Feminist Women's Health Center
Special Volunteer Alert

February 23, 2012
URGENT: Third HB 954 Hearing Friday 2/24 - Don't Strip Women's Medical Decision-Making 

Hi  , 

Look, I am very tired. And I know you all are tired. By now almost all of you have received at least one phone call or email about HB 954, and have taken action to oppose it. I appreciate that, I really do. I'm frustrated that I have to keep contacting you all to oppose this bill. I want to send you good news and invite you over to eat chips and salsa while you make sparkly vulvas. I don't want to send these emails anymore. But I do it because I have to, and because we have to protect reproductive justice in Georgia. Legislators aren't listening. We have to kick it up a notch. We have to do this. So let's go:
Last Tuesday we had a strong turnout for a medical hearing in the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee. Witnesses from the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians, a certified Genetic Counselor and the Georgia OB-GYN Society testified in opposition to HB 954.  Their testimony offered powerful, compelling support of women's health and rights as well as physicians ability to provide care.


Now, another hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, February 24 at 1 pm. This is our first and perhaps only opportunity to hear from women who have been and would be affected by this bill, and we need your support.

If HB 954 became law, this would be the first time we face an outright ban on abortions now legally performed in Georgia. Some of the tragic & difficult implications are:


  • Doctors will be charged with a criminal abortion felony with a possible 10 year sentence for performing medical care they are licensed and trained to do. 
  • Women will be forced to carry a  stillborn pregnancy to term.
  • Women with cancer may find that their doctor will not perform an abortion in order for her to receive life-saving treatment.
  • Victims of rape, incest and abuse will have no recourse to seek abortion - nor will women with mental health problems.
  • Most lethal genetic anomalies are diagnosed around 20 weeks - if it became law, this bill will force women and families to make decisions to terminate before they have an accurate diagnosis.
  • Low and moderate income women and their families don't have money to travel to other states to seek abortion and may resort to back alley providers.
  • There are no exceptions for fetal anomalies, even lethal ones. Women and their families will endure unthinkable pain by being forced to carry such a pregnancy to term. 


In states such as Nebraska where this law has passed, women and families have already had their very personal decisions regarding their medical decisions overruled by members of their legislature.  Don't let this happen in Georgia! Take action today - see the sidebar and the feature below on steps to take to protect women's health in Georgia.


Questions? Email Elizabeth or Janelle or call us at 404.248.5452. Your voice and efforts are vitally important to defeating this bill. Please don't delay! 


HB 954 will be devastating to women and their families at their most personal, critical and intimate moments. Thank you for standing up against this cruel and unjust bill.



Until Justice,



Community Engagement Coordinator




1. Call & fax the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee members to let them know that you strongly oppose HB 954. 


See the sample message and contact info below(Please be advised that many legislators do not check their email)


Rep. Alex Atwood 

401-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404.656.0152



Rep. BJ Pak 

601 Coverdell Legislative Office Building Atlanta, Georgia 30334




Rep. Dusty Hightower 

401-G Coverdell Legislative Office Bldg.

Atlanta, GA 30334




Rep. Rich Golick, Chair 

218 State Capitol

Atlanta, GA 30334

404.656.5943- Office

770.319.0970 - Fax



Rep. Mark Hatfield, Vice-Chair 

Suite 404 Coverdell Legislative Office Building Atlanta, GA 30334

404.656.0109 - Office

404.651.8086 - Fax



Rep. Charlice Byrd, Secretary 

608 Coverdell Legislative Office

Building Atlanta, GA 30334

404.656.0298 - Office

404.463.2793 - Fax



Rep. Christian Coomer 

404 Coverdell Legislative Office

Building Atlanta, GA 30334

404.656.0109 - Office



Rep. Matt Ramsey 

401 State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334

404.656.7146 - Office



Rep. Doug Collins 

109 State Capitol Atlanta, Ga 30334

404.651.7737- Office



Rep. Ed Setzler 

Suite 501 Coverdell Legislative Office Building Atlanta, GA 30334

404.656.0177 - Office
404.463.2976 - Fax


2. Attend the committee hearing tomorrow on Friday, February 24 at 1pm in room 132 of the State Capitol Building. 


3. Show your opposition online. Take a picture with a sign to say "I oppose HB 954" and post it to Facebook.






Contact the House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee Members Today (Thurs.) & Tomorrow (Fri.) up til 1 p.m!

Please tell the House Judiciary Non Civil Committee that
I oppose HB 954 because one size fits all legislation binds the hands of doctors who need to be able to assess a woman's condition from a medical perspective - not a political one. Medical decisions should be made between a woman, her family & her doctor."
For a list of House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee Members and their contact information, please click here.