What Are You Thankful For?
As seen by the eyes of Princess Grace

Every Fall I'm reminded why I am so grateful to be the Princess of Houmas House. It's not because I have a rooftop perch, or because I get to eat food prepared by our exquisite chefs, or even that I have my own ladies parlor. Do you want to know why I'm truly thankful? I have the opportunity to meet lovely guests from all over the world who come to see my Sugar Palace.
These guests marvel at my gardens and take time to find a cozy resting spot and talk about life. I've learned so much about other countries and cultures just by listening to them talk.
How could I not be grateful for this opportunity!
I'm constantly reminded how amazing it is to have our history preserved, enabling us to share it with with world. My ancestors have passed down stories about Houmas House when it was just a modest three-room cottage in the 1770's. But my favorite stories come from the 1880's when we were known as the "Sugar Palace" because we produced more sugar cane than any other plantation in the US. I could tell tales for days!
So, as Princess of Houmas House, I give you my gratitude for years and years of wonderful memories. Thank you for coming to see my palace and thank you for sharing your stories about Houmas House with the world!
In l
ight of the Thanksgiving holiday, what are you thankful for?
Princess Grace
Email: PrincessGrace@HoumasHouse.com