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Inspiring and Challenging Students on campus & online 

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News From the Village
  March 30, 2012
In This Issue
Key Links
Moodle How-to
Can Recycling
Green Sneakers
Earth Hour
Yearbook Ads
Pow Wow
Pink Eye
Student Spotlight
Earth Day Service Opp
Physics Day at Valleyfair
Citywide clean up
Green Sneaker Update
Running Club
Musical Update
Art Sale
MS Walk
Cheer Team!
International Days
MCA testing
Community Service Opportunities


3/31 Earth Hour 8:30-9:30pm


4/11 All school Musical Rehearsal 8:30am   


4/13 All School Musical    


4/18 Decade Day & Field Day 


4/21 Friends of the Mississippi Earth Day event 9:30-noon


4/22 End of Green Shoes initiative 


4/24 4:30-6:00pm  

CVA Board Meeting  


5/10 Talent Show  


5-18 Physics Day  @ Valleyfair - 7th & 8th grades 


5/21-23 Eagle Bluff Field Trip  


5/22-23 MYP International Days  


5/28 Memorial Day NO SCHOOL


5/29 4:30-6:00 pm

CVA Board Meeting 


5/31 Community & Service Fair


5/31 School PIcnic 


6/1 Last Day of School ON CAMPUS  


6/1 4:00pm 8th Grade Graduation 

Globe in Hands




Math Practice based on NWEA scores


Reading Practice based on NWEA scores


iTunes app - Rocket Math


Basic Math


Mad Math Lite 


Coins Genius


Calculator Pro


EaselAlgebra i lite 


iTunes app - (Spanish) Mind Snacks 


ITunes app - (Language Arts)  



Moodle How-to


Click here for a copy of the how-to sheet showing how to access the CVA Moodle system, classes, gradebook and student email system.




 The CVA family directory is available on the website when you log into the website via the Staff and Student Logins page. 
     Use your student's username and password.  Please remember that this information is to be kept within our CVA community.

Aluminum Recycling 

Please bring your aluminum recycling  to school any day in tied plastic bags. Small bags can be brought to the resource room.

Green Sneakers EcoChallenge 


Please turn in your old tennis shoes to Mr. Orr or there are 2 white boxes with green plastic bags in them located by the student mailboxes!  Questions? click here


End Date: April 22, 2012  

Earth Hour 2012 
Uniting People to Protect the Planet

Saturday, March 31st, 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.

We only have one planet.  You can help protect it. Participate in the world's largest single campaign for the planet: Earth Hour. It starts by turning off your lights for an hour at 8:30 pm on March 31, 2012 in a collective display of commitment to a better future for the planet.  Think what can be achieved when we all come together for a common cause.

More than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2011 alone, sending a powerful message for action on climate change. It also ushered in a new era with members going Beyond the Hour to commit to lasting action for the planet. Without a doubt, it's shown how great things can be achieved when people come together for a common cause. 
To read more about it: 
Yearbook Ads 


Do you have a business or service that you'd like to advertise in our yearbook?  1/4 page ads are $25, 1/2 page are $50 and whole page ads are $100.

Contact Lauren if you are interested in placing an ad.

Baby Pictures may also be submitted for $5 
Traditional Pow Wow

Saturday, March 31, 2012  Augsburg College,  Si Melby Gymnasium  

(715 23rd Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN)

Grand Entries at 1:00 and 6:00 PM  

 Registration for Drum Groups and Dancers begins at 11 AM

Pink Eye

We have had one case of conjunctivitis (pink eye) reported in the 5th grade Fusion program class this week. Please see the attached information sheet for details on this illness.

As you know, this will be my last school year as Director of Cyber Village Academy. Our school board has been hard at work in the process of hiring a new Director for our school. I am pleased to announce that David Glick has been selected to serve as the new Director of Cyber Village Academy!  


I've known Dave for 10 or 15 years and think he is a great person and will serve CVA well as Director. He will formally begin these duties July 1, but you'll be seeing him around the building, visiting classes, meeting with me, and getting acquainted with the lay of the land as he has time between now and then.


