6 Kitchen Organizing Gadgets That Rule!
Here is the number one gadget that we recommend to our clients. When dishes are stacked too high, it's not easy or safe to get to them. These stacking shelves allow you to utilize your vertical space and store more in any cabinet.
You can label the top of each spice lid and place them in a lower drawer or you can just get this ingenious 3-tier spice staircase. It allows you to see a little of each bottle, kind of like the seats in a movie theatre. Brilliant!
This device can be a life saver. We recommend it to our clients all the time. Lids, trays, baking trays, and platters can be a hassle to store and retrieve. Keep them upright and neat within your cabinets with this dividing rack.
It's always a good idea to utilize the backs or inside of doors for storage. This screw-in rack is under $6 and will hold extra condiments, cleaning supplies, or kitchen wrap depending on where you use it in the kitchen. Psst: You can even use it in the bathroom! Raise your hand if you have a drawer with a bunch of utensils floating around in it. Dig for your spatula no more when you have a handy drawer organizer like this one. It even expands and retracts to fit almost any drawer!  Whether you are using a recipe from a cookbook, from a magazine, from a newspaper clipping, or from a recipe you printed online, having a holder is like having an extra set of hands. When you use a cookbook holder, the recipe stands up (taking less counter space) and is protected from spills (full acrylic shield). |