July 2012
Houmas House Plantation and Gardens
Summer Gardens
The Summer heat is easily forgotten when basking in the beauty of the Summer Gardens at Houmas House. Mossy oaks shade the majority of the property which is covered with small paths lined by tropical plants of every variety.
Small sitting areas are scattered throughout the gardens providing perfect nooks to sip a mint julep while taking in the scenery. Each summer the Master Gardener plants over 50,000 perennials, annuals, and tropical plants in over 20 acres, creating a landscape complete with every color, shape, and texture imaginable.
Secrets from Latil's Landing
Crab and Mango Cake

Serves 4
1/2 pound jumbo lump crabmeat
1/2 pound claw crabmeat
� cup diced red onions
� cup diced celery
� cup red bell pepper
� cup diced mango
� cup mayonnaise
� cup Creole mustard
� cup chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
1 egg
1 cup bread crumbs
1 cup oil
In a mixing bowl combine all ingredients expect to bread crumbs and oil. Blend carefully, being careful not to break the lumps of crabmeat. Dust in enough bread crumbs to hold the mixture together and pick up most of the moisture. Form the crab mixture into round patties, approximately one half inch thick and two and a half inches in diameter. Coat the outside of each crab cake lightly with remaining bread crumbs and pan fry on each side until golden brown. Serve with Chipotle remoulade sauce.
Chipotle Remoulade Sauce
1 cups mayonnaise
� cup Creole mustard
� tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp chipotle paste
Salt and black pepper to taste
To make chipotle paste pur�e 1 can of chipotle peppers in a blender. In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients, whisking well to incorporate the seasonings.
My Favorite Things
As Seen by Princess Grace
Have you been to the Gift Shop at Houmas House lately? Well, it's one of my absolute favorite places to be! It's filled with bright colors, shiny things, books, and art. Occasionally, I can be found lounging behind the counter greeting our guests as they enter. But mostly I like to wander about, marveling at all the new items from week to week. A new ornament collection! A new book section! More local art! It never gets old and I'm constantly reminded what a fabulous shop it is when new visitors ooh and ahh at every turn. So, when you come to visit me at the Sugar Palace, remember to save time to look, touch, smell, and splurge!
What's your favorite item you've every bought in the Gift Shop at Houmas House? Princess Grace |
Open Daily

Monday-Tuesday: 9 am-5 pm
Wednesday-Sunday: 9 am-7 pm
Cafe Burnside: 11 am-2 pm daily
Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6 pm-9 pm
Sunday Brunch: 11 am-3 pm
Directions to Houmas House Here |