Great things are ahead!      

David Alley 
Spotlight on Students
State Science Fair 2012
Congratulations to Seamus F, Noah R, Grace G, and Sovigne G. who were able to participate in the State Science Fair this last week. Extra kudos to Grace who earned a Bronze medal on her project! They had a great time and participated in many fun and interesting activities!
 Earth Day Service Celebration


For Earth Day, the student council / eco team is planning to assist the Friends of the Mississippi River in a clean-up of the Mississippi River gorge. Please join us for this Earth Day activity!


Saturday, April 21st, 2012 9:30 am - Noon


We will be volunteering at the East 36th Street and West River Parkway site.  Sign-up in Mr. Rand's science room. In order to participate you need to have an adult with you for this event. This is a great "Community and Service" activity for school. 

Click here for more information.              

Physics Day at Valleyfair  

7th and 8th grade students are invited to attend an optional field trip to Valleyfair! The date has been set for Friday, May 18th form 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. The cost is $21.00. Permission slips are available from Mr. Rand and are posted on student Moodle Pages.

2012 Annual Citywide Cleanup- St Paul
(Community and Service Opportunity)

Without the help of volunteers, trash accumulates in many areas, polluting lakes and rivers, and detracting from the beauty of our community. This event is a fun and effective way to improve our natural environment while also contributing to the overall beautification of Saint Paul.

In order to reach the goal of a 1000 volunteers,  
your help is needed!

When: Saturday, April 14 
Kickoff Celebrations begin at 8:30 a.m.  
Cleanups are from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 
(If you are unable to volunteer on the 14th, but are still interested in volunteering on a different day,
that can be arranged) 

Where: Volunteers can choose any park, neighborhood, or natural area in Saint Paul that they wish to clean. 

Volunteers pick up supplies, enjoy complimentary refreshments, and a chance to win some great prizes, at one the following Kickoff Celebrations
between 8:30 and 9 am:

Como Lakeside Pavilion (1360 N Lexington Pkwy) 
Harriet Island Pavilion (200 Dr Justus Ohage Blvd) 
Highland Pavilion (1200 Montreal Ave) 
Phalen Pavilion (1600 Phalen Dr) 

How to register:
Online registration is now open.
To register, click here 
Questions? Email Andy.Rodriguez@StPaul.Gov
or call 651-632-2411
Green Sneakers EcoChallenge for Education Update


This year in recognition of Earth Day, 2012 our 8th graders are taking the GreenSneakers EcoChallenge for Education to help raise funds for our 8th grade end of the year field trip to Eagle Bluff. We are asking that families look around the house, ask neighbors, friends and relatives for old shoes. As of now we have collected approximately 115 pounds of tennis shoes!!  


Just a reminder that we are collecting shoes until April 22nd! Thank you to those that have already donated shoes and let's continue to and see if we can get over 200 pounds!


You can turn in all shoes to Mr. Orr or there are 2 white boxes with green plastic bags in them located by the student mailboxes! If you have any questions contact Mr. Orr.


Thank you for helping people, the planet, and Cyber Village Academy!

Running Club

We plan to start running around the golf course on Tuesday, March 27th. :-) If your child is interested, parents should email the permission slip to David and students should carefully read the article on Mindful Running. We hope to run each Tuesday and Wednesday (students may participate on one or both days) through April, after school starting at 3:35 pm and ending by 4:00 pm. Parents are also welcome to run and/or co-coach if interested. :-)

  CVA Spring Musical Update
Friday, April 13, 7:30pm @ CVA

Dress rehearsal schedule for Friday, April 13th: 

  • Cast only at 1:00
  • All School at 2-3:00
  • performance at 7:30 PM.

Please watch for Costume Directions for your students. We are all from Africa this year. If you are able to help another family make a simple costume or are having any problems with the costume project, please click on her name to let Jennifer Naglak know.  

             Calling all Artists

We would like to have an Art sale in conjunction with the Musical. The Arts department needs to tool up and it would be great to retire some of the debt on our handbells. If you are an artist and would be interested in donating some artwork to sell as a donation to CVA, please contact Jennifer Naglak. Let her know what type of artwork it is and the price we should expect.
Don't Forget to Register for the MS Walk! 


This year we walk in honor of Emily B, a CVA graduate, who was recently diagnosed with MS.  


To register, click on the following link. This link will bring you to the Cats and Eagles team page. To join the team, click on the 'Join Team' button, right next to the team name, Cats and Eagles. Each person must register individually.

What is MS?

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that over 9000 people struggle with every day in Minnesota alone. MS is a disease that eats away at the myelin of the nerves of the brain. It can cause people to be forgetful, have trouble walking, seeing, talking, and a lot more. MS effects everyone differently.

What is the MS Walk?

  • The MS walk is a 6.5 mile walk, starting at Minnehaha Park. This is a great event for families, and a fun time to chat with your friends!


  • The MS walk is on Sunday, May 1

 We look forward to seeing you there!

The CVA Student Council


Let's Go CATS!


It's that time again - time for the cheer team to start! This year we will put together a routine for the talent show on Thursday, May 10.


All students are welcome to participate.


Practice times are as follows:

Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30

April 16, 23, 30 and May 7

Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30

April 26 and May 3


I am asking for a $10 fee to cover t-shirts for the talent show. Please contact me if this is a concern. There may be scholarship money available.


Print out and return the permission slip that is attached. Let Amanda Reding know if you have any questions! 

     International Days @ CVA
      In May, while the 8th graders are at Eagle Bluff, we are planning for 2 days of activities designed to expand our students' international understanding.  We are planning for hands on interactive activities that will break down stereotypes and foster understanding of differences and commonalities that humans all over the world have.   Do you have expertise you could lend?  Artifacts that could be loaned to our 'international museum'?  Music you'd like to play?  Dances you'd like to teach?  please contact Lauren Odle or Jennifer Naglak if you'd like to be involved in any way, no matter how small.

MCA Testing


This year students will be taking the Math MCA online. This opportunity should be great for students as they can take the test up to three times if they do not meet or partially meet standards. Teachers will be able to receive immediate testing results. Students will be taking the test during a block schedule with their math class.


Here are the first round testing dates for Fusion students:

  • Level 1: Tuesday, April 3 - 8:30 - 10:00
  • Level 2/3: Tuesday, April 3 - 2:00 - 3:30
  • Level 3: Wednesday, April 4 - 12:30 - 2:00
  • Level 2: Wednesday, April 4 - 2:00 - 3:30  

If families need to sign up for a retest you will be  contacted by the office.


Reading MCA


The Reading MCA will be on April 23 and April 24 from 8:30 - 10:00. The test will be in paper format as it has been in previous years.   


Want to give your student some practice opportunities?  Click here for directions to access an item sampler. You will need your child's Marss # which you can find on last year's MCA test results or email Melissa and she can get it for you. 

Community & Service Opportunities


Please join Great River Greening as they continue their efforts to restore native landscapes throughout the state! Individuals of all ages, families with supervised school-aged children, and community and corporate groups of any size are welcome to participate in Greening's volunteer restoration events.

  • Indian Mounds Regional Park - St. Paul - Saturday, April 21 from 8:30-12:30
  • Pilot Knob Invasive Removal Event - Mendota Heights - Saturday, May 5 from 8:30 - 12:30
  • Cherokee Bluffs Regional Park - Saturday, May 12 from 8:30 - 12:30
  • Rum River Easement Property Tree Planting - Saturday, May 19 from 8:30 - 12:30

To sign up, go to  their website and look under "volunteer", email Josh Kriz  or call him at 651.665.9500 ext 11

Yours for the kids, CVA - International Baccalaureate World School

The Team at
Cyber Village Academy