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Grilled Pizza with Asparagus and Carmelized Onion


 Blueberry-Peach Cobbler

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Happy July to all of our HR Professionals and Managers.


As we enter into July we're officially in the full swing of summer and ready to fill our days with its fun seasonal activities like barbecues, beach trips and vacations. It's important to remember to stay safe during all this fun, so this installment of Harvard's EAP Newsletter includes resources for summer safety. The Wellness Exchange Newsletter provides tips on sunscreen use and sun safety, while the the Firework Safety Tip Sheet gives safety guidelines just in time for Independence Day celebrations.


You may notice that the Balanced Living Newsletter looks a little different this month so please take a moment to explore the new web-based format of the newsletter. You'll also notice that the HR/Manager Webinar is on a hiatus this month, but stay tuned for the August webinar topic next month.


We hope that you and all of your employees have a wonderful month of July.   Of course, please remember that HArvard's EAP is ready and available whenever you need resources and support.


"The summer night is like a perfection of thought." - Wallace Stevens

Supervisor's Workplace Trends & Strategies

Can I create a work culture where employees are passionate and excited about what we do, or is this an accidental experience like "charisma" that is out of my control? I would love to know the secrets of having a high-energy group of happy folks on the job. 



HR/Manager Webinar

There will be no HR/Manager Webinar for the month of July. Stay tuned for the August Webinar Topic!

July's Work/Life Webinar
Sleep: A How To! 


Tips to have a good, peaceful nights sleep every night.


Norma Miller has worked extensively in the education field as a teacher, administrator, curriculum developer and school board member. She has written and directed numerous videos and was a writer for a PBS program sponsored by the New York Foundation on Education. Norma has been a featured speaker at national and state seminars and has done consulting work for various states. Connie Keck is an experienced trainer and consultant who has written or coauthored numerous educational programs and books. She is noted for her work in curriculum development, brain-based learning, teaching techniques and guidance. She has served as a speaker at national and state seminars and workshops. She has done extensive research and teaching in brain development.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

12:00 - 1:00 PM EST


Balanced Living Newsletter

How to Develop a Can-Do Personality


Some people handle tough jobs without breaking a sweat. Others seem to give up before they even get going. What's the difference between a can-do and a won't-try person?



Click here for this month's Balanced Living Newsletter


Did you know Harvard's EAP Offers...
...Resources for New Parents?


Harvard's EAP offers personalized information and assistance to expectant parents through the New Parent Transition program.


If you have any questions or requests regarding this newsletter or any of Harvard's EAP services, please feel free to give us a call at 800-361-5527 ext. 100 or email


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The Wellness Corporation