Student and Community Involvement's Guide to Events and Opportunities

Your guide to events and opportunities at FSU
September 24 - October 1, 2010
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9/25 Direct from RENT- Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp LIVE!, 8 PM, FSU Performing Arts Center, Pealer Recital Hall
9/28 RIOULT, 7:30 PM, FSU Performing Arts Center, Drama Theatre
9/29 Biomedical Screenings, 8:00 AM - Noon Cordts PE Center, Leake Room, FREE
9/30 UPC Featured Film: Twilight Saga: Eclipse
, 8:00 PM, Tawes Hall 232
10/1 SGA Day, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Campus Wide
10/1 FSU Spirit Day, ALL DAY, Campus Wide - Wear Red & Black
10/1 UPC Featured Film: Twilight Saga: Eclipse, 8 PM, Tawes Hall 232
More FSU events....

 UPC - University Programming Council  SGA - Student Government Association
In This Issue
Student Activities
Cultural Events Series
Family Weekend
Leadership & Civic Engagement
Greek Life
Student Activities

CHILL (Creating Healty, Informed, Lasting, Lifestyles)
Biomedical Screening

September 29, 2010
8:00 AM - Noon

Cordts PE Center, Leake Room

FREE T-Shirt!
FREE Breakfast for each participant!
FREE Prizes Given every hour!

Come in to check your blood pressure, blood sugar, & cholesterol for FREE!
The screenings require that you not eat anything but water for at least 8 hours prior, so come on an empty stomach and get a FREE BREAKFAST!

First 25 participants each morning recieve a BONUS PRIZE

How about a movie?

UPC Featured Film:
Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Thursday, Friday & Saturday
September 30 - October 2, 2010
8:00 PM
Tawes Hall 232

In Eclipse, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob -- knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life. Written by Summit Entertainment .

soccer ballLatin American Student Organization

September 26, 2010
3:00-6:00 PM
Practice Field in front of Edgewood Apartments
Registration: $2/player

LASO needs your team of 5 to play on Sunday, September 26.
Practice Field in front of Edgewood Apartments

1st PLACE prize: FREE Gianni's Dinner
2nd and 3rd PLACE PRIZES also awarded

Contact LASO for more information.

For more information about Student Activities
Robert "Coop" Cooper I Campus Center at Tawes Hall 129 I 301.687.4049
Director of Student Activities
Website I Facebook I Twitter

                                                                           Enter to Win
Tickets to see

Offer Expires: September 27, 2010 by NOON

Cultural Events Series
RentDebuting at FSU


Saturday, September 25, 2010
8:00 PM
Pealer Recital Hall, Performing Arts Center
FSU Student tickets: $10
Two of the original stars of the Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical "Rent" will bring Broadway straight to Frostburg! Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp will present a pop/rock concert celebrating their individual musical careers, as well as sing hit songs and share stories from Jonathan Larson's ground-breaking musical. Pascal originated the role of Roger Davis in "Rent," the struggling HIV-positive musician, for which he landed a Tony Award nomination. After playing Roger in the West End premiere of the show, Pascal returned to Broadway with lead roles in Tim Rice and Elton John's "Aida" and Sam Mendes and Rent GuysRob Marshall's "Cabaret" at Studio 54. Rapp is best known for his role as Mark Cohen, the documentary filmmaker and narrator of "Rent." His other Broadway credits include "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" and the play "Six Degrees of Separation." Rapp also penned the book "Without You: A Memoir of Love, Loss and the Musical 'Rent,'" which he adapted into a one-man show. Both Pascal and Rapp revived their stage roles for the 2005 movie version of "Rent" and recently starred in the show's national tour.


September 27, 2010
5:00 PM
Cordts PE Center Dance Studio, Room 106

RIOULT dancers present a master class that will engage the imagination and encourage using the body as a means of expressing creativity. The master class will stimulate creative problem solving and cognitive skills and enhance communication and discipline. Space is limited. Intermediate and Advanced dancers can make reservations by contacting or 301.687.7420.

