teamsters local UNION 135 

Airline Division - representing RAH Flight Attendants 
April 8, 2011



Danny Barton



Brian Buhle



Jeff Combs

Business Agent


Doug Schmidt

Business Agent (temporary)


Nicole Zimmer

Chief Steward RAH Holdings Flight Attendants







Jessie Malinowski 

Assistant Chief Steward


MCI - Michael Middendorf

GSO - Grace Anne Brown

IND - Greg McPherson

CMH - Ryan Palm

PHL - Ryan Ruggerio

PIT - Marcella Neary

DCA - Lynval Gray

DEN - Carla Barrett







Cheryl McLaughlin

Assistant Chief Steward 


GRR - Jayme Wilson

CLE - Laurie Sears

LGA - Kimberyln Poage

IND - Becky Turnbull 

SDF - Shannon Poore








Chris Brown -

Assistant Chief Steward


ATL - Chris Collier

IND  - Brian Smith

ORD  - Greg LaBere

LGA - Jasmine McInnis

CMH - GT Rudar






(317) 758-7538




Union Dues Dept. 

(317) 639-3541



Lynval Gray
(pictured - Lynval Gray, DCA Steward - Republic Airlines)


We are rebuilding our electronic database with those Flight Attendants who wish to

receive weekly electronic updates. If you haven't done so already, please sign up for electronic communications by emailing with your name, base/carrier, phone number, personal email address, birthday and date of hire.


Only those who sign up for electronic communications will receive them due to spam rules, and because we don't want to send emails to those who don't wish to receive them. 


If you do not receive electronic communications you will still receive publications periodically at your home address.




It's been a long road making the necessary changes at our Local to ensure that our Flight Attendant members are fully represented. We have had a back log of grievances to process which has been an incredible challenge by itself. We've had to appoint Base Reps in bases where none existed. We've continued our contract negotiations with Management, as well as had several meetings with them in an effort to improve the overall relationship between the Company and your Union in the best interests of our members. Through all of this you have been very patient and we very much appreciate that.

We are pleased to announce the following:
  • Nicole Zimmer has been officially reinstated back into her position as Chief Steward for the RAH Flight Attendants. Nicole is a 10 yr. Chautauqua Flight Attendant who continues to fly, helped to negotiate the current contract, and has 8 years of experience as a Union Rep dealing with the RAH Management team. She was also the highest vote getter in last year's election and we feel confident that she will do the very best job representing all of you as your Chief Spokesperson as she has always done.
  • Chris Brown, Jessie Malinowski and Cheryl McLaughlin, also members of your elected negotiation team, have been appointed as Assistant Chief Stewards at their airline. Chris has 4 years of experience as your Union Rep dealing with the RAH Management team, and Jessie has been training as a Union Rep since January 2010. Cheryl, Jessie and Chris, along with Nicole, were overwhelmingly chosen during last year's election to represent you so we feel confident that we have made the very best decision by appointing them as your leaders that make up the "Flight Attendant Executive Council".
  • Base Reps have been appointed at bases where no Rep was elected, or where the Rep has left the base. Appointments were made based on expressed interest, and recommendations from the Chief Steward and Assistant Chief Stewards. Nobody who has expressed an interest to be involved has been turned away. We still have a couple openings so if you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact the Assistant Chief Steward at your airline (see the organizational list on the side for openings) The "Executive Council", along with all of the Base Reps will make up the "Flight Attendant Leadership Council". This is all being done as you requested and in our effort to ensure that you finally feel that your voice is being heard and your concerns are being addressed.
  • Various committees have been set up with volunteers from each airline. Craig Eisenbrown and Carla Barrett are heading up the scheduling committee and have done an outstanding job keeping up with the FLICA complaints and helping to train FA's on the proper use of the FLICA bidding system. Patricia Sandell is heading up the Professional Standards Committee and will be working closely with the pilot's union on internal issues between crew members. Nylo Oliver is leading up the hospitality committee and they have been doing a fabulous job reaching out to Flight Attendants in need and new ones as they come on the line. As always, Larry Bone has been instrumental in processing hotel complaints.
  • At least 100 back logged grievances have been resolved in the last couple months. We are very pleased to say that management has been working very well with your new team and there have been many job restorations, as well as settlements on quite a few grievances. So far we have approximately 6 scheduled for Arbitration that we have been unable to resolve.
  • A new Flight Attendant helpline was established. The number is 317-758-RJET (7538) Flight Attendants are encouraged to call the FA Helpline rather than the union hall, so that you may speak to the Union Rep on call for that day. Emails sent to are forwarded to the Chief Steward and Assistant Chief Stewards to be answered and they have been doing a GREAT job keeping up with the calls and emails.
  • Electronic communications are back up and running (this is your first update under your new Flight Attendant Leadership) and you should start receiving communications weekly to keep you abreast of what is happening.
  • Your Chief Steward Nicole, along with the Assistant Chief Stewards Jessie, Cheryl & Chris, Jeff Combs & Doug Schmidt (Business Agents) have been touring the bases talking to Flight Attendants about their concerns. Nicole in particular has already visited 5 bases. Base tours have been temporarily suspended until Spring break is over as flight loads have been troublesome.
  • A new website is being designed just for the Flight Attendants, that will contain accurate, helpful and timely information.
  • Training is being set up for Base Stewards in an effort to help them understand the contract and the responsibilities of the job. Due to Spring break, we have set up training for May & June.

