March 12, 2010
Lake County News
County Board - District 18 
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Because You Asked...

Cissy from Vernon Hills asked:
"In your next newsletter, can you talk about the property tax issue, at a time when our house values are decreasing?"
A Summary on the Current State of Property Taxes
As you know, property taxes are the primary revenue source for local school, park and library districts - among other units of government.  While home values have been falling, tax bills have not decreased. 
Assessed values are different from current market values of properties. State law requires local assessors determine values based on sales from the last three years, so it's not a reflection of today's real estate market. 
I support changing state law to a 1 or 2 year timeframe.  This would provide a fairer balance between assessed value and property tax bills.

What Happens to Your Check Once You Send it in?

It is important for you to know that while property tax payments are made to the county, 93% of those revenues are distributed to other local taxing bodies.  
In fact, we operate the entire county government on 7% of your property tax bill including roads, the health department, courts, the jail and a number of other vital services.
What is the County Doing to Tighten It's Belt?
While many governments are in the red, Lake County cut its budget by $6 million.  We did it by cutting spending in every department, not filling vacant positions, re-negotiating vendor contracts, reducing staffing levels in areas with reduced workloads and passed a budget with a zero percent wage increase for our employees - myself included.
Additionally, the county works hard to secure non-property tax revenue for operations including grants, intergovernmental agreements and by investing wisely.  Only 29% of our budget is based on property taxes.
What You Can Do!
Again, only 7% of your property tax bill goes to the county.
So, for a house with a value of $250 thousand, only $346 of the property tax bill goes to county government. The rest is distributed to more than 200 other taxing districts in the area, with schools getting the biggest piece. Each government body sets its own tax rate, its own budget and holds budget hearings. Taxpayers have an opportunity to provide input at these hearings.
Remember, if these units of government don't fund it in their budgets, they don't levy it and you don't pay for it. 

Applying for Tax Relief

Save money by filing for homestead exemptions. You may be eligible for one or more of these exemptions. Some are automatically applied and you must apply for others.   Learn more

Workforce & Professional Development Institute

Find your path to success with our small business expertise. Offering one-on-one consulting targeted to small businesses and entrepreneurs, we are dedicated to providing you the best advice and resources. We are your trusted business partner offering expert advice on business plans and development, loan readiness, financial, marketing, and operations through a variety of business workshops to sharpen your skills.

ComEd Launches Helping Hand Program

ComEd has launched a Helping Hand Program, a month long effort that will pay half the balances for customers facing a recent or pending service suspension because of a financial hardship. The program is designed to help those facing special hardships keep the power on and regain the ability to successfully manage their electricity bills.
Through March 31, up to $1 million will be made available from ComEd's customer assistance funds. Eligible residential customers who pay 50 percent of their outstanding balance can receive a credit from ComEd for the remaining 50 percent. To be eligible, customers must have received a disconnection notice within the past 120 days and have experienced a financial or medical hardship. Please read the press release about the Helping Hand Program. Customers can sign up for ComEd Helping Hand by calling 888-806-2273. 

Doing Business with Lake County

 Vendor Information Session 
Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. 
  College of Lake County, Grayslake Campus
  19351 W. Washington St., Building C, Grayslake 
  Park in Lots 4, 5, and 6)
For more information call 847.377.2929
I've heard from a number of Lake County businesses that would like to learn more about the county's contracting and procurement process. 
We want to work with you to enhance contracting and procurement opportunities for businesses by providing information to potential vendors and suppliers located in the county. 
We award contracts based on the lowest responsible bidder.  Please join our staff to learn more.

Hawthorn Woods wants YOUR feedback!

Please help Hawthorn Woods to give you what you want in your Parks and Recreation Department.  They request that you spend five minutes filling out this survey so Hawthorn Woods can provide you with the services your family is going to utilize and enjoy.  

Take this survey

Please contact 
Kelly Carlson, Recreation Coordinator, with any questions at or (847) 847-3533.

March 14th Starts Daylight Savings Time

Every Spring we move our clocks one hour ahead and "lose" an hour during the night and each Fall we move our clocks back one hour and "gain" an extra hour.
The phrase "Spring forward, Fall back" helps people remember how Daylight Saving Time affects their clocks. At 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March, we set our clocks forward one hour ahead of Standard Time ("Spring forward").
We "Fall back" at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in November by setting our clock back one hour and thus returning to Standard Time.

Census Coming Soon...

Watch your mailbox for the Census form coming to your residence in March and when it arrives fill it out and MAIL IT IN! Returning your completed Census form by mail is the most efficient and fastest way to GET COUNTED! A Census worker must visit every household that does not return a form. These visits unnecessarily raise the cost to compile the Census and will certainly take more time than just filling out the form and putting it back in the mail.  

You can find a sample Census questionnaire form like the one you will be mailed on the Census website.
Aaron Lawlor - Proudly Representing Lake County's 18th District
AaronLawlor2Dear Friend,
If you know others that would like updates on issues important to our area, please forward this on.  If you have been forwarded this and are not on my mailing list, please click "Join Our Mailing List" below.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with your questions and concerns regarding this or other issues.  You can reach me via email or on my cell at 224-639-3138.
It is an honor to serve you on the County Board. 

                                                 Aaron Lawlor