wanted for me. 

Quote:  Every night I lay on my bed listing to music as I stare at my Singing Angel Tree print. I drift off into the
most peaceful sleep and I swear I dream of angels singing away my worries. RB - Florrisant, MO
Singing Angel Tree: Click To View
Singing Angel Tree - Angelic Healing by Energy Artist Julia

Below is  information and interesting facts about Energy Artist Julia

Early Years.  At around 9 years of age a professional artist took Julia under her wing and by 15 had trained her to an advanced level.  She was so advanced that in art school her professors didn't know what to do with her so they put her in graduate level painting classes.

Painting.  When she paints she focuses on charging her creations with as much metaphysical energy as possible while at the same time rendering something that will deeply resonate with the specific person who will own the piece.  Often she does not know who will receive the painting but says she can feel their presence prior to meeting them.  She always feels drained after completing a piece and sometimes collapses.

Dreams.  Much of her inspiration comes from very vivid dreams and in fact, her first swirly painting, First Dream was the result of a powerful dreamlike vision.  You can read more about this in the Edge Magazine Article The Dream That Changed The Art World.  Every night, as she sleeps she enters a world full of beautiful vivid colors, energies and people moving in something like a "dance of life" that points her to new possibilities in her art.

Videos.  Here are links to two videos featuring Ms. Watkins or her work.

Website.  We have not created a website for Julia's new work.  You can see her older work at this website:  www.platris.com