November 14, 2011
Voices of CHS
YvonneA few years ago, a friend told me about Cherry Hill Seminary and their plans to offer an accredited Masters program.  I excitedly went online to see what they were all about and was only disappointed that I wasn't in a place in my life to take on additional coursework.  I was in the process of completing my Master's Thesis, and although the prospect of more schooling was daunting, I knew that at some point in the future I would start coursework with Cherry Hill.  Here I am five years later and eagerly taking on my first semester.

I came to Neopaganism six years ago after realizing Christianity was definitely not for me.  I always had a fascination with religious philosophy and stumbled across witchcraft in a fictional series that piqued a serious interest. In my new-found discovery of a religion where my beliefs naturally fit rather than needing to modify my belief system, I became involved with Ordo Templi Orientis and in eclectic Pagan events in Colorado.

As I perused the course catalog this summer, I was ecstatic to find that Cherry Hill not only offered a variety of classes within Neopagan traditions but also offered courses on the Western Esoteric Tradition as well.  I am currently taking the Foundations class on Aleister Crowley, an influential figure in my personal magickal practice.  Already, I have learned a tremendous amount and am grateful for the knowledge and scholarly authority that Dr. Grant Potts brings to the class, as well as the thought-provoking writings of my classmates.  

I have certainly been blessed with the opportunity to call myself a Cherry Hill student and love the diversity and brilliance that both teachers and students bring to the Seminary.  I look forward to seeing the growth and development of Cherry Hill over the coming years and truly believe that we have something incredibly special and much needed in today's society - perhaps even more so in the future.

- Yvonne DuVal
CHS Reunion
Join us for a Cherry Hill Seminary reunion at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting

No-host breakfast

Monday, November 21,  7:30-8:30

San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel

Please RSVP to make sure we have enough seats.
The Hypatia Society
Join The Hypatia Society and become a part of the growing Cherry Hill Seminary family. A true passion for learning and service light these virtual halls. As a member of The Hypatia Society, you carry the light of knowledge further and higher.

Benefits for joining The Hypatia Society and supporting Cherry Hill Seminary are as follows:

$20 Astronomer - Vinyl CHS logo decal 5" square
$45 Mathematician - Enamel CHS pin 3/4" round, plus Astronomer benefits
$95 Philosopher - 10% discount on one Foundations course, plus Mathematician benefits
$150 Teacher - 20% discount on one Foundations course, plus Philosopher benefits
$250 Mystic - Free registration at any CHS one-day event, plus Teacher benefits
$500 Beloved -  Glass Yule commemorative ornament, plus Mystic benefits
$1,000 Divine Guide - Online link as sponsor, plus Beloved benefits.
Cherry Hill Seminary gratefully acknowledges the kind permission of artist Max Dashu to reproduce her haunting painting of Hypatia. Click here to order a printed poster of Dashu's painting.
Student IDs
CHS will begin offering student identification cards soon.  If you are a student in a degree or certificate program, please send us a head shot photo if you would like an ID card.
Thanks to Laura, Cosette, and Tony!
Cherry Hill Seminary would like to thank Laura Anderson and Cosette Paneque for their nearly two years of service.  Laura served as Newsletter Coordinator and Cosette served as the Cocial Networking Coordinator. 

We would also like to thank Tony Mierzwicki for three years of dedicated service on the Board of Directors.  We wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors! 
Important Dates
For Students
December 17 - End Fall Classes
January 9 - End Spring Registration
January 16 - Begin Spring Classes
January 23 - Drop/Add Last Date

For Faculty
December 31 - Fall '11 grades due to office
January 1 - Summer '11 course information due to office

Foundations Courses
November 7 - December 3 - Foundations Fall Three
Spring Registration Now Open!

Spring One:  Jan 16-Feb 11
Foundations of Germanic Spirituality: Tradition, Myth & Lore, Tuesdays, 7 pm ET, taught by James Acken, PhD

Effective Web Site Development for Pagan Organizations, Mondays, 8 pm ET, taught by Scott Mohnkern

Spring Two:  Feb 13-Mar 10
Preventing Witch Wars, no class meeting, taught by Christine Kraemer, PhD

Sacred Nourishment, Thursdays, 7:30 pm ET, taught by Selina Rifkin, LMT, MS

Spring Three:  Mar 12-Apr 7
Introduction to Pagan Birth, no class meeting, taught by Sarah Whedon, PhD

Communicating with the Pagan Press, Mondays, 8 pm ET, taught by Jason Pitzl-Waters

Pagan Spiritual Autobiography, Sundays, 8pm ET, taught by Daryl Morazzini, MFA, MAR


The Sacred Earth: Human/Animal Relationships, Tuesdays, 9pm ET, taught by Christine Kraemer, PhD & Barbara Davy, PhD


Earth Congregations Earth Congregations: Nature as Classroom and Sanctuary, no class meeting, taught by Chris Highland, MDiv


Religion and the Law, Thursdays, 9 pm ET, taught by James Bianchi, JD

Core Course (required for all degrees)
Ethics and Boundaries (C5101), no class meetings, taught by Anne Hill, DDiv

Department of Theology & Religious History
Nature and Pagan Spirituality: Human/Animal Relationships (N6270B), Tuesdays, 9pm ET, taught by Christine Kraemer, PhD & Barbara Davy, PhD