We still have many changes yet to implement, but we feel this is a good start in getting your account back on track and moving forward in a positive direction for the best interests of ALL Flight Attendants. We have also reached out to Doug Turner over at Local 357 representing the pilots, and we have shared a wealth of ideas and concerns with them. Everything we are doing is by the Flight Attendants, (your FA Leaders) and for the Flight Attendants. We want you to be a PROUD Teamster and want to give you every reason to be.

Thank you for your patience during this transition period.

In Solidarity,
Danny L Barton - President
Brian Buhle - Secretary/Treasurer
Jeff Combs - Business Agent
Doug Schmidt - Business Agent
Nicole Zimmer - Chief Steward, RAH Holdings
Chris Brown - Asst Chief Steward S5
Jessie Malinowski - Asst Chief Steward RW
Cheryl McLaughlin - Asst Chief Steward CHQ


1233 Shelby St. - Indianapolis, IN  



Yesterday the National Mediation Board issued its decision regarding the Pilot's filing for the single carrier determination. The NMB has ruled that Republic Airlines, Shuttle America, Chautauqua Airlines, Frontier Airlines and Lynx Aviation are operating as a single transportation system for the craft or class of pilots. Additionally, it ruled that Midwest pilots are included in the single transportation system.


While this ruling doesn't currently apply to us, we can't foresee any reason why the NMB would rule any different when we file. 


We will be meeting with our legal department next week to discuss our next step. We are in no rush to make decisions that could adversely affect our Flight Attendants. What everyone needs to understand is that a single carrier ruling and an integrated seniority list does not guarantee a job on the Airbus. What it does is allow for negotiations over "vacancies" and "transfers" should our Flight Attendants wish to transfer to Frontier like they have been able to do within Republic Airways Holdings. Since we are currently in contract negotiations, "vacancies" and "transfers between entities" will be a hot topic of which we will be asking for the greatest flexibility. Currently the Frontier FA's have no contract, only a "handbook" which carries no security or legal certainty. (Contrary to popular belief, the AFA has had NO negotiations sessions with management for a Frontier FA contract.)


The other issue is planning and preparing for an election, one which could adversly affect US. After a NMB single carrier ruling, the AFA would have 14 days to file for an election. Since Frontier FA's are currently represented by AFA, it may not be difficult to get the 35% showing of interest to trigger an election. Should AFA win an election (the entire sweep of us) then we can most certainly count on a date of hire seniority integration.  


Your negotiation team has worked hard to integrate the Lynx FA's in a "fair and equitable manner" (the IBT way) and in a way that sets the proper precedence for future integrations. We believe that date of hire seniority integration is NOT fair to our Flight Attendants and we definitely believe it is in our best interests to keep the AFA out of Republic Airways Holdings.  


For all these reasons, we will plan every step carefully. Just know that IBT and Local 135 want to protect OUR interests and all decisions about how to proceed will be with careful planning and analysis for the best possible outcome, and you will be kept in the loop with the latest developments as we get them.  


At your service,

Nicole Zimmer - Chief Steward



