My private moments up here give me a new perspective of our grounds and my home, the Sugar Palace, as known by many. I watch as squirrels jump from branch to branch in our Live Oak trees. I watch the groups of Red Hat ladies parade through the gardens on their way to lunch. I marvel at the beautiful brides-to-be taking portraits and swirling around in their gowns.
I often wonder why passersby simply stand at our front gate but never come in. Without coming in, they're missing the best part!
From way up here I can hear echoes of laughter as families with children run across the lawn, and I even hear the trickling of water from our multiple waterfalls.
The Mississippi River is visible just over the tree tops and it's constant and gentle current is soothing and powerful. I see bushes of all sizes and shapes bursting with color and boasting bright colors like red, purple, pink, and orange. It's simply amazing. I wish all visitors could see my "Palace" and its grounds from up here.
I guess since I can't fly this is the next best thing.
Princess Grace
Do you have a favorite spot to watch the world go by? I'd love to hear about it.