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In This Issue
How to get paid
Improve email open rates
Prepare for the turnover tsunami
Sales prospecting in today's economy
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Guide To Inbound Marketing

 Click here to download the e-book 

Helping marketing executives understand what inbound marketing is all about.


This strategy goes by many names depending on whatever pundit or thought leader is pushing the idea: inbound marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, seed nurturing, etc. Each term has its own nuances, but in aggregate they describe a marketing strategy that no company can afford to ignore.


Download your personal copy of this e-book.  Click here. 


Business Dictionary

What is the Laffer Curve?     


Graphical representation of a conceptual relationship between marginal tax rates and total tax collections.

Named after the US economics professor Arthur Laffer who proposed that lower taxes encourage additional output (supply) and thus increase aggregate income.

Laffer curve is used by the supporters of supply side economics to back their claim that low income tax policies spur non-inflationary growth by encouraging new investment.
Hints & Tips


Strive to Exceed Expectations   


You should always deliver on your customers' expectations, but you can achieve even greater success if you exceed those expectations.


Stay in touch before, during and after a job and inform customers about deliverable dates and any delays.

These actions go a long way to build customer loyalty, repeat business and word of mouth referrals.
Nicolas Azar
Nick Azar is Managing Director/Partner of Azar and Associates, a full service business consulting and executive coaching firm specializing in the dental industry.  Visit our website, or E-mail Nick.


The Dental Post's

Credit & Collections - How to get paid 


Business that nearly always get paid have one thing in common: they do not take getting paid for granted. Getting paid takes work, but there are a number of strategies and techniques that can help.



The need to focus on your collection

Many people feel that the most important number on the financial statements is "Sales." Other may believe that "Net Income" is the real key to success. However, for most smaller businesses, the real key to success is the handling of "Bad Debt Expense" also called "Un-collectible Account Expense." Read the full article.  


Email Marketing - Improve email open rates


What's a Good Open Rate?

There isn't a "one size fits all" standard for judging email open rates. They vary by industry. Here is a sample of open rates for the dental industry. (Source: Constant Contact)


Category                               Open        Bounce      Click Through

Manufacturing & Distribution    18.6%       10.8%          12.6%

Dental Services                      18.0%        9.8%           12.8% 

Products & Services               15.8%       10.2%          12.6% 

Consultant                              14.9%       12.2%          10.6% 

Education & Services              19.0%        9.4%           13.5%  


Get More Opens

Email open rates aren't magic. Setting up an email to get more opens is as simple as trying these suggestions. Read more. 

Managing People - Prepare for the turnover tsunami

The latest employment news from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals a surprising trend that could be very bad news for small-business owners, depending on whether you're trying to hire employees -- or hang on to the ones you have.


More Americans are Quitting Their Jobs


Still not convinced that your employees are eager to move on?

Consider this surprising news: More people quit their jobs in February, March and April than were laid off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The last time resignations outnumbered layoffs was late 2008. Almost 2 million people quit their jobs in April (the highest number in over a year); 1.75 million were laid off (the lowest figure since January 2007).


Although hiring has been flat at about 3.3 percent since the start of the recession, the increased resignations show employees are feeling confident about finding better jobs. If "overworked, underpaid and stressed out" describes your staff right now, you'd better make some changes before it's too late. Read the full story. 

Sales & Customer Relation -  Sales prospecting in today's economy


Effective selling begins with prospecting and qualifying - the disciplined, highly structures approach for knowing when, where, and why to focus your selling efforts on certain opportunities.


Prospecting and qualifying presents strategies for systematically sorting potential accounts and opportunities into highly manageable groups that reflect a reasonable probability of resulting in win-win outcomes.



Sales professionals are learning to do more with less. The resources and tools, which used to be readily available, are often no longer there. Fewer resources are forcing sales professionals to apply the limited resources at hand to pursue fewer opportunities.


To survive in our current economic conditions, you must adapt to changing buyer requirements and expectations. Those who have turned adversity into prosperity are differentiating themselves in the minds of buyers. They are quickly and more deeply understanding the true wants and desires of their customers. Read more. 

To learn more about how you can apply the structured methodologies of selling using strategies and concepts, Azar and Associates conducts training workshops in cities throughout North America. To find out more, call us today at (661) 810-2446 or visit us on-line at www.azarandassociates.com




Nicolas Azar - Coach & Consultant
Azar & Associates

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