Houmas House Plantation and Gardens   
February 2010
 And the Award Goes To....                                                                   


Houmas House Awarded Top Attraction in Louisiana
Award Logo

Houmas House Plantation was awarded the State's top award of Attraction of the Year for 2009.  Out of state judges reviewed nominees from across the state competing for the title.  Houmas House, with it's award winning restaurants, globally recognized gardens, and experiential tour has captured the attention of visitors from all over the world.

"Houmas House is honored to accept this award, especially since it's coming from our own industry where there are so many amazing attractions" says Kevin Kelly, owner of Houmas House since 2003.
The award was presented at the Annual Louisiana Tourism Summit held in Monroe, Louisiana in January.



Houmas House and Latil's Landing honored with  Country Road's Best of.... 
This year, Houmas House and Latil's Landing were honored with Favorite Place to Take Friends; Favorite Chef, Jeremy Langlois; and Favorite Regional Dish, Bisque of Curried Pumpkin, Crawfish, and Corn.
Published continuously since 1983, Country Roads is a monthly cultural reporting publication focusing on the communities of the Great-River Road Region between Natchez, Mississippi, and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Open Daily  


Daily Tours: Monday, Tuesday 9 AM- 5 PM
Wednesday- Sunday 9 AM-7 PM 
Cafe' Burnside: 11 AM- 2 PM daily
Latil's Landing: Wednesday through Saturday 6 PM- 9 PM, Sunday Brunch 2 PM- 8 PM; Reservations Required 
 Who Dat
Secrets from Latil's Landing
at Houmas House
Plume de Veau

Serves 4


For Veal:

4 7ounce veal strip loin steaks

1tbs olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 400 degrees and season veal

with salt and pepper.  Heat oil in a medium size
saut� pan over high heat and brown each side of
the veal until golden brown.  Then place veal on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for eight
minutes or until an internal temperature of 130
degrees.  Serve veal with tasso potato cake and
blue cheese demi-glace.


Tasso Potato Cake:

2 large peeled potatoes   

1 cup diced tasso

1 egg beaten

Salt and pepper to taste

2 tbsps olive oil


Using a box type cheese grater shred the

potatoes into a mixing bowl.  Combine the tasso,
egg and salt and pepper to the potatoes.  Heat
olive oil in a medium saut� pan over high heat. 
Carefully add the potato mixtures to the saut�
pan and press down on it with a flat spatula to
form a flat circle shape potato cake in the pan.   
Brown for 3 minutes then gently flip the potato
cake and brown this side for 3 minutes.  Remove
the potato cake from saut� pan to a cutting
board and cut it to the desired shapes for
serving using a knife. 


For Blue Cheese Demi-Glace:  

1 cup demi-glace

� cup heavy whipping cream

� cup blue cheese crumbles


In a small saucepan heat demi-glace to a

simmer.  Whisk in the heavy cream and blue
cheese until the cream is incorporated and the
blue cheese is melted. 
Recipe courtesy of Jeremy Langlois,
Executive Chef, Latil's Landing and Cafe'Burnside.
Celebrate Valentine's Day at Houmas House Plantation.
 Egret and Fountain
Houmas House Plantation and Gardens
40136 Hwy 942
Darrow, LA 70725