Spiritual Autobiography (N6705/M6340), Sundays, 8pm ET, Daryl Morazzini, MFA, MAR

The Druidic Past and Present (T6405), Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm ET  optional, taught by James Acken, PhD

Earth Congregations: Nature as Classroom and Sanctuary (N6121/M6241), no class meetings, taught by Chris Highland, MDiv

Department of Pagan Pastoral Counseling
What do you mean I need outcomes? Research and evaluation basics for understanding why what you do "works."  (P6805)  Tuesdays, 8 PM ET, taught by Tracy Wharton, PhD

Internship Supervision (P6915), class meeting to be decided by faculty and enrolled students, taught by Valerie Cole, PhD

Department of Ministry, Advocacy & Leadership
Earth Congregations Earth Congregations: Nature as Classroom and Sanctuary (M6241/N6121), no class meetings, taught by Chris Highland, MDiv

Public Ritual (M5240), no class meetings, taught by Robert Patrick, M. Div. PhD

Spiritual Autobiography (M6340/N6705), Sundays, 8pm ET, taught by Daryl Morazzini, MFA, MAR

For more information about these courses, visit our website.  And when you're ready you can register for your classes here.  
Staff Transitions
CHS would like to welcome Ben Hoshour and Keri Alley to their new roles with Cherry Hill Seminary.  We look forward to working with both of you! 

Ben will be Cherry Hill Seminary's Newsletter Coordinator. He lives in San Diego, CA where he is an active member in the Pagan community and a member of the Coast Oak Grove.
Ben is a Nurse Corps Officer in the United States Navy working in Labor and Delivery. He has been in the Navy for 16 years and plans to retire to civillian life in 2015.
He is a Druid and a member of Ar nDraoicht Fein (ADF), The Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD), and the Ancient Order of Druids in America (AODA), He plans to complete his ordination through ADF and AODA.
Ben has been taking classes at Cherry Hill Seminary for two semesters and has been accepted into the Masters of Divinity Program with a focus on theology, text, and tradition.  His goal is ultimately to write and teach in pagan academics. 

Ben steps into the very large shoes of Laura Anderson who has served in this position for almost two years.  Under Laura's pen, The News has grown into a professional-level bimonthly publication with regular features.  We bid Laura a fond goodbye along with our heartfelt thanks.

Keri has been "out of the broom closet" for almost 20 years and is co-coordinator of the Eastern Maine Pagan Pride Association. She is an eclectic practitioner with shamanic tendencies who loves to squoosh mud between her toes.

Keri adds the position of Social Networking Coordinator as she continues in her role as Administrative Assistant as she, offering valuable support to CHS administration.   A fond farewell to Cosette Paneque who got our social networking communications off the ground.

Without the critical support of volunteer staff such as Laura, Cosette, Keri and Ben, CHS would be forced to sharply raise our tuition.  We invite you to go to our blog to post your appreciation for these wonderful people! 
Selina Rifkin celebrates Samhain
We all know Samhain is when the veils are thin and those that have passed away come back to visit. But how to celebrate such an occurrence is up to the individual. I am in the process of creating a tradition. The Sanctuary of Tellus engages ancient and modern deities - as well as land spirits and ancestors - to work with specific issues of our technological culture. While technology can connect us over long distances, it also cuts out many of the signals we human animals rely on for communication. Technology also does unspeakable things to our food supply. So for Samhain, I do an event called Dining With the Ancestors.

This is a potluck but with specific rules. You must bring something to eat that a beloved ancestor would have eaten. Most often, this takes people back to a dish their grandparents enjoyed. They must also bring a story about that person. This year for food we had goulash, apple crisp, pumpkin pie, apple sauce, quiche, and cholent (a Jewish sabbath dish).  If not for the Nor'easter that took out the power in of half of Connecticut, we would also have had a native American squash and corn dish, and cabbage rolls.

Last year, my dining room was under construction and we did the event anyway amidst the bare studs and sheetrock and a toilet sitting in lonely glory on one end of the room. This year the room was finished and I had something special set up. The guests arrived and were barred from the space by a curtain. I took the food they brought and put it on the buffet. When they entered later, they went through a hallway created by hanging fabric and washed their hands in a bowl. They then put some of the food they had brought on the Ancestor plate and placed a photo or other memento on the altar set up near the table. Once everyone was in, I brought in the ancestor plate, called the directions and the Ancestors and invited everyone to get food and commence telling stories.

We learned about apple trees, and wondered what "fisherman's cheese" might be. We toasted those who had passed away with port and mead, and acknowledged those who were unable to join us that evening. The formal part of the dinner was closed with a toast to the Ancestors.

Hail oh Ancestors!
To share food is to share life
To share life is to share joy and sorrow.
Joy shared is multiplied, and sorrow shared is lessened
We thank you for your presence!
Stay if you will, go if you must!
Oh Ancestors! Hail!

To all our readers and supporters of Cherry Hill's mission, May your Ancestors support and bless you! and may your year be filled with joy and community!

- Selina Rifkin, M.S. 
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Cherry Hill Seminary provides quality higher education and practical training in Pagan ministry.

Cherry Hill Seminary is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organized in the state of South Carolina. Web site copyright by Cherry Hill Seminary in 2010, all rights reserved.

Contact us at P.O. Box 5405, Columbia, SC 29250-5405, 888.503.4131or by email