June 24, 2009
Issue: 16.6
Commercial Real Estate Lessons from Charles Darwin
I attended an Urban Land Institute (ULI) conference a few weeks back. During the coffee and continental breakfast I overheard someone being asked, "How's business?". Their reply, "I'm surviving... but survival is the new good", got me thinking about Charles Darwin.

The key to understanding the parallels between Darwin and the crisis facing the commercial real estate industry is not in the "survival of the fittest" or "King of the Mountain" sense, but in understanding Darwin's concept of adaptation. Adaptation is defined as "a combination of successive, small, random changes in traits, and natural selection of the variants best-suited for their environment."

We need to accept that systemic changes have occurred in our industry and we need to immediately make changes in our business plans and find new, creative and out of the box solutions. For some this has meant leaving the real estate industry altogether.  Many have found success through a shift from new construction to renovations, while others have chosen to redirect their focus from troubled markets to more stable geographic markets, or have changed their focus on product type (ie from retail to industrial).  Those who refuse to address the new realities will likely go the way of the woolly mammoth.

For Bison adaptation means broadening our focus from the origination of commercial real estate loans through a network of banks and Wall Street Lenders to expanding relationships with non-traditional lenders (FHA, FannieMae, SBA, USDA, pension funds, credit unions, hedge funds & hard money lenders). We are also ramping up our loan sale advisory business by arranging the sale of performing, sub-performing and non-performing notes as well as helping clients renegotiate their debt for a fraction of the unpaid principal balance.

In order to survive this market cycle we need to keep adapting and evolving or face extinction. Despite the changes in the market Bison Financial Group continues to be
the "go to" resource for real estate entrepreneurs in need of debt & equity capital for compelling investment opportunities.

Let us know how we can be of service.

Best wishes,
David Repka
Grave Dancing for Fun & Profit in the Financial Apocalypse

Want to know the secrets to how we are still structuring deals that will close in the Global Financial Meltdown?

Follow this link for a complimentary copy of our recent White Paper: Grave Dancing for Fun & Profit in the Financial Apocalypse (A common sense guide to structuring commercial real estate loans that will close & fund in this crazy economic climate)

Newsletter Archive
Haves & Wants 333 Aerial high up
Have something that you want to buy, sell or finance... drop us a line. Contact David Repka.
In This Issue
Free White Paper: Grave Dancing for Fun & Profit
Construction Loan
Opportunity Funds are Buying
Sarasota Business Park
We Have Sources of Capital
Bison Track Record
Bison Secures Construction Loan

ST. PETERSBURG, Florida- The Tyvek was torn, shredded and flapped forlornly in the breeze.... 

Unlimited Capital Seeking Compelling Investment Opportunities

We are advising several funds looking to acquire foreclosures, REOs &  paper (performing, sub-performing and non-performing loans secured by 1st mortgages). Will consider investment opportunities in Tampa Bay as small as $500,000 or Nationwide $3+ million. Please contact David for more information.
Site Work at Sarasota Business Park Nears Completion

SRQ Logo
Site work at a new LEED Certified business park nears completion in Sarasota, FL on US301 just North of University Parkway. Units are being built to LEED shell and core standards with LEED Gold possible with the right combination of interior improvements.  
Less is More

Tired of 1003s and multi-page loan applications that go nowhere? Give us a call or send us an email. Just 3 pieces of paper allow us to analyze a transaction: An Executive Summary, a Proforma and a Source and Use of Funds. Don't let this crazy market get you down. We can help!

Contact David Repka at 727-289-4400
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Bison Financial Group  -  727-289-4400
No Garden
Tired of being led down the garden path by your current commercial real estate relationships? At Bison Financial Group we say Yes! or No! on the first phone call. Our deal flow has increased substantially in the last couple of months. Underwriting criteria and regulatory scrutiny has tightened down considerably. Our track record at closing complex transactions in as little as 8 days speaks for itself. When you are tired of the run around... please call or e-mail. We typically just need 3 pieces of paper to sniff test a new opportunity: Executive Summary, Proforma with Historical Financial and Source & Use of Funds.