Houmas House Plantation and Gardens
May 2010 |
Hollywood Comes to Houmas House
As if winning Tourism Attraction of 2009 wasn't exciting enough, filming at Houmas House just wrapped for two major motion picture films! Both wedding movies will be in theaters or on TV in the next few months. Actors such as Dermot Mulroney, Jane Seymour, James Brolin, Mandy Moore, Raven Symone, Joanna Garcia and others spent several weeks filming under the alley of oaks on the front lawn of Houmas House Plantation.
Houmas House is also being featured on the Wheel of Fortune and will be filming on location this June.
Houmas House is no stranger to Hollywood. In fact, the mansion's debut was in 1964 when featured in the classic Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte. 1981 brought All My Children to the historic site, followed by Fletch Lives in 1988. And more recently Houmas House Plantation hosted Top Chef in 2009.
Secrets from Latil's Landing
Serves 4
4 mirlitons, sliced in half lengthwise 1 lb shrimp, peeled, deveined � cups chopped onions � cup chopped green bell pepper � cup chopped celery � cup sliced green onions 3 tbs chopped parsley 2 tbs olive oil � cup breadcrumbs plus enough to cover top mirlitons 2 tbs Parmesan Salt and pepper to taste 4 mirlitons, sliced in half lengthwise
1 lb shrimp, peeled, deveined
� cups chopped onions
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a large pot boil the mirlitons in lightly salted water until tender enough to scoop from shells. Drain and cool under tap water to room temperature. Scoop out pulp, but leave shells intact about 1/3 inch thick. Set aside to drain. Mash the pulp from the mirliton with a fork and set aside. In a saute pan over medium high heat, saut� the onions, bell pepper, celery & garlic in oil until wilted. Add the mirliton pulp. Cook for 5 minutes, Add salt, pepper and red pepper to taste then add parsley and green onions. Blend well. Add the shrimp and cook until just pink. Add breadcrumbs and blend well. Fill the reserved mirliton shells with the shrimp mixture to a raised, rounded shape. Top with remaining breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese. Bake mirlitons for 15- 20 minutes or until the tops are nicely browned.
Open Daily
Monday, Tuesday 9 AM- 5 PM
Wednesday- Sunday 9 AM-7 PM
Cafe' Burnside: 11 AM- 2 PM daily
Latil's Landing: Wednesday through Saturday 6 PM- 9 PM,
Sunday Brunch 2 PM- 8 PM; Reservations Required