September 28, 2010
7:30 PM
FSU Performing Arts Center
FSU Student tickets: $3

RIOULT us a leading company in the world of modern dance, under the direction of Pascal Rioult, who has been called "perhaps the most adept and courageous choreographer in mainstream modern dance today". When Rioult came to the United States from France

For more information about
Cultural Events Series

Mary Jane Plummer I Campus Center at Tawes Hall 128A I 301.687.3137
Director of Cultural Events Series
Website I Facebook I Twitter

Family Weekend - October 8 - 10

Escape to the Good Life

Join us in colorful Mountain Maryland for a weekend of fun-filled festivities.

October 9, 2010
8:00 PM
Main Arena

Lifehouse, an alternative band from L.A., will appear on the CES stage in a special Family Weekend concert. The group released its smash debut No Name Face in 2000, and since then, Jason Wade, Ricky Woolstenhulme Jr., Bryce Soderberg and Ben Carey have built on that initial success. With a formidable online presence - video streams are at 70 million - Lifehouse has delicately balanced two identities: song craftsmen and raucous rock-and-roll band. On the forthcoming Smoke and Mirrors, the band finally unites these personalities in an album loosely split between t
racks that capture a live performance and catchy pop songs. Not only that, it feels as if they're doing it for the first time -"It's our fifth album but I feel like we're just starting as a band," explains Soderberg.

Lifehouse on
YouTube logo

To purchase tickets, call 1.866.TIXX.CES (1.866.849.9237) or 301.687.3137 or online at

Ball in the HouseBall in the House
October 8, 2010
9 PM
Pealer Recital Hall, Performing Arts Center
Free & Open to the Public

The sounds of Motown performed by Ball in the House, a tour de force of vocal sound that must be heard and seen to be believed. This five-man, pop/R and B "mouth band" hails from Boston, Massachusetts and was originally formed as a quartet by founder and current vocal percussionist Jon J. Ball in the House has gone through numerous phases and changes on its way to becoming one of the best-known and most-loved acts in the acappella community today.

Ball in the House on
YouTube logo

Complete Family Weekend Schedule
Student Government Association
Jasmine ClarkCONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!
Jasmine Clark on becoming the new Student Affairs Chair!

SGA logo

SafeRide offers a safe alternative to walking home alone or driving late at night to the students of Frostburg.  Saferide runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 10:00 pm until 2:30 am. and will pick you up and take you home, FOR FREE, as long as it is within the Frostburg city limits.  Just call 301-687-RIDE (7433).

The Saferide program is a totally student run program. It is completely non-judgmental. Saferide also gives FSU recognized organizations the opportunity to earn some money by volunteering for the program.

For more information contact Ian Spears, SafeRide President

For more information
Kathi Perkins I Campus Center at Tawes Hall I 301.687.4304
Student Government Association

Leadership & Civic Engagement
3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Family Weekend
Friday, October 8, 2010
To benefit the Family Crisis Resource Center
To register a team, please review the rules below and submit the registration form no later than October 1st at Noon to the Office of Leadership & Civic Engagement located in the Braddock House. Teams will consist of 4 members as to allow for substitutions. There is a $40 registration fee ($10 a person).
The event is open to all FSU students and employees.

The tournament will consist of 8 male teams and 8 female teams on a first-come, first-served basis. If there is not enough interest to have 8 teams for either tournament, the tournament will be cancelled.

Team t-shirts will be provided to all participants. There will be a first place prize of $150 cash to each winning team (one male team and one female team).
For questions or concerns, please contact Patrick O'Brien at 301.687.4210.

Blackout Days

Turn out the lights every Thursday from 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM

For more information
Amy Shaffer
Director of the Office of Leadership & Civic Engagement
Website I Facebook I Twitter
Greek Life

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc.
Iota Week
October 17 - 23, 2010
Various locations & times

Come out and celebrate with the members of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc.

OshayAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
Oshay was the winner of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. raffle.
He won a Games for Windows computer gaming system. Congratulations Oshay!!!

For more information about Greek Life
Jamie Winters I Campus Center at Tawes Hall 130 I 301.687.7398
Asst. Director of Student Activities
Website I Facebook


Follow us on Twitter @campusbuzz
Robert N. Cooper
Director of Student Activities
Frostburg State University
Student & Community Involvement
101 Braddock Road
213 Lane University Center
Frostburg, Maryland